I'm a Capitalist Conservative

>I'm a Capitalist Conservative

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Capitalism is leftism these days, your pic alone proves it

It both

Capitalism is right wing

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Capitalism is the opposite of leftism. This shit is woke capitalism adopting whatever morality makes them money

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Capitalism is inherently left-wing in it's operating clauses as it affords equal protections of property to unequal individuals. This is why brainlets are able to somehow have wealth, and then through hiring a few parasitical smart cookies, maintain it for generations even. Whereas in the grug days, this did not exist. The smart grug, would have beaten dumb grug and what was rightfully his for himself. Capitalism is not eugenic but dysgenic. The total decay of society and the human condition attest to this.

imagine being this retarded. back to r/the_donald with you.

Leftisum in America has long forgotten it's economic stands, and now only cares about fags and trannys

>Capitalism is inherently left-wing in it's operating clauses as it affords equal protections of property to unequal individuals.

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Smart wealthy people are still taking dumb peoples' money now, they're just leaving the dummies with enough to not cause a riot.

It's mutated into some neoliberal amalgamation of left and right, funny how it's almost entirely coopted the left with the tranny stuff

This is a trait of unethicality and sociopathy which was severely penalized in tribal days through loss of limb or life. In point of fact, it doesn't require much intelligence to scam dumb people. Just mid level intelligence at best. The end result is still very dysgenic, perhaps even more so because midwits are far more harmful to society than imbeciles.

It didn't coopt the left, it coopted weak minded consumers.
The left was never about trannies and worshipping niggers. It was about individual and collective freedom from capitalist exploitation.

There's more to leftism than supporting fags


Left has been defined as opposition to capitalism ever since the bourgeiose replaced the noble.

>The left was never about trannies and worshipping niggers
>There's more to leftism than supporting fags
The New Left is about exactly that.

>The New Left
So liberals? there is nothing new about them

>Smart wealthy people are still taking dumb peoples' money now
first of all, that's a false assumption. there's no reason to believe that all wealthy people are inherently smart because of their wealth. 1) because inheritance plays a huge role in how most people get their money. 2) if you start of with more money, then its a hell of a lot easier to turn it into more money. 3) even if you don't start off wealthy and end up wealthy, that doesn't necessarily mean you're intelligent, it just means you're good at the game.
second of all, none of that even matters because capitalism is inherently evil, meaning that anyone who does rise to the top, has unequivocally loosened their morals to get their. the system of capitalism rewards evil, so evil, selfish people acquire more power. if you want a morally upstanding society, you cannot have capitalism. if you don't want to be treated like shit by the ruling class, if you want the ruling class to be good and virtuous, you cannot have capitalism.

Liberals take from the New Left, but the new left is more hostile to capitalism.

>Capitalism is right wing
t. cumbrain that can't think

Then why are you calling it new left if it's hostile towards capitalism?

I don't know man, modern communists seem to be the most adamant about having hormone blockers in their luxurious utopia.

The evil selfish people will still find a way to get to the top. Maybe not by getting rich from selling stuff, but through other means (bribery, murder...).

>affords equal protections of property to unequal individuals
Yet it provides the formally equal individuals with the same unequality as the traditional society did.

There are no more strong Grugs that can beat up weak Grugs, the is a mass of Grugs that works for a few Grugsteins that own massive property. If the state didn't protected the Grugsteins, then the mass of Grugs would equalize the society by expropriating the Grugsteins.

I'm talking about THE New Left.

All radicalism gets either tabooized, or normified and integrated to render it toothless. Because the alternative would be actually implementing the radical idea, so of course powers that be do what they must. Not a conspiracy, just emergent machiavelism.

>The evil selfish people will still find a way to get to the top
maybe, but does that mean we should just say fuck it and let them have control? i mean they're gonna rape us anyway, so why not bend over and lube our assholes up?

This whole thread is basically a baby's first steps towards freeing himself from the right/left false dichotomy

Last time I checked it was the capitalist countries chastising communist ones for their "opression of LGBT community", not the other way around.

Inequality is of no benefit if it is dysgenic at it's core. I see mid level imbeciles having great stores of property that they have no natural claim to on any innate virtue or talent (intelligence, strength, etc) and see otherwise intelligent people live in squalor. The entire system is broken.

>durrr third position

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Checked and true, that's why I say they were coopted. Today there's few tankies that care for the workers and consider homosexuality bourgeois decadence, and there's too many disabled transqueer antifaggots that somehow think they're against capitalism.

First of all, you need to define 'we'. That seems like the biggest obstacle in modern leftist movements (including nationalism, which is mostly categorized as right wing for some reason).

If a good portion of 'us' would be worse off under a new system, then you're not gonna convince enough people.

Nice reddit image, I never implied that.
I simply meant that a lot of issues aren't so left/right as they might seem, the modern day right-wing conservative supports free markets which inherently erodes culture and tradition, while most "leftists" nowadays either fall for corporate social justice pandering or unironically support brutal dictatorships that would send them to re-education camps

>tfw no ANARCHO-NAZBOL domestic terrorist GF

How is third position centrism

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who said anything about convincing anyone? there's only ONE way things will change and i don't even have to say it because we all know. there are plenty of people who hate the society we live in. there are plenty of people who could take it or leave it and don't really care. finally, as for the people who do only care about their gibs, they are nothing. they have no say in the matter because they are creatures who are too base to care about anything enough to do anything about it besides make an angry facebook post or maybe show up at a protest. its a conflict that exists between disenfranchised men with morals and the evil ruling class of elites and their golem, which is not the entirety of the masses, but basically just law enforcement and parts of the armed forces. historically, the passionate, disenfranchised men always have the advantage over the cold iron fist of the ruling power.

>I see mid level imbeciles having great stores of property that they have no natural claim to on any innate virtue or talent (intelligence, strength, etc) and see otherwise intelligent people live in squalor.
That's just your personal resentment. Succesful capitalist must have also will, discipline, ambition, creativity and likable personality along with that intelect.

Strenght simply lost it's meaning in the age of guns, computers and powertools. Only thing we still value about strenght is the appearance of it, imagine if there was a pill that made you look ripped, but your muscles would remain weak? Society wouldn't know the difference between your pilled body and natty worked out body.

Your problem is that you for some reason focus on the conjured image of western (meaning western Europe+anglo countries) "tankies", whereas vast majority of communists exist outside of this area.

Look at these retards. Do you not realize that third position is just daddy dictator enforcing Socialism or capitalism on you while calling it beyond Socialism and capitalism.

Fascism is slightly elusive these days. It's easy to see its shadow in various governments that we all agree are not fascist but somehow share many of its traits. Nick Land said not too long ago that fascist rhetoric in its meteoric rise was violently centrist, rejecting bolsheviks and gaudy worker exploiting capitalism. I don't think he's wrong.

This is the reason people shouldn’t use the word leftism, it’s become meaningless
What kind of absolute retard would consider both communism and capitalism to be leftist

>vast majority of communists exist outside of this area.
Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Both communism and capitalism are socioeconomic manifestations of the Jewish spirit

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Came here to post this.

>Nick Land said

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Socialism has failed, capitalism is about to kick the bucket, I guess we need another jewish idea to live by. So what it is you exactly suggest, my greatest alloy? My goy body is ready.

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What would you consider the meanings of left and right wing?

>Hehehe deleuze guattari and the others did such a good work! I can accuse them of litteraly anything Even If It's almost always my fault! hehehe
The Lord knows his own.
The Lord of this world does too.

Yes, indeed, da jooz.

>both sides controlled by joos
>right == jooz
>left = joos

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>the error is so common that proper usage is forbidden
You fucking dualists. Dont you get that You can be Culturally left wing and economically capitalist?

Yes you can be culturally left wing whilst being capitalist, my point is that leftism shouldn’t be able to refer to both a communist and a liberal capitalist because those two people will have completely different ideas about almost everything. Communists (actual communists who actually formed governments, not retarded college kids larping as oppressed) were and are socially right wing, for example it was illegal to be gay in the ussr, it was illegal in China until 1997 and is still greatly discouraged.

I won't say anything about fascism itself but it seems pretty obvious that centrists have a secret knack for authoritarianism, you could look at the yellow vests protests and how these so called rational people were perfectly fine with the police maiming the plebs (something that has yet to happen in Hong Kong), some even calling for them to be put against the wall. There's one thing centrists hate and its disturbance, they would do anything to make it go away.

I don't know, personally I'd say I'm closer to deep ecology than to fascism. I don't think the industrial system has for long so we individually gotta prepare for that. There's important stuff to do in the meantime though, like preserving the homelands of white people.

Fundamentally it probably has to do with the essence of things, the right believes things (even people) have an inherent nature and we should live in harmony with that, the left believes things are much more malleable and we should try to change them to have a better world.

>Communists (actual communists who actually formed governments, not retarded college kids larping as oppressed) were and are socially right wing,
Sure, while they sent spies to spread cultural marxism to the West.
Read "School of Darkness"