Uhhh nihilism and pessimism is just a cope and a copout so you don't have to try hard at life and can make excuses for...

>Uhhh nihilism and pessimism is just a cope and a copout so you don't have to try hard at life and can make excuses for being a loser!
Where is your proof "trying hard at life" is the purpose of life? You're no different than Christians, you just expect people to follow you blindly and get mad if they don't.

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Other urls found in this thread:


They have no proof. Without religion, your only option is nihilism, and saying otherwise is just cope.

Explain to me the reasons behind why you made this post.

I felt like doing it. The end.

He was predetermined to by causality.

>be in the same mood as I am! or else die!


lol at rationalists and their idiotic concept of proof

As opposed to just believing whatever bullshit you feel like? You know you sound like a fucking idiot when you act proud of being ignorant right?

You're like the Christian as you both hate life and long for an end to its suffering. You really are a christian at the end of the day. The christian starts all thought and feeling with the presupposition "God is truth". You pessimists feel the same way but you just append the further statement "God is not real" which syllogistically equates in your mind as "truth is not real". This is why you cant possibly think of anyone as seeing any meaning or truth in their life outside of your christian paradigm. You are infected with this terrible mind virus.

For thousands of years before christ people lived without any inherent belief in the concept of divine truth or purpose and got along fine without devolving into the pathetic pile of life-hating pessimist faggots. You have to realize that pessimism isn't a fundamental truth of the universe it is a particular reaction to the particular situation you were born in. It's not that life is inherently terrible and not worth living, it's that your particular life is terrible and not worth living. My life is great and worth living but you should probably kill yourself op.

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>the thinks he knows what truth is

If you hate life then why not kill yourself? Why do anything?

Oh look everyone it's the 19 year old pseud who compensates by avatarfagging as Hannibal Lecter and thinks he's oh so mature and refined when in reality all he has to say is stock boomerisms and lowest common denominator "yeah bro let's get some bro" tier philosophical opinions.

Nihilism and pessimism are nothing more than stages in life one must suffer through, in order to becpme who one is

I don't hate life, it's just pointless.

Why do anything? Well outside of eating, sleeping and entertaining/educating myself because I enjoy those things I DON'T do anything and there's nothing wrong with that. Why do you HAVE to do things?

>It's just a phase!
No, you just can't handle reality and resort to copes.

I don't believe in something that requires "faith" as its sole proof

>saying yes to life means you're a boomer
Okay bud

Also Im really not giving any unique opinions here I'm regurgitating Nietzsche and French Nietzschean inspired reactions to the question of pessimism to wake you all up from baby's first existential crisis. But all the same yes, it boils down find something that you authentically value and try to build a life towards that.

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Everything requires faith. How do you know that you'll get hurt if you get shot? From a purely philosophical perspective you can never really know. But you can realistically avoid getting shot in practice because the probability is so high. Similarly we can orient ourselves towards something like a value or goal that calls to us without having to worry about the "truth" behind it.

You can live a small life and die a small death. If that's what appeals to you then great for you. I can tell you though that striving, failing, hurting, yearning is all really, really great and you're missing out.

are you asian?

>Dude define your own meaning say yes to life man!
Go away until you're past puberty

>How do you know that you'll get hurt if you get shot?
Because I've seen with my eyes what happens when you get shot moron

My mind can't ignore reality and pretend meaning is there where there is none

Why are you replying to your own post?

meaning is where ever we create it faggot

>My mind can't ignore reality and pretend meaning is there where there is none
Must suck being a defeatist brainlet, huh?

>Where is your proof "trying hard at life" is the purpose of life?
In what ways have you sought the purpose of life? What have you read, what exercises have you done, how long did you intensely search for meaning?
If you found no purpose does that mean life has no purpose?

>“Not much music left inside us for life to dance to. Our youth has gone to the ends of the earth to die in the silence of the truth. And where, I ask you, can a man escape to, when he hasn't enough madness left inside him? The truth is an endless death agony. The truth is death. You have to choose: death or lies. I've never been able to kill myself.”
― Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

>meaning is where ever we create it faggot
Not for me and not for you. You're just better at lying to yourself.

>hurr defeatist
Realist. The reality is there is no meaning and the only people who disagree are just good at lying to themselves. Some of us can't do that.

>In what ways have you sought the purpose of life?
I don't believe there is any meaning. You're the one who makes the claim there is meaning, so prove it. I'm not wasting my life in search of something I don't believe exists to prove YOU right.

Did you just shit all over your keyboard bud

Oh my god he just won philosophy

>I don't believe there is any meaning.
I know you say that, but I'm asking why, what sort of seeking have you done? Or do you just take it on blind faith and ignorance? How do you know?

>I'm not wasting my life in search of something I don't believe exists
Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living.
If life has a purpose and you chose to not seek it, then you will have wasted your life by ignoring it and pursuing trivial ends instead...

Call it lying, but having motivation, as meaningless as you can find, is better than wasting your will and life away, rotting in anguish as you cry over the emptiness of the universe.

Honestly it doesnt matter whether or not a thing has "meaning"
What is meaning, really? A justification
Do you what you want to do, and be happy
People who do things and are genuinely happy aren't lying to themselves, if that's what you think.

As for the people who run into life with fire trailing behind them, it's not a lie that they enjoy the challenge and they want to see how far they can go. They find bitterness the best sweetener, and hunger the best spice. It's just favorable and exciting, that's all. If you enjoy making a post on this Nigerian Zulu shaka board about life having no meaning then do it. Although I really doubt you are enjoying yourself, someone who has their life in their hands wouldnt be concerned with whether or not their life has meaning. You only care about that because your life is shit.

not literature
kill yourself

>but I'm asking why
Because I'm 30 years old and I would've stumbled on it by now, and from the people I know in real life they don't see meaning anywhere either. They just do things because "it's what you do innit?". If you're trying to say somewhere out there in the world meaning awaits but you have to go looking for it then that's no different to just inventing your own meaning. Take your wild goose chase elsewhere.
>Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living
I spend my life on things I can actually affect and control, I don't waste it on something so vague and elusive that not even its proponents can give a straight answer about.

>is better than wasting your will and life away, rotting in anguish as you cry over the emptiness of the universe
I don't see a difference between the two honestly. I don't cry over the pointlessness of life, I just don't participate in the things you do because I don't see the point you see.

>Only losers question things heheh

You are a loser and always will be. Sorry, bud, this is simply a fact and you will realise you wasted your life when you hit your late 20s like the sad loser you are.

Don't bother replying, coper.

What did I lose?

Money? Don't need it. Career? Doesn't interest me. Wife/Kids? Having children is cruel and selfish.

>Because I'm 30 years old and I would've stumbled on it by now
>would of stumbled upon the ultimate meaning of life in between pursuing my hobbies, watching porn, and working my job
Who told you this?
Your assumptions about reality are really bizarre.

>What did I lose?
A meaningful life.

You're right, so why not genuinely question why you're not happy?

You really don't need it or you tell yourself that? You've never felt and desire to have fun or to be with someone or to have sex? Then, in this case only, you are a dead man walking. Otherwise, you still have a Kindle fire of will inside you, you've just learned how to rationalize it away. Some men are terminally rational.

>You've never felt and desire to have fun or to be with someone or to have sex?
I can do all of those without money.

Who said I'm not happy? Why do you associate nihilism with unhappiness?r

>who said I'm not happy
You give off unhappy vibes, dude. From the start of this thread, your tone, word choice and the picture you chose.

This. Bad vibes: the thread.

People before philosophizing and Christ were roaches and apes you dumb swarthy fuck.

Fuck, wrecked him

>Muh feels
This is why you so easily swallow the lie about meaning being real

As this thread has demonstrated, no one is even remotely capable of proving anything contrary to OP's point. All you can do is insult him, call him unhappy, tell him he should just try because he should because you said so because uuuhhhh. You're all idiots, which is no surprise.

Any books on positive/constructive nihilism?
I believe life is meaningless and that it’s a blessing that we have no predetermined destiny

It's not about feeling you.
The thread starts with you projecting "cope" onto random strangers and calling everything you don't like "bullshit", plus you're taking yourself seriously, you aren't doing this in a funny or ironic way.

Others have called you out already. We read you like a book.
If you aren't looking for answers why even ask the question? Silly.

>implying this thread was started in good faith and the OP isn't shitposting and calling everything he doesn't like bullshit

No. Nihilism is either a dead end for brainlets and hedonists, or a phase smart people have to pass through as they climb out of the cave of ignorance.

Go seek the meaning of life before you blindly assume it doesn't exist.

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>OP asks for proof
>No proof
Feel free to post proof instead of bloviating about nothing. It should be easy if your beliefs are so obviously true.

You will hate yourself the moment you turn 32, and having wasted your life with shallow pleasures. Since you're retarded it will take 12 extra years.

>Still no proof

No one said anything about money. Well, maybe your nihilism view of the world is in order to justify a neet lifestyle? Everyone gotta do things they don't want, kid. Think about it as farming lvl1 mobs so you can go to high level dungeons later.

>What is meaning, really? A justification
>Do you what you want to do, and be happy
Justification and happiness are deeply connected to those who are self-aware and intelligent. They require an objectivity that goes beyond their subjectivity; is X actually good or am I deceiving myself? Am I leading a good life or simply submitting to arbitrary desires? etc

Proof depends on what paradigm you are operating on. I would say that the atheist/materialist/nihilist paradigm is self-defeating, inconsistent and baseless.
Under the assumptions of nihilism even logic becomes meaningless, why are you asking for proof? Do you believe objective, eternal truth exists? Can our thoughts discover it? Why "ought" you be rational at all? Why tell the truth all the time? Why not be deceptive sometimes? Why not just act spontaneously at others for the heck of it? What is logic grounded in and why submit to it? Why not go full Joker sometimes?

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there is no "meaning" to life. It's not even meaning we seek if you really think about it. You just want to be fulfilled and what fulfills you is doing something or other. There is no sense in dragging your feet, moaning and groaning and lamenting to your grave even though you know there is no "point". You make your own point. Just live and live as well as you can, but what ever you do, don't stop, keep yourself busy because it is in your nature to be busy.

Go on...

>life has no meaning so just make something up and trick yourself for the time being
>go find a hobby, jerk off, learn a language, and stop thinking about it
The actual implication of "life has no meaning" is more devastating than you realize.
Telling people to distract themselves and fabricate meanings isn't good advice, because intelligent people know they can't trick themselves or be distracted for too long and when big choices appear they will most likely go down the wrong path, and when they encounter big stress and pressure they might crumble under it.

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Proof of what you blathering, redundant moron? Why does "proof" have any importance?

You wouldn't be tricking yourself. You have to understand why you want meaning in the first place. When you realize it's just a natural drive to keep you being productive, you will also realize the very wanting for meaning is meaningless. Why do you NEED a meaning? Ask yourself that

the meaning of life is life

>When you realize it's just a natural drive to keep you being productive, you will also realize the very wanting for meaning is meaningless. Why do you NEED a meaning? Ask yourself that
Those aren't "realizations" those are assumptions that exclude the possibility of authentic meaning outright.
What a weird way to think.

>Why do you NEED a meaning?
Because without meaning the world and even my own thinking and behavior would be incoherent and incomprehensible. But the world is comprehensible and coherent, it exhibits a certain order and intelligibility, so I sought to know why, and in seeking I found.

the very search for meaning is what's creating the sense of meaninglessness, that's what those religious, spiritual morons left us with after their passing

>if you search for your keys you will never find them
Nah, specially in our time people have to seek in order to find.
Otherwise they get blown around by the culture and their lowest drives.

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Well I wouldn't really completely trough out the possibility that there is an ultimate "meaning". But you will never find it, believe me I have tried, I had thought i'd found it multiple times only to find out it's not. And as of now, I think there is no objective point to anything. I just think it's silly to get stuck on it now, I have come to accept that there isn't one. The more I think about it the more silly the idea of the ultimate meaning becomes.

When you stop searching for meaning you have a better chance of finding it because it was never out there but right under your nose the whole time. You were looking in the wrong place user

How many times are we going to have this thread?

I have no problem if people make their meaning discipline, self-reliance, money, or experiences, but if you're searching for some underlying grand plan you're gonna be left with nothing

>there is no objective point to anything
>there is no objective meaning to anything
Is this objectively true or not? Because it seems you are making universal claims about objective truth (albeit negatively), how could you have access to this info?

>I never found it, so you will never find it
This is a fallacy.
The fact that you haven't found it, or that you were wrong in the past doesn't mean it's non-existent.

>When you stop searching you have a better chance of finding
Huh? You just said life has no meaning, now you're saying maybe it does if only you stop seeking?

>wrong place, it's under your nose
I never said where to look though, I said you have to try and look at least...

>Everyone gotta do things they don't want, kid.
No, they don't.

But it's easier for drones like you to believe that you don't have a choice.

>"trying hard at life"
Why should life be something that requires serious effort? That already is a pessimistic sign, the fact that the very premise of our existence, is not a given, but demands struggle from the moment of birth.

>but if you're searching for some underlying grand plan you're gonna be left with nothing
I would recommend you look deeper and longer, I used to think like this not too long ago.

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it's hard to have faith (an unreliable path to truth) in something that will never respond

>prove to me trying hard is the only way
suggest another, just guess or something but name literally one(1) other option

>Similarly we can orient ourselves towards something like a value or goal that calls to us without having to worry about the "truth" behind it
That's just hedonism bro

Almost everyone had doubts. Even, dare I say it, Jesus in the garden.

It is hard, specially when you live in a society. But faith gives you a chance to find the truth, instead of blocking it off completely and being stuck in self-contradictory relativism/subjectivism.

I would say without faith we don't have any understanding, reason needs faith to operate, faith in senses, faith in causality, faith in laws of logic, faith that tomorrow will be somewhat like today, faith in other minds, faith that our minds are trustworthy to some degree, etc...

You absolute fucking liar

Nietzsche's criticism of Schopenhauer as Christian is valid. Only those who seek to eternalise themselves suffer. Just as a truth without laughter ought to be suspect, a day without dancing is a day wasted.


>Only those who seek to eternalise themselves suffer.
Isn't that the point of "affirming life" and being happy with "eternal return" even if you lived the same life over and over?

Yes, it's a paraphrase of how Nietzsche described Christianity's ethos. It's why he calls Schopenhauer's ethos Christian.

I hate life because my life is not set in anime full of ecstasy and bliss

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>But faith gives you a chance to find the truth, instead of blocking it off completely and being stuck in self-contradictory relativism/subjectivism.
The reason I said faith is not a reliable path to truth, is that there are many other religions with many different claims. The very word faith implies uncertainty.
>faith in senses, faith in causality, faith in laws of logic, faith that tomorrow will be somewhat like today, faith in other minds, faith that our minds are trustworthy to some degree, etc...
All of those things you listed that we have faith in, we have faith in them based on previous experiences, it's a bit different with things that you haven't experienced or witnessed

Nope. Eternal recurrence is not the same as the Christian afterlife, at all.

It's just another way to affirm never ending existence of the self.

you don't experience those things actually
I don't experience the laws of logic themselves, I interpret propositions as conforming to them or not.
I don't experience causality, I interpret events as conforming to it because of their succession or conjoinedness, but you can't sense or quantify causality itself as an experience.
same goes for other minds exist and people are not just p-zombies, or the belief that the future will be like the past.

It's more like an eternally ending existence. Nietzsche loved the whole story of the human—the rising action, the climax, and the falling action. The Christian just wants the climax for eternity. The latter is far more naive. These are very different sentiments.

Philosophy is just as much as finding truth than it is maintaining Logos.

Nihilism is kinda like ye’ old Elatic Monism. They both eliminate logos which is not practical so we must overcome and keep looking for meaning even if there is never an end in order to maintain logos.

>never ending existence of the self
The self in that sense is not a continuous being. It's an unceaselessly changing self, and being a static one is what leads to a good/evil split. Saying yes to the demon because you judge your life good just betrays that plan to learn nothing.

Doing the bare minimum

I didn't say we experience logic directly, but at least the events in succession. If I have a soul I'd like to at least know about it somehow, but there was no event that would imply that I do.

You're more interested in arguing than trying to understand what he's trying to get across

You're projecting. That's why npcs like you are doomed from the get go.

>the self is constantly changing
then it's not a self, a self presupposes identity over time, A=A

I view the self as some sort of heuristic made by the brain, it doesn't physically exist

Which is why Schopenhauer's conception of the observer is seen as Christian by Nietzsche, because it comes from Kant's supposition of the thing-in-itself which he calls the poorest kind of God.

Is it the same person making this thread every time?