Are there any good critique of work?
Are there any good critique of work?
Walden Two
Leisure, the Basis of Culture
The Theory of the Leisure Class
The 4-Hour Workweek
Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World
Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance―and What We Can Do About It
Enlightened NEET would realize masturbation is a vice and a waste of his abundance of free time. He also would know that uncleanliness is beastly and a sign of mental illness. That NEET is thus darkened, not Enlightened. The fact that you do not reference SSI/SSDI, shows signs of a dependency on a parent, showing retardation on your part, and degeneracy on theirs. The rotten tree hast produced rotten fruit. Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward forever.
I hate the antiwork NEETs. Just admit your life is fucked. You're not fooling anyone out side of your little jerkoff circle. Even other NEETs laugh at what a joke your existence is.
Bartleby, the Scrivener (Melville)
The Right to Laziness (Lafargue)
A Season in Hell (Rimbaud)
Laziness - the Real Truth of Mankind (Malevich)
Murphy (Beckett)
The Accursed Share (Bataille)
The Space of Literature (Blanchot)
the "works" of Emil Cioran
Madness and Civilization (Foucault)
issues of Situationniste internationale
The Infinite Conversation (Blanchot)
Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle (Klossowski)
The Mirror of Production (Baudrillard)
Symbolic Exchange and Death (Baudrillard)
The Abolition of Work (Black)
The Inoperative Community (Nancy)
The Thirst for Annihilation (Land)
Marcel Duchamp and the Refusal of Work (Lazzarato)
Inventing the Future (Srnicek/Williams)
The Refusal of Work (Frayne)
The Problem with Work (Weeks)
The Critique of Work in Modern French Thought (Hemmens)
spoken like a true npc
based based based based!!!!!!! Fucking based!!!!!! Yeahhhhhh based desu based!!!!!!!
Bob Black
Work is not the problem, the protestant slave ethic is the problem
been a neet for ten years.
now i'm in school full time and doing very well. maximum comfy, homework takes a couple of hours but otherwise i'm taking it easy!
Congrats, you’re ten years late to the curve...?
Taking it easy is anti aging, so he's actually 10 years younger
you're projecting there, fren
What is he wrong about? Almost all the smug NEETs are early 20s and living with mommy. Flash forward 10 years scraping by on NEETbux, so bored and cumbrained that you start watching fucking twitch streams, it ain't quite so rosy. Here's whats good about being NEET: low stress. That's it
I'm 29. Been a NEET since I was 19. I have my own place and my own car. I spend my time reading, writing, hiking, and - when I feel like it - doing volunteer work.
I receive $1,950 a month plus $200 in housing support. Given that I live in the sticks where rent is cheap (three times cheaper than in metropolitan areas) I have roughly the same purchasing power as a person with an average income living in the capital.
work is alright. wages are shit
Capitalism has failed.
what exactly is the value you are producing by working? selling sugar coated food to perpetuate obesity? packaging useless chinese plastic shit that will pile up in the ocean? moving 0s and 1s from one bank account with less than a hundred dollars in it to another with millions?
Can confirm. I'm 30 and can easily pass for 20.
Work, I suppose, serves as a distraction from the all encompassing purposelessness of our lives and the potential use of time that grants us freedom we cannot be anything but overwheled of its sense of possibilities it offers, yet here we arrive at one of the first logical errors in the cognition of the wageslave; for to use those opportunities must I aquire wealth first, so I sell my time, to make the leisure time more valuable. If one designs his life so that his expenses are kept to a minimum, he will liberate himself from the need to sell his labor. But this truth is what is kept so severely suppressed by the owning classes because if one were to stop consuming, the wheels would grind to a halt and all the debt that is typed on various screens around the world would become what they are; imaginary numbers based on the expectation of future consumption. Work, productivity, production and consumption are all completely meaningless endavours that exist solely for the purpose of growth at the expense of abrasion of the soul.
What luck is that most people are unruffled by, not their nature, but complete blisful submission to slavery, so that those who wont can continue to reap the comfortable benefits of capitalism, because life with no work would be equal to communist shortage, while the man that release himself of the expectation of society and its arbitrary ideas of ethics and moral imperatives can laugh at the useful idiots serving their time to make ends meet, that they themselves have quite unaturally chained themselves to out of lack of any proper meaningful inquiry or deeper attempt to connect with life on a more profound level than baselevel materialism.
watch the big lebowski
das kapital
>get rid of the monarchy
>keep inheritance
what the fuck have we been doing for the past 250 years?
Have you ever considered that 90% of anons would get half or less that much money on welfare? Or that your own leisure is only possible because you live in an exveptionally hard working country? Idk, you just stink of narcissism tbqh
>Walden Two
Glad I'm seeing this based book mentioned more and more here. Not the best prose but a book that makes one think to say the least.
>Or that your own leisure is only possible because you live in an exveptionally hard working country? Idk, you just stink of narcissism tbqh
We have 37-hour work weeks and six weeks paid vacation.
People here don't work nearly as hard as people in most countries - they just pay higher taxes.
Nietzsche, The Greek State
from whence the income??
And they leave you alone, don't force you to get a job - or are you, no disrespect, disabled or something?
That's not what I meant by hard working lol. Some people go to work and get shit done in those 8 hours, others not so much. Partly just intelligence differences of course, but most is work ethic.
I was diagnosed with atypical autism, which qualified me for lifetime disability benefits.
I sort of wish I didn't have to work, sometimes.
But having money is good, and unless I work I won't have money.
I wish I could spend all my time reading, sculpting and playing the flute.
This is a fleeting desire. I can't fathom not working. I feel useless. But I'm not sure if it's the fear of being poor or of not being useful that makes me feel like this.
I want to contribute to society, but I must learn before I do. If I could spend the whole of my time learning and practicing, then I would contribute better to society.
But if I don't work, then I have tons of free time. If my time is over abundant then there is no motivation to manage it. I would spend all my time on imageboards and Factorio.
But because working, I must manage the little time that I get for myself.
The paradox is that now that I have less time I'm more productive (according to my own standards and my goals and my own tastes) than when I had no job.
Though I did have a time when I was... Over productive and had no job. But I burned out, because I didn't relax.
Oh well.
Yeah, starvation and death.
I detest working and unironically consider work in the contemporary sense to be a slave's endeavor. Death is better than wasting your life in a meaningless cycle of occupation just for the sake of being occupied.
Comfy Hiki here. Get a little over 3k a month in NEETbux. Getting kinda bored but outside is scary.
hello last man
tfw been a neet for 8 years
tfw 27 year old virgin
it's actually the new royalty
is there any way out of it after 5 plus years of doing drugs alone at home or should I go full reclusive crank at this point & pen down whatever word salad comes to mind & have people laud me as a genius when it eventually finds posthumous success?
If you want out then get a job. Apply at a temp agency and they'll find you one. No interviews, work history is irrelevant. They'll drug test you, though.
>Get a little over 3k a month in NEETbux.
>Currently a 22 year old NEET
>Have had over 15 jobs in the past 4 years
>Quit most within a month without any notice
>Dropped out of high school and college
>Anxiety, depression, and ADHD
Should I just kill myself? I really doubt I could get NEET bux seeing as I don't have a real disability.
>people would pursue creative interests if they weren't so tired from working
yeah look at all those creative neets lmao
the NEET is completely incapable of writing because their atrophied brain is starved of interaction and experiences
slaving under the yoke of mammon is an absolute travesty
the only kind of acceptable work is tilling and tending to the land, building your own dwelling, irrigating workable land, logging weather patterns, etc.
The argument may hold for people who don't suffer from mental illness. When I was a NEET I was severely depressed. I'm not any better now though.
>just be mentally ill
*poisons your soil with my billion dollar plastic toy factory located 5km upwind of your land at behest of my loyal shareholders*
>dude just isolate yourself from the ills of society and hope that it gets better lmao
you are like a baby
my point is that there is such a thing as dignified work and debased work, not that one should or should not isolate from society and passively expect for it to get better. seems like you cannot judge the value of such a lifestyle without jumping to erroneous conclusions.
My back and legs aren't sore.
*installs surveillance cameras outside of your residence equipped with facial recognition and gait analysis to track your whereabouts*
>muh dignified work
take a look at the protesters in Hong Kong if you want a glimpse at dignified work, pussy
Any labor you do for exclusively yourself and benefits you is dignified.
Telling yourself that everyone who isn’t a wageslave must live like a weeb shut-in is a massive cope desu.
based blackpilled boomer
I get my NEETbux from the VA. I can afford a fair deal of comfy.
So you got into the military and then what? Got kicked out for being a sperg?
im sick of being a wageslave
how do i get neetbux?
Not true, I have the utmost respect for the puritans. I tried to be an enlightened neet by following the philosophy of making the job work for me rather than working for the job. Really made me feel like chad getting hired for being all confident before they fired me after 3-8 months. This time I got a job that payed 25/hr but they fired me after 1 month so I’m pretty bummed. Still made $5500 just like that though, now I’m going to try being homeless in my car because my parents are fucking annoying.
Yeah, my mummy and daddy are so annoying. They fuss over me like I’m their pet. Why can’t they just pay off my credit card and ignore me the rest of the time? I wish they would die already so I can inherit their money.
This. Meanwhile wagies look 40 at 28.
You look like a child because you're that, a child.
Sure, why not.
How old?
40 year old wagie here. When I grow up, I want to be NEET. That sounds like the life.
A lot NEETs are mentally mangled and ridiculously stress prone. It doesn't matter how easy you take it, if your mind still finds something to rip itself apart over.
best post. based post
I unironically only held contact with them the last few years because they implied they had money for me but even if it’s true they were just jerking me around and i no longer care, dealing with them isn’t worth any inheritance.
You’re anxious because you tend to think out of context, and view things as they are, you are depressed because you are concerned with the past and how your life could have turned out or can turn out, but do nothing to make changes, you have ADHD because you failed to commit to tasks in the past, inability to complete work, which followed you right into your early 20s, stop worrying, do more, read more. Happy sailing fren.
>Be me
>Finish philosophy degree
>Apply for thousands of jobs
>No responses
>Go back to school
>Get psychology degree
>Apply to jobs
>Only one that responds pays $10/h
>Great aunt dies
>Inherit $500,000
>Holy shit!
>No more job search
>Immediately invest 50% in stocks and crypto, heavily diverse portfolio
>Financier guarantees a minimum of 5% annual growth by contract
>Budget my funds such that I will never have to work again for the rest of my life
>Wake up now at the crack of noon
>Eat healthy and buy used books
>Spend my days reading the greatest pieces of writing in history
>Gain a strong appreciation for art
>Have time to stroll through the forests and beaches
>Start writing in my free time
>40,000 words into a nonfiction piece on the philosophical and spiritual trends leading up to Hitler's rise to power
>Waiting on a response from some poetry publications
>A number of my friends are also NEET, hold degrees in physics, religious studies, communications, information science, economics, other fields
>We gather in the garden and discuss ontology, politics, and epistemology every day
Thanks great aunt, now I am living the perfect comfy Epicurean lifestyle I've always wanted. I highly recommend it to anyone who can afford to do so. For all of those here who think NEET life is a waste of time or that it leads to an empty life or whatever, I'm sorry that you're missing out and I hope you come to the garden someday.
This sounds like a fucking great life honestly
>living his dream life vicariously through greentext on an internet imageboard.
What a sad waste of life.
>user realizes money is freedom
Yep well, not everyone is that lucky and must endure the hardship of being an occasional wagie. Sounds like a dream.
I want to be NEET again bros. I don't know how people don't go insane working. I mean i guess people just have better jobs than me, but i just go in and it's literally the same shit as the day before. Everyone is miserable there. I'm miserable.
Easy, Baldric: all you need is a pair of underwear and two pencils!
>I don't know how people don't go insane working
But they do user
Nah, this is just how I live. I’m always surprised by the number of people who immediately assume I’m larping when I talk about my life. Truth is, if you get born into old money, working isn’t necessary at all.
That sucks. Buy low, sell high, get yourself out of that situation.