what do i read to unlearn my misogyny and toxic masculinity?
What do i read to unlearn my misogyny and toxic masculinity?
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Be strong and you won't need either
both are rooted in insecurity
Cuck thread
Can’t never prove incels wrong you cucks
Pathetic low test thread.
If you're really serious, skip the major feminist texts and don't overpoliticize the problem. You should probably at least know of de Beauvoir and what the waves of feminism each mean so you can at least argue against feminism credibly.
To counter the hatred in your misogyny, humanize women a little. Read great works of fiction written by, for, and about women. Ex: Lispector, Kincaid, the Brontes, Rhys, Ferrante, Highsmith's The Price of Salt (most of her other work is misogynist, but this one lets you eavesdrop on mid 20th century lesbian Romance) ... look for great writers, not writers who are promoted only because they're the token woman in a genre or circle. Even though she's widely derided and unfashionable, give Andrea Dworkin's fiction a try. She's brutal, weird, and polemical in a way only a fat lesbian anti pornography lit pornographer could possibly be. Read the life stories of trafficked women, survivors, and outliers. Cultivate empathy and curiosity for the other. You don't have to pretend women are equal to men. We're not. We're different is all.
This shit is not true even between brotards, bitches get mad jealous and can give you a hard time if they "sniff" infidelity.
Listen to gigachad
Watch anime.
low test incel
Anime made me hate real women for failing to live up to any semblance of feminine ideal.
>implying there aren’t anime which have women who don’t live up to the feminine ideal (i.e that poster’s pic)
The “feminine ideal” is also boring and not really something you’d want to look for in a girl. I say that as a heterosexual male.
Faggot in denial
That's fine. Really, anime is supposed to do exactly that but for life in general. Once you get over the phase of coming to this realization, you will be more comfortable with living a life of solidarity. The point is to stop viewing women (as an entity, not individuals) as ideals to pursue. View them as neighbors, give up on finding anybody to ever relate to, prepare to die alone. Most of the women hate would cease if dudes weren't so fucking horny and desperate in the first place. Children or pets might be equally petty or unproductive as women, but they don't hold that same position of desire that women do. Hatred of women is a hatred of one's own biological urge to reproduce. Fully disconnect from the world and the empty feeling of loneliness will cease. It's practically impossible to care when you look at people like you do npcs in a video game. Not that they have no will, specifically, but it's far less sensible to be upset when betrayed by an elder scrolls npc than a real life lover or something. One might say, Oh that's unfortunate, or, Oh that's interesting.
Your ideal might be, mine isn't.
I beg to differ
To eat pussy well
Never post dumb ass shit like this again
You're not my uncle.
Polygamy is the natural state of man. One tribe raids another tribe, kills their men, abducts and distributes their women, has a female surplus. Women only function when placed in a competitive environment against other women. Every wealthy man keeps mistresses, most wealthy men trade in their first wives when she hits menopause for a younger model. Every man would if they has access to the economic resources to do so.
Misogyny is mean spirited and weak, conducive to personal and societal degeneration, but "toxic masculinity" as far as I can tell is just conventional masculinity framed as negative by those actively trying to dissolve any recourse to conventional gender roles.
Sure, maybe we are trending away from traditional distinctions of male and female, but I was brought up as a man on certain masculine values and I can only function at capacity in this manner. I'm not going to say these values must be universally propagated, but I'm not going to suppress my instincts as a man or be made to feel guilty for having these instincts.
You could realize you hate women because you can't find or accept the feminine element in yourself (anima) or in the outside world in the form of a partner. The duality of male/female is embedded in every being. If you hate and disown one aspect, you are harming your own psyche more than you're harming anyone else. It may also be that you're insufficiently masculine so you can't step up to the responsibility for the dependency and passivity of the feminine. Seek Sophia maybe?
I couldn't pinpoint a particular text, but what I'd suggest is to reevaluate what your reason for living is. It might seem unrelated at first but I believe that if a significant part of your existence consists of being unhappy because of other people then you don't have a clear idea of why you are alive.
That's not what "solidarity" means, you bowl of room-temperature soup. You're thinking of "solitude".
anti misogyny posts on Yea Forums?
wholesome AS FUCK
do you mean be weak?
What are you, retarded?
This is basically how I feel now. Hating women is like standing at the sea shore and demanding it turn back it's tide (like King Cnut the Great)
Take it up the ass. It changes you.
Yeah, I believe what you are saying, and most people can see is true, and I think it doesn't contradict what I'm saying, the experimentation of jealousy and infidelity are the result of a post romantic society that make us behave in irrational ways because these ideals are implated in our brains since we are children, and these concepts aren't "natural" for us, also in my opinion, women can go deep in this irrational states because, 1 they are prone to be more emotional and 2, women have "freedom" now, what do you think?
What would you expect from somebody who watches anime. I can't help myself.
bronze age mindset