Do Visual Novels count as books?
Do Visual Novels count as books?
They're kind of a grey-area I guess. Any particular ones that you enjoy?
depends on how good they are
absolutely no
Well they're mostly a hybrid of various things, but I think the biggest component is literature/writing. Some are "purer" like kinetic novels while others have more interaction like choice heavy ones and even minigames and stuff like that.
pic not related, right?
Good choice, though some chapters are just useless, like the catgirl one. My favorites are Higurashi and Umineko. They're not without flaws, but their good points greatly surpass them in my opinion.
they count as nothing and everything at the same time. they are simultaneously the worst novels, the worst video games, the worst comic books and the worst pornography. it's almost impressive how they can achieve rock bottom in so many different categories at once without succeeding at something even just by accident.
as books? yes
as literature? no, fuck off from Yea Forums woth that shit
Yes, you need to be well-read before you even attempt to start one I would say
Underwater Ray Romano was great, except for the second game.
I remember playing Utawarerumono and had to stop before suffering an aneurysm.
only if you read them in Japanese.
Well they were originally just novels that went on for too long so I feel like they are.
I dont think they count as literature though, thats a whole other beast.
Have you read higurashi and umineko?
FSN is
subahibi is incredible
FSN is so terrible it wraps around like Ouroboros and becomes excellent
visual novels are video games not books
Does this mean that Japanese Visual novels qualify as literature, whereas Western Visual Novels such as pic related do not? If so, what sets them apart, aside from nationality?
Most of the charm in that visual novel, or many others I've played, comes from the music and the plot/themes touched upon, not so much from the prose itself.
He probably hasn't read Japanese novels or have a proper admiration for prose, which is why he probably believes that the kind of VNs he half-tries to understand are somehow more literary in their original version than their English counterparts. It's either that, or maybe he thinks that the Sublime can be substituted for teh funny.
Fair enough, sounds based
As someone who'se actually written one they're much more like a stage play than a novel.
Then it would just be great, which it is.
what are some good erotic visual novels?
also, "to the moon" counts as vn?
yes both, they're total lenght is like 4 bibles worth
and im a fan of the latter
>what are some good erotic visual novels?
Soukou Kijo Iris
Also here are its sexual content tags from VNDB so you know what you're getting.
It depends, shit like When They Cry are straight up books with music and artwork. But then you get into grey areas like The Silver Case, Rance, etc. that are more like conventional video games.
brb downloading now
weebs OUT
Basiert und Rottgepillt
It's a very brief scene with a side character and the English release removed the CG for legal reasons (the text and voice acting are still there though).
Swan Song is kino
Does this game qualify as literature?
>English release removed the CG for legal reasons
What did it break?
Do you mean what law? Bestiality porn is illegal in many places. The art is probably a grey area and they just didn't want to risk it.
>English release
I'm not sure what this means, just grab it off a vn translation forum or nyaa.
Opinions on YU-NO
is sengoku rance literature?
Pic related is the greatest visual novel I've read. Anyone here who hasn't read it should do themselves a favor by checking it out
The official release by Frontwing, which is the only English version available.
That's beyond retarded, it's the same thing with the characters that look young being labeled as child porn.
There is a reason why live-action Beastiality and child porn are prohibited: they are animal abuse and pedophilia. But these drawing of Beastiality do not hurt anybody. Why not just ban gun violence in fiction because shooting people is also illegal IRL?
I was just pointing it out since that user (probably jokingly) said he was going to read the game because of that scene. It's a very insignificant and small (like 30 lines of text) part of the game, though, and all they removed is the image, so censoring it doesn't really affect the game negatively.
They’re basically light novels with music and pictures.
Most of them are commercial trash made for japanese shut-ins but some of the doujin or niche ones are very, very good. Though fan translations ruin the prose.
>VNs have excellent prose but only if you read them in Japanese ;)
I hear this a lot and I doubt that it's true. If these writers were such talented prose stylists they wouldn't be writing porn games. I'm sure poor translations do have an effect on the quality, but I don't think it's nearly as drastic as it's made out to be and it reeks of "sunk-cost" delusion.
I'm and I must say it should be quite evident, even for people with a very basic understanding of Japanese, that the fan translations bring Ryukishi's prose down from good to decent. You can see that reading Frederica Bernkastel's poetry, reading the original epitaph enigma, or in the way some more dignified characters in Umineko talk, using archaic pronouns, nouns and mannerisms. It's not the best literature available but it definitely becomes a little less interesting when translated.
I'm sure there are things that are lost in translation. I'm not saying that. But a lot of people act like certain VN writers are literary geniuses.
>sexy even while bleeding
God I fucking hate this trope. Might pick up the game anyways.
I don't read many, ones that stand out are YU-NO, subahibi, ever17/remember 11, and umineko
Mine seem to be aimed at schizophrenics and autists, which I fall into
Yes, YES, posting the least well endowed and hence closest physically to the male form female in a game utilizing reference and identity switching, I diagnose you as 100% straight, but CHECK OUT THIS
>to the moon
It's fun
Reading the research papers, clicking on thighs, the "time travel" loading CYOA style but with indications of branching paths, and all the stuff after sword cape, it's just a fun game. I kept thinking of Hegel and the idea of an entity repeating paths in order to gain self-knowledge, wisdom, understanding of futures it would regret etc. Hard to call it "literary" but it's not trying to be.
also mommy waifu, kannachan, miochan, erikasensei hnng
I really REALLY like the F/SN VN but I've never found another that I enjoyed as much.
If you liked it for the chuuni aspects you may enjoy Dies Irae. It has similar story beats at the beginning but Dies Irae quickly grows into its own thing and is in my opinion a superior Chuunige. It falls completely flat as far as the galge aspects are concerned so if you like F/SN for the girls don't bother because you're not going to get much of that.
Glad Swan Song was mentioned. It's probably one of the most underrated good VNs that has been translated
They're books, but none of them are any good. The prose is universally awful, the stories are often derivative and needlessly bloated, the sex scenes almost always feel forced and out of place, and the "interactivity" is a complete joke. I've heard people argue that while just about every VN on the market is total crap the format itself at least has potential, which I find hard to believe. VNs are just novels where the reader is free to read the chapters in any order he wants, there's no actual interactivity and no real difference from the experience of reading a regular book.
of course
>VNs are just novels where the reader is free to read the chapters in any order he wants
Have you ever even read a VN? Do you know how they work?
Why are these Ninjas so fucking stupid?
Seriously. Everyone in charge of their operations should be demoted.
they got sold out by one of their leaders (then killed them)
>Yea Forums made Katawa Shoujo
>Yea Forums has only ever written giant shitpost books
how have a group of autistic weebs outdone the "highest IQ board"? it's honestly kind of embarrassing.
Katawa Shoujo is a mediocre VN.
Also KS was written by feminists who wanted to undermine common aspects of VN romance. It's obvious what's going on if you've played enough of them.
But it was a sincere effort. Niggers of a Tundra or whatever those Yea Forums group effort shitpost books are a big joke. A fun one, but not a serious effort.
Hanako doesn't actually need MC's help since she's a strong independent woman. Emi has had a boyfriend before. Lily has a conversation with you about how she was in love with someone else when she was younger. (The ones with Emi and Lily are an absolute no go and would cause a normal VN to fail in Japan). Rin's is a bit more difficult to describe, but it feels like you don't emotionally connect in a romantic manner. I didn't read Shizune's route but I read a summary of the plot and the ending seems to fit the trend.
Also I don't know if you've heard of the VN Kakyuusei 2, but it's a notorious example of this. It was advertised as a normal moe romance, but the main heroine, MC's childhood friend, is a non-virgin and in a relationship with someone else (if you do her route she leaves him for the MC). People were furious and boycotted the company (Elf), which afterwards could only make money through NTR games since that's the only audience that would buy their shit, until they went bankrupt.
So KS didn't have the same target audience as actual japanese VN developers? And this must have been because the authors were feminists who wanted to subvert japanese expectations? What the fuck are you talking about?
Who is their audience? It's people who like Japanese VNs. There's a reason there isn't a single good English VN.
>Who is their audience?
Yea Forums users.
Do you read VNs (not EVNs) regularly? If you don't there's no point discussing it.
If you can't argue your point with some evidence and reasoning, why did you start it? Show us all here how you are right that the KS devs are feminists and they intentionally subverted japanese VN tropes.
If you aren't familiar with the tropes or don't have any investment in them then I'm not going to bother because you'll just deflect like this . It's not worth my time. I told you my reasoning, if you disagree with it that's fine with me.
Sure! Hahahaha why not? Oops now RPGs are books! And so are comics! And movies with subtitles too! Hahaha all these new kinds of books!
I've been slacking on my reading this year. But if Anime with subtitles suddenly counts, then I'll be right where I want to be
Based and redpilled. Great romance.
Is it yuri?
Kinda I guess . Try it butterfly. You might like it
What does that have to do with feminism? KS was not written for a Japanese audience, so it is not bound to Japanese cultural standards or interests of consumers. Having the MC be the center of attention for a large cast of attractive females is just stupid, wish-fulfillment, soulless writing. Stop using buzzwords and strawmen for things that you don't like, schizo.
Let me clarify.
Videogames, since they rely on interactive gameplay mechanics through control input to deliver an experience. Tabletop RPG rulesets are books, though.
Sequential art, because they rely much more on visual composition and panelling than writing itself. However, it is worth mentioning that they are sometimes called "comic books" as they're released on book format.
>movies with subtitles
A script for a movie or theatrical performance can be a book if released as such. A movie with subtitles is not a book, no one believes that.
>VNs and SNs
Not books, but they can be literature. VNs and SNs are the same as books with illustrations, except that they feature sound (and sometimes voice acting) and are not released on paper format. VNs are not inherently interactive, but they don't cease to be literature in those cases either.
>Having the MC be the center of attention for a large cast of attractive females is just stupid, wish-fulfillment, soulless writing.
That's what VNs are. Like I said, if you don't care about VNs then there's no point discussing it.
>I told you my reasoning
you didn't though
This. Homer isn't literature because it was originally spoken.
lowest form of media. fuck off. if you unironically consume this kind of stuff youre beyond saving
have sex
Fuck off. I enjoy VNs and it doesn't mean everything has to be haremshit.
The cancer killing VNs. You probably think VNs shouldn't have porn either.
Prison Battleship 3
You are the cancer. It's because of you that every VN has to shoehorn retarded haremshit and porn just to be able to sell anything. Having porn VNs is fine. Having harem VNs is fine. Not everything has to be porn haremshit.
>Not everything has to be porn haremshit.
Yes it literally does.
Tsukihime is peak literature.
VNs are a medium, not a genre. God forbid someone do something different than wish-fulfillment harem schlock for otaku losers like yourself.
>That's what VNs are
No, that's why most VNs are garbage.