Best Female writer

Best Female writer

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That's not Flannery O'Connor.

Anne Sexton was a degenerate and a worse poet than Plath

The best female writers are Flannery O’Connor and Alice Munro

Best female writer is like being the bet swimmer in the special Olympics. Who gives a shit?

leguin is pretty good

Munro can’t even turn a sentence. Thoroughly minor and provincial.

I read Transformations and it was okay. What should I read of her?
She has such a cool name lol I should read her.
agreed, do you have a favorite work of hers?

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Munro deliberately avoids style where she can. Beckett did the same, which is why he chose to write in French.

>Beckett did the same
Absolutely not lol. What blasphemy.

You'll shut your mouth when you talk shit about Alice.

there's no thwartin' the Wharton

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Thanks for the good laugh, user.

Cheers boyo

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I think women usually write the finest short stories, at least in the anglosphere.

Is agree. A lot of my favorite few paragraph long stories/ poems are women made.

seconding this

>Best Female writer
A broad category, user. (pun unintentional)
Austin, Shelly, Bronte, Dickinson?
Ursula Le Guin, Harper Lee, Agatha Christie?
Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou?
JK Rowling, Judy Blume, Anaïs Nin
Dorothy Parker, Joan Didion?
There's as many players as are genres.
Of course, this is 4chinz.
OP could be only (master)baiting.

Sexton sexually abused her own daughter.

No-style is still a style.

Topkek, is this b8? Like an ol switcheroo on George Elliott?

Nobody beats George Elliot. One of Tolstoy’s favorite authors.

How does it feel to know that the two greatest novelists in English (Austen, Eliot) were women?

Sure, (and what you say is truer in the case of Hemingway and Carver) but the purpose in avoiding style is so to keep the focus of the story on its other aspects. Style often draws attention to both itself and the author, who would make a presence of himself. In Munro's case, the focus is character and psychology, and style or flourish or what-have-you is an unnecessary distraction. (Haven't read Beckett often or well enough to speak for his choices). That's just my own size of things.

To add to this, style also (if it isn't at least economic and at times overbearing and bloated) can come off as cheap if it only attempts to move us rather than also being informative.
