
Fuck the ending
What a pointless book
Why do people like murakami again?

Also is hard-boiled wonderland any good? The blurb seemed appealing but I'm questioning whether or not to read it after this shit book

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If you didn’t like WUBC you won’t like Hard-Boiled Wonderland. And as these two are his best books, you won’t like anything else he’s written. Read Ryu Murakami instead. Ryu Murakami = best Murakami.

fair enough what do you suggest?

For Ryu Murakami? Greatest Hits of the Showa Era is a good start. Very funny book, with a decent movie adaptation that isn’t too much trouble to track down. If you like GHOTSE you can move on to any of his other books. Unlike worst Murakami, best Murakami actually writes different books about different things.

WUBC is kino, too sad you didn't like it. Hard boiled and 1Q84 are the only novels by Murakami that I haven't read (yet).
Imho best are Colourless Tsukuru, Norwegian and Dancex3 (if you read Sheep before that)

>Hurr durr Ryu is best Murakami
>I like less known stuff so I'm the coolest kid on the block

Will I like those others if I hated WUBC is my question

Probably not. The problem with HM is that his books+themes+characters are highly repetitious. If you didn’t like the first one you read (and WUBC is one of his better efforts) you’re unlikely to enjoy more of the same.
You have a problem with people recommending other authors? Feed the cat, make some pasta, and listen to a jazz record. You’ll feel better.

I've only read norwegian wood and found it to be pretty comfy. The sex seemed very forced though. But maybe I should have expected he's a wierd pervert considering his origin.

>And as these two are his best books, you won’t like anything else he’s written
Bullshit. I found WUBC boring as hell, but liked Norwegian Wood, Kafka On The Shore, 1Q84 (especially this one) and the sheep one, I forgot the name

Don't read Murakami for the endings or plot, OP. It will make you angry.

You have 2 Murakami type of books: one is "supernatural shit" (bird, sheep, kafka, hardboiled) and the other is "confy novel" (norwegian, colourless, commendatore).
If you didn"t like supernatural try novels.

It’s called A Wild Sheep Chase. Did you really think 1Q84 was the best of the lot you read? I thought it was overwrought and bloated — quite clearly by this time his editors were in awe of him and didn’t have the nerve to cut the 300 or so pages of fluff he’d shoveled in.
Colorless Tsukuru contains supernatural elements, although not as overwhelming so as in his other novels. Are there none at all in Killing Commendatore? If not, I might read it — I’ve read all his other books (that have been translated into English) and so far have been avoiding KC as I presumed it would be the same cliched stuff he’s been dishing out over the past 10+ years.

>I thought it was overwrought and bloated — quite clearly by this time his editors were in awe of him and didn’t have the nerve to cut the 300 or so pages of fluff he’d shoveled in.
I honestly feel exactly the same about WUBC.

Heeeeerio evrybody im haruki hack-a-kami and yet ive come to've written an ASTOUNDING werk of art in such spheres of magnitude beyond any other of my werks and humanity previous werk also. Yesterday it was a GROWN UP WYMYN FAPPIN A TODDLER, then it was WOW I SUICIDE ALSO FUCK MY OLD GRANMA IN THE ASS AT THE END FOR NO FUCKING REASON AT ALL
>Why do people like murakami again?

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Wind-Up Bird is the best Murakami I have read and Hard-boiled the worst. Ending aside if you don't like Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Murakami is probably not for you.

I like the magical realism and postmodern detective stuff Wind-Up Bird does. Hardboiled Wonderland kind of does this but also goes in a strange pulp scifi direction that feels like an anime, or a videogame, or some shitty ironic cartoon that comes on Adultswim at 3 oclock in the morning. It really rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

Who is the illustrator of the cover? Can you check the back of the book and see if it mentions the illustrator in fine print? Thank you.

Colonel Sanders and Johnnie Walker bothered me as I read Kafka on the Shore, those kind of concrete brand name references felt cheap and took me out of the hypnotic fairytale world the rest of the novel was working to create. Same with details like Kafka telling us he spent the night listening to Radiohead.

Well, I won't forgive the Radiohead namedropping, but on reflection I think Colonel Sanders and Johnnie Walker might have more meaning to a Japanese reader who has experienced lived through the invasion of American consumer culture in the shadow of the atomic bombs. An alien and two faced force, that smiling Colonel Sanders.

It's John Gall

>Colonel Sanders and Johnnie Walker might have more meaning to a Japanese reader who has experienced lived through the invasion of American consumer culture in the shadow of the atomic bomb
LOL, nope. KFC is extremely popular in Japan, and in fact take-out from KFC is the official national Japanese Christmas dinner. Johnnie Walker is from Scotland. In short, the insertion of the two brand icons has very little to do with US consumer culture and zero to do with the atomic bombs. Not knowing about Japanese popular culture is one thing, but identifying Johnnie Walker with the US is beyond retarded. Why do you think they call it “scotch”?

>beta male meets strange people
>references to western culture
>amazing descriptions
>comfy locations
>cat adventures
>alpha female
>"empty" end
>next book
And The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is his best one.

I liked it

I like him for his dream-like narrative. It's just super comfy to read if you're not trying to dig too deeply into some overarching theme. But I'm a brain let, so my opinion means shit.

Am I the only one that hated WUBC? Kafka and Norwegian Wood were top tier tho.

>Why do people like murakami again?
he's japanese whatshisname greene

This is too accurate kek

Should I read Kafka? Keep in mind that a faggot spoiled the end for me: the two souls in one body thing.