-are there any far right intellectuals?
-do someone who reads a lot of books become far-right?
Ok, lets have serious discusion:
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Checking in. What's up?
Currently reading the Epic of Gilgamesh and a book covering the Presocratics.
What kind of book?
Seems like more of a philology text trying to establish based on textual evidence what we can reasonably conclude about their beliefs.
Name of book?
"The Presocratic Philosphers" by G.S. Kirk and J.E. Raven.
Thanks mam
1. Nope.
2. Yep.
explain why?
It depends on what you mean by "far right".
Laissez faire economics or ethno nationalism?
Laissez faire...maybe
Neoreactionists/Neoabslolutists are doing work right now in generative anthropology that's interesting
All extremists, be it left wing or right wing, are pseudointellectual morons. Do not expect anything intellectually serious to come out of people like these. Reality is complicated. Sure, it may sound nice to kill all the niggers on paper, but in reality that doesn't really work. Nor does communism, because of human nature.
Reading lots of books made me a monarchist/aristocracy-ist, dunno if that counts.
>Sure, it may sound nice to kill all the niggers on paper, but in reality that doesn't really work
The far-Right is not about economics so much as it is about traditional values, traditional institutions, religion, objective morality, hierarchical order, law, strong state/government/monarchy serving the people.
economic systems are relative to a nations' state of development and ultimate goals, so any system of exchange and ownership could be implemented by 'far-right' governments (except hardline communism/marxism) as long as they are working for the good of the people and improving the country/empire and not subordinating tradition/religion/morality to secondary motives, economic motives and ends.
Research has shown that extremists tend to have higher IQ on average than other people and that moderates tend to have the lowest. Your little theory there is pretty weak. A moderate stance is not inherently more "complex", that's a fallacy.
I think you are using very old political compass
Nah its pretty accurate to the far right today.
Even far-right ones?
What makes you say that? I'd say that's a pretty accurate assessment of the "far-right".
Yes. Extremists in general tend to have higher IQs on average than moderates. Pretty easy to conceptualize once you realize that if you're dumb you're more likely to just gravitate towards whatever the most mainstream view of your climate is. Herd mentality and all that.
As you can see left and right can be anti-state
>pic related
I'm asking why it isn't "realistic"
aleksandr dugin, he also said that [guenonian[ perennialism is conservativism in its purest form or something along those lines, so you might want to check out guenons successors who are suprisingly are quite educated.
>There was also strong support for political extremists both on the left and right being higher in verbal ability than centrists.
we got him boys
Define far-right.
Political compasses and the like are covert propaganda intended to limit your mind and stop wrongthink.
>are there any far right intellectuals?
yes but any list of them would just be met with
>x thinker
>*smug animu face
yes, pic related
this guy did it adequately the 4 quadrant diagram is for brainlets
i agree with holding extreme views mean your political opinions are rigid and do not allow yourself to go against your position, consiciously or not.
It's pretty much what is happening today: having a political view as a religion, and as consequence you end up defending absolutely non sense retarded shit because you are supposed to.
one is supposed to have defined moral values and support politicians who best fit those values.
wait what the fuck is happening?
guy is being SIEGE'd
What you just described can apply any political position regardless of how extreme is, opinion discarded.
If you have moral values supporting any politician is impossible.
Laissez faire is left wing
it's to be noted that Dugin distinguishes between 3 different logos: Apollo, Dionysus and Cybele. He places the Guenonian Traditionalists on the Apollonian type of logos but he himself came to regard the Dionysian logos as the correct path through Heidegger, he develops this on his Dark Logos/Noomakhia series but it's not translated from Russian as far as i know
you can be a centrist only if you have a blind belief in some NORMAL state towards which everything gravitates, which means centrists are much stronger believers than extremists: extremists at least acknowledge the necessity of action to arrive at the desired outcome, while centrist have a belief so strong in their preferred politics that think by doing nothing things will turn out that "normal" way
centrists are blind to all the extremely powerful institutions and unwritten rules that have to be already in place for something like "normal" to be even possible. being able to have a conversation with a random human being without fearing about getting your face bashed in is not normal in any historical sense
that's just lazy thinking, you have this class of "politicians" towards whom you project all the human organizational issues and posit that if they disappeared, organizational issues would magically disappear as well, but if you burned all politicians the only think that would happen is that someone else would have to deal with those organizational issues and would be entangled in the same kind of filth as they are
Yes centrists are basically big retards, every investigation into their nature be it scientific study or philosophical musing confirms this
Yeah it's wild how many of these issues don't seem to be a thing before the rise of modern democracy with the political class that comes with it tho
Democracy is a retard system for retards oh yay let's clap and vote for the based man who says the feel goods yay clap clap
most people blame those issues on modernity, or capitalism, or technology. but hey, if you are going to write a book about how those issues arise rather from a new class of people called politicians that emerged through some conditions and everything mentioned above is just secondary phenomena i'd be interested in reading it
never defended democracy, but modern autocracies seem to have similar classes of people who thrive through corruption
I'm not saying that politicians are to blame, but I'm saying supporting politicians/"the modern elite"/whatever you wish to call the group-system in question is pretty corrupt and anyone trying to achieve meaningful change through it is retarded or more likely just trying to dupe people for personal gain.
Yes the whole world is corrupt because of the West's cancerous influence
>labeling things extreme instead of specifically addressing their errors
this is how centrists avoid making arguments and just hand wave the opposition away
it doesn't matter if a person is an "extremist leftist" or "extreme rightist" what matters is if their positions are correct, well reasoned and coherent.
The position is extremist when you want to use violence to impose it.
That's literally every position in the history of the world
so China was a perfect society before the influence of the west?
China was probably better off before the UK, US and then communism put their grubby paws in there at least.
that just makes the whole world sound weak and needing some growing up to do because the west or its influence doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon
agree, exit and fragmentation are my preferred paths of action at this point, i think the elite is too weak at this point to be able to narrativize any successful alternatives to itself if they were to appear
bad thing is this also makes them extremely dangerous and prone to violently overreact if you make yourself visible as any kind of viable alternative to them
Strawman, I never indicated anything was "perfect" in the past. What I'm saying is that it is incredibly difficult to be a non-corrupt state in a world completely dominated by corrupt states. I wasn't implying that every state pre-West was paradise
Ah yes they need to "grow up" and just "get over" the iron like grip the corrupt West has on them and their way of life, thanks for the advice bro I cant believe no one has thought of that I'll get it to all the brown people right away
You need to be 18 to post here
Literally every fucking system does that you retard lmao, how the fuck do you think the state operates right now?
What do you mean by far right?
Libertarians: Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Friedrich Hayek, David Friedman, Michael Huemer, Robert Nozick, and many others.
Very conservative / reactionary: Joseph de Maistre, Giovanni Gentile, Julius Evola, Ezra Pound, Salazar, Primo de Rivera, Plínio Salgado...
>non-corrupt state
Has a non-corrupt state ever existed in the history of humanity?
Better in what way exactly?
Of fucking course it has. Do you honestly fucking think that every state that ever existed was corrupt? Are you one of those complete faggots who thinks that "power corrupts" is some kind of actual law instead of just a faggy saying by a total coward? There are even many kings in history who were beloved by their people.
You think opium wars and epic great leap forward/cultural revolution retardery were good for china?
what violence?
The state uses violence only to prevent or punish those who damage others.
>Of fucking course it has
Name one
That's not true. The state will inflict violence on you to prevent you from damaging yourself, like in the case of suicide or drug use.
>what violence
>proceeds to admit to violence in the next line
>"u-uh it's okay in this case though because I happen to agree with the ideology in question"
Absolutley pathetic
The state of centrist cucks
Well i don't think that Chinese governemnt had the right to prohibit the use of opium.
And the great leap forward reduced a bit their population growth.
because everyone can read but that doesn't mean that everyone is smart. A friend of mine mostly reads to upload stories on instagram with a book and his dog, now if that is possible to exist and considered normal why can't we have a far right intellectual?
It's violence used to prevent violence.
Is refusing to pay taxes an act of violence?
Is it even legal to publish works that could be considered racist or far-right?
Try breaking some laws and see what happens.
Yes, because the state owns the land.
So you are basically refusing to pay the rent.
Ancient Persia to the Persians, (they were even notoriously lenient to conquered peoples as well) their kings were absolutley beloved by the people, so much so that King Cyrus is still revered today in Iran, thousands of years later. Charlemagne, the early Romans, the Jews under Moses, the North Indians under Ashoka, who was famous for his dedication to compassion.
Why would i commit such an immoral action?
You sound more like a dumb cuck with every passing moment. Opinion disregard, go lick a boot!
I bought and paid for my property but even if they did own the land how did the state come to be in possession of it if not with violence? Even this ignores that not all taxes are related to property. I can be arrested for moving to a different country and not paying taxes on the income generated completely outside of the US.
Refusing to pay rent is not violence you bottom feeder
Does the state use violence to enforce its laws (i.e. th codification of its ideology) or not?
Yes, the land the state obtained by genociding Native Americans lmfao
The Finnish state obtained land by genociding native americans?
Does your weak argument only apply to specific states? Is that really how bad it is? So if I live in the US I can just throw everything you're saying out the window?
I'm not the guy claiming the state owns land, just pointing out how retarded your statement it.
>traditional values, traditional institutions, religion, objective morality
It is a pretty bad sign for society that this kind of thing is considered "far right".
Who gives a shit?
It is a form of parasitism that should be eradicated.
>I bought and paid for my property
It all belongs to the state, the land you walk on, the air you breath. And even the property you "bought" it is just a long term rent.
Also, the owner can impose any price he wishes on you. So suck it up, or move to a desert island that doesn't belong to anybody.
>far right
Choose one
The state stole the land from the british state, why is it wrong for me to steal it from the state in turn?
1. USA didn't genocide native shitskins, they reduced in numbers because they had a shitty immune system.
2. They conquered the land, thus it belongs to them.
Nigger you just read the first sentence and responded. Fuck you.
If you have the power to do so then do it.
I will be waiting.
>No Eliade, Chamberlain, Campbell, Rosenberg
>-are there any far right intellectuals?
>-do someone who reads a lot of books become far-right?
Far right as in property rights/economy, social norms or as a historical narrative?
>not paying taxes on the income generated completely outside of the US.
You and your body and all the it produces, belong to us bitch boy.
>state come to be in possession of it if not with violence
Yeah bitch we used violence, so what are you going to do about it?
Antisemitism is a sign of being distinct from the average (completely droned to the semitic mind control grid/hollywood/facebook/porn etc.), either in the lowbrow fashion or the highbrow.
The danger is, as Weininger noticed; to become what you despise. /pol/ is the jewish board, not genetically, but spiritually. They wield power over the other boards and use them for their own purposes as sacrificial pawns, alter the cultures to suit their agendas and so forth.
Well you failed spectacularly in that regard, try again.
>who gives a shit if my argument is illogical lol just obey bro!
The absolute state
Why am I here arguing with literal brainlets? Peace out cucks
>They wield power over the other boards and use them for their own purposes as sacrificial pawns, alter the cultures to suit their agendas and so forth.
That's a result of proximity, /pol/ isn't unique nor particularly bad, a lot of people weren't around for the Touhou or Pony menace.
You don't have natural rights, there are no human rights, the state decides whether you have them or not, those are all privileges that we give to those who respect our laws. Why? because the state is the biggest nigga out there.
Don't like it, fight us pussy.
I wonder what happens if you stop paying taxes and answering to the government. Capability of violence is simply the only authority.
it was always far right, all liberalism is left wing, and communism is just liberalism+
that doesn't sound very centrist, sounds more like might is right
into the trash it goes
Calling it "far" right is a relatively new development.
partially true, but boards that aren't taken over by /pol/ like /g/ are taken over by trannies instead, so even if /pol/ wasn't around, organic board cultures wouldn't be possible
>Don't like it, fight us pussy.
this whole conversation started being about how centrism is natural and organic, and extremism was bad, and now you are literally telling people to be extremists
well, that's because most right wing people are just 10-20 years delayed progressives
When you use violence to try to overthrow the current regime you are an extremist.
But using force or the threat of force to make you conform to laws isn't violence.
If you define violence as unjustified use of force.
Extreme is anything that goes against the status quo.
It is bad because it is useless and destructive, but if you want to attempt it you can and you will face the consequences.
the status quo is changing all the time, in what sense is it useless to try to stir it towards whatever you prefer? the delusion is thinking that anything ever stays normal and stable
extremists define the future all the time, it wasn't centrists that were writing and organizing about celebrating sodomy and cutting kids cocks 40 years ago, and see where we are now
So trying to take over and control the narrative is jewish?
lmao what a weak pussy, no wonder that the huwhite race is dying you are the weakest of them all
We shall dance on your graves while raping your daughters
The centrists allowed this
It's mostly the same as it used to be with some minor modifications.
There is a group on the top the uses the masses as a cattle to produce what it needs.
>any far right intellectuals
That's an oxymoron
>The far-Right is not about economics
> it is about traditional values, traditional institutions, religion, objective morality, hierarchical order, law, strong state/government/monarchy serving the people.
And that's exactly why the far right is retarded. Not understanding that the mode of production has tremendous effects on values, institutions, religion, morality, hierarchical order etc...
(Any white man before 1950)
>C'mon, this isn't hard
>So trying to take over and control the narrative is jewish?
Intentionally misunderstanding the position of others is.
I would be happy to sacrifice all the money that I have to get rid of shitskins
No, not the sort of far right you see today. The conservatism of Schmitt, Mishima, Junger, etc is long dead.
Way to be anachronistic dude.
Yeah bro I bet if peepee poopoo communisms worker own factory people will magically become upstanding virtuous somehow. Just like how the soviets were paragons of moral virtue.
I would argue that the only way to make any actual social change is through radical means
Even inspiring moderate social change through the system is nearly impossible. The illusion of change is there, but nothing of any substance can occur. Capitalism has found ways to assimilate nearly all standard forms of rebellion into commodities within itself. Any 'moderate solution' toward either right/left bent will result in a lot of lip service and more fuel for capitalism. All actions within the system have appropriate feedback loops in place to ensure stability.
The only thing it can't deal with is actual large scale disorganized violence. That's why this is seen as the prime evil, that all 'respectable people' agree on. It vaults people out of the spectacle, throws the system out of balance and makes it unstable.
This is why moderates are literal non-entities, there opinion is not, can not and will not be of any consequence.
Not that I would ever recommend violence or anything
So you have to have a mode of production not based on wage labor.
It's a blessing in disguise user. It's why they can't win. The left should be lucky that some sort of neo-Italian Futurism hasn't propped up yet. Capitalist Realism hits both ways, I mean just look at EcoFascism and Terrorwave shit, there's nothing actually new or revolutionary about them. It's just Neoliberalism with an inhuman face.
>cuts out the important qualification
the Right care about economics but they don't subordinate man to it.
>muh historical materialism explains everything
Uhh, no.
>the Right care about economics but they don't subordinate man to it.
Here we go again. Thinking you can control Capitalism.
A followup for my FBI agent
I think we've already reached the threshold where the violence circuit has been nearly fully formed, to a point where violence itself is part of the spectacle, and is thus pointless
random violence against any group in particular would nearly definitely serve to reinforce the circuits of control
it's too late
garbage time ran out
I hope you're happy with the future you chose
You clearly can control capitalism, why do you think we don't have cocaine stores on every street corner?
>You clearly can control capitalism, why do you think we don't have cocaine stores on every street corner?
Back market are still markets. You still exchange things, in order to have others.
More generally, since exchange value is still a thing, people will exchange something for Cocaine.
We need to change the foundation of the system. Not modify it. No updates. Change the core.
Wrong. Extremism is associated with low IQ.
>The only thing it can't deal with is actual large scale disorganized violence.
you are still thinking like a globalist, you say "disorganized" but all i hear is a coordinated mass of people pushing in the same direction because they have the same goal. that's never going to happen and it would just result in a bloodbath of reestructuration of power that would end up pretty much in the same place, just a bit of shuffled power around
bad example, you literally have cocaine everywhere
To a degree, but once you are extreme enough, you have nobody to be compared to, making this a brainlet move on your part.
Lets have a serious discussion indeed
Why do lefties care so much about talking heads? Is it because they can’t think for themselves? That would explain why they can’t argue, the left is literally just a follower mass memorizing their shepherds quotes.
>fears the helpful govnerment
Holy shit you lefties are a literal disease
bad methodology + correlation doesn't equal causation
>Why do lefties care so much about talking heads?
Right wingers need YouTubers to repeat /pol/ talking points to them in a confident voice.
>bad methodology + correlation doesn't equal causation
I think you misunderstand. It's just that theory is a fundamental part of Western leftism. It is an entirely different model of interpretation than what the average person is raised and expected to follow. What you mistake for hero worship, which is certainly a thing of course, is instead really just an attempt to get people to read.
Also this.
There's far more pushback against the major figures of lefitsm on the left than there is pushback of conservative figures on the right. There's a reason that the stereotype of leftists is that they can't ever agree.
..but I don't. Though it is an important step to completely replace the modern media - with any non-left/non-jewish alternative, but preferably one with actual values. Sometimes they bring up interesting points and perspectives, as is the case with, say, Dr. Edward Dutton.
Okay but that argument doesn’t address lefties general inability to compete when discussing beliefs. You guys always get made to look like idiots, that’s why you need to push these threads to cope, not like you can be smart in action so you need to try to suggest the image of intelligence.
Not sure where you're getting this impression from. I think the Neoliberals are constantly being humiliated on TV and politically because they're losing at their own game. And if you're talking about "leftist college student gets owned" videos, then like, yeah they're fuckin college kids, they're not the premier intelligentsia of the left. But insofar as actual organization goes, the American left is doing incredibly well for themselves, at least compared to the last two decades.
>Da joos
Sure, let a well known parasitic entity take over your information distribution.
Neoliberals are looking good on tv, I saw a fucking foot cream commercial trying to say they were progressive, capitalism fucking loves the left and that’s why the uber rich are aligned with them.
No idea what your point is here
the right side of that image is meant to be the side you agree with
that is to say the message behind 'fears the helpful government' is that the government is not helpful and it is right to fear it.
are you disagreeing with that? Or did you misunderstand the image?
I meant more on Yea Forums, literally everytime a lefty tries to argue they get made an idiot. If you tried to argue leftist beliefs right now I could make you look like an idiot to everyone easily, let’s do it.
Marx didn't ask for mercy, as he proclaimed the left to have no intent to practice it itself. I have yet to see the left having an ounce of mercy or goodwill on non-leftists.
I don't think you know what leftism means user. Capitalism loves Neoliberalism because the current capitalist model is, well, a Neoliberal one. Leftists do not support capitalism, and claims of "progressive" on the part of major companies is a disingenuous ploy--they realized awhile ago that it's far easier to take empty terms like diversity, environmentally friendly, etc, and use them to sell more products. Don't confuse identity politics and liberals with the actual left.
I think that's because nobody is actually interested in discussion on Yea Forums. And also because Yea Forums is browsed by teenagers.
Seems like you’re coping because YOU are the one who isn’t interested in actual discussion. Yea Forums in general is one of if not the only place for actual discussion too, if you don’t believe this it’s because you depend on censoring because, once again, you are not interested in actual discussion
Any left wing belief and I’ll poke a hole in it. ANY LEFT WING BELIE
You dogs of the 1% are easy kills.
If Yea Forums is all young people shouldn’t it be left wing, since the left is always majorly young people? Does the left even have a support base anymore? Women?
You're not really saying much dude. How am I not interested in discussion?
But okay. Leftist politics (Marxism, Anarchism, what have you) is anti-capitalist and therefore is not supported by the system at large. Attempts by the DNC and major media to incorporate and push so-called progressive ideas are like more than attempts to take away talking points/undermine the actual radical left. You can see a similar action during FDR's New Deal, which for all of its generally pro-labor legislation was also an attempt to keep American Capitalism safe from then increasingly violent and well organized left-wing labor organizing.
>Yea Forums is all young people shouldn’t it be left wing, since the left is always majorly young people? Does the left even have a support base anymore?
Not necessarily. I mean if you want a look at who supports left politics, you could take a look at left Twitter (filled with young people, working class old dudes, LBGTQ). There's also that Democrat donor map that NYT released a couple months back (pic related). Bernie, the closest thing to a true left wing politician in the US, is wildly popular. Another metric you could look at is the rise of unionization and strike efforts, indicating a long awaited return of radical working class politics. In any case, Yea Forums has been a conservative site for awhile now, and attracts right leaning youth. Left leaning youth are far more likely to browse places like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. A lot of the highschool Climate related walkouts were organized on shit like TikTok.
based big brain centrist
If left thought isn’t supported then why are left wing writers popular, as your original point? Shouldn’t you at least acknowledge that the mainstream left is big capitalism if you want to be getting people to come to the left, because as you have just admitted, from the outside you people look evil.
Nice cope about the left not generally being young people, you really do make up the world as you go along to suit your needs.
He didn’t say anything you brainlet centrist
>Shouldn’t you at least acknowledge that the mainstream left is big capitalism
Marxist here. Cultural leftism is Capitalism vanguard.
>Shouldn’t you at least acknowledge that the mainstream left is big capitalism
that's exactly what we're saying
I believe the thread topic is why isn’t the right supported by the mainstream basically, but you’re actually in a roundabout way trying to say the left is evil? Or am I not talking to the OP I came late
French revolutionary conceptions of a left and right political axis are increasingly becoming outdated/nebulous terms, especially since the soviet union collapse - and this thread shows it
I'm not OP
But the left as you know it, that is the mainstream dems and 'idpol' types, is a tool of capitalism.
It is more or less a distraction, or cybernetically speaking, serves to stabilize the system against actual radical ideas. It is the 'spectacle' or 'image' of leftism, entirely de-fanged of any revolutionary character.
A good concrete example is the ubiquitous Che t-shirt. Notice anything odd about this image?
>I believe the thread topic is why isn’t the right supported by the mainstream basically
It's easy. It's because far-right is against immigration. Capitalism needs mass immigration in order to put pressure on the labor market.
>-are there any far right intellectuals?
that status of "intellectual" is closely link to the activity of publishing and scholarship.
right-wing people are effectively banned from both being published and from having university positions. the universities were taken over long ago by the left/jews as well as the media industry.
so no, there are no right wing intellectuals, except for maybe one or two they let out as controlled opposition. as for the rest, they are simply regarded as whack jobs.
I wonder who decides this
Lmao we should let the npcs onto the fact that Che was a racist and hated negros, will make them flip their lips way more than lovecraft
I don’t know if there is a correlation but I used to be a libtard and am now super right wing on most issues since I started reading classic literature
What's there to say? The man is based!
Those who own you
This is why everyone should read their Marcuse
>It is a form of parasitism that should be eradicated.
This is how I feel about women desu.
It’s not reasonable if we want equality to have a gender doing all the birth, this forces them to be cared for by the other gender, birth is an instrument of privilege that needs to be abolished, instead we should have one utilitarian gender made from test tubes.
>It is a form of parasitism that should be eradicated.
Rent is a form of parasitism, you mean?
If you don't pay for it, then you are a parasite.
Why the fuck should i care about what opinion some genetic dead end has a-la OPs pic on the importance of hierarchy and their assumed superiority over the unwashed masses.
In just world someone as undesirable as pic related wouldn't be given a platform to talk about the horrors of democracy, and the irony of someone so repugnant saying it would be as bright as day.
>if you're ugly you don't get an opinion
Agree desu
>the only reason you would ever hold a political belief system is because you think you'll be at the top in it
lmao at leftists projecting
The guy in OP honestly looks more fitting in some comiccon group pic than a pic of average 20 somethings.
I don't even think it's just his genetics but most pics of monarchist alt right types have an overall look of malnutrition and just poor habits and health, like they can't stay away from the big gulps and endless hours of autism sims.
Are there any people who are actually attractive who care about politics?
In what dimension is that attractive?
Young Chomsky was pretty classically handsome, idk what you're talking about
He clearly had some attractive features when younger.
If he lost weight and didn't let his skin go to shit he would still look ok for his age.
Antosemitism used to be the norm though.
Leftists will never understand being satisfied with living according to ones station, they are forever insecure restless social climbers. It's no coincidence pretty much all leftist writers were urbanite drifters.
Extremists might have higher than average IQ, but that doesn't mean they contain the highest and I know of no study that looks at strata of intelligence and political views. The most intelligent people might still hold moderate views but their contribution to the distribution is masked by all of the moderate idiots.
Socrates was pro slavery... I guess by modern standards he was off the chart right.
I find centrists to almost always be 100IQ mediocritylets
topkeklel argument
I just want a few more years without a revolution, so I can cash in on my C++ and ASM skills
Yeah cuz fuck being satisfied with the bare minimum while those who don't work and have done nothing to deserve their immense wealth have everything and can do anything. Fuck talking down to the working class
holy fucking shit is there anything more dilettante than being a centrist.
It couldn't be more obvious from this post that you do not read anything politics related, at MOST you've read 3 books on the subject.
Actually this may be bait and i may have got got
Is there any proofs on this?
I'm working class myself, retard. Fuck you and your social striving, I'd rather have horrible aristocrats than retards like you lording over me.
>Lording over you
You fundamentally don't understand marxism. The whole point is to abolish hierarchy asshole
So a literal cuckold? I've never met an actual working class man with balls think this pathetically.
Breaking all Laws is immoral. So abortion some how flipped from being immoral when it was legal to moral now that it is? Double digit iq
>the state will wither away this time
sure it will, little buddy. a more interesting question than OP's perhaps is why is contemporary leftist academic theory such a mountain of obfuscated gibberish?
The memes with this political graph are funny but it is the cause for so much confusion, to the point that you've got people saying ancaps are far right.
If you're looking for a better online test, check out politiscales
nice results
not fascist enough/10
>plays candy crush
literally wtf
Fascism is seductive and I want to learn more about it, but at the end of the day it's still under the technoindustrial paradigm, and I like muh animals and muh plants.
Humanity Equality Socialism
Lenin didn't read his Hegel closely enough. DeLeon and Luxembourg seem much closer to the mark
read pennti linkola
>holding extreme views mean your political opinions are rigid and do not allow yourself to go against your position, consiciously or not.
Holy fuck this level of delusion
Most people who hold extreme views who aren't 20 IQ retards who are just vying for the edgiest position have reached it through a long ideological journey and changing views many times.
Yeah I will, I already have a decent list of authors to read regarding deep ecology, technology and the like.
nice trips and go to a board called /fascist/ on julay.world
Interesting, thanks for the recommendation.
How would you define neoliberalism, Yea Forums?
So which philosopher is the Cybele path?
>Almost all key figures of libertarianism are Jews
I can agree with most of that, but violent overthrow of the authorities is not the answer.
A peaceful revolution is possible, just look at Chile before the West violently coup'd them
The questions on the tests that increase the revolution score are explicitly violent.
Just kill all the pooskins
Step aside brainlet. Ubermensch coming through
We're almost the same, friend
Was meant for this guy, my bad brother
Why not abolish greed, conflict, and human evil instead? Why only abolish hierarchy?
I agree, kill all humans. Humanity and its consequences have been a disaster for the natural world.
Says your petty human mind. I for one have been called by higher powers who have made it known to me that they have nevertheless assigned a purpose however ignoble to the existence of the human race. At the very least it will not be up to humans to decide whether they are to end or persist.
Cybele are Paleo-European farmers before Indo-European Apollonian cultures came into Europe and imposed themselves. That was the fight of the Greek Gods (Apollonian) against the Titans (Cybelian). But Cybele always remained buried with European culture and reemerged with modernity, so modernity is Cybelian too
>The Europeans did arrive to the last point of their descent to hell. The darkness is so strong that nobody recalls anymore what the light may be. That is the consequence of the revanche of Logos of Cybele mastered in the origins of European civilization by Indo-European Apollonian cultures, but liberated itself from the the chains – like Satan in the Apocalypse story. The metaphysics of technic is the essence of titanism. The present state of things in Europe is not casual, it is a logical stage – the final one – of the process originated with the Modernity and the refusal of Tradition. The Europe without Tradition is not Europe any more, it is Anti-Europe.
If You kill all the niggers, you've become the nigger.
yeah the guy who went to angola to fight for them is pretty clearly a racist who hates black people
FUCking this
Modern? probably the accelerationist big heads. i guess the people at corporate shill think tanks like Heritage or Belfer.
I don't think so. Far right approach will inevitably raise those in the high even higher. The well-being of our fellow humans is essential for our own well-being. Moreover, it's almost impossible to understand what's just and what's not in our intervened global economical system. Socialism, disregard for current hierarchies, is the only way out of it.
>Professor Dugin writes: “A charmed world is one in which there is no barrier between idea and realisation.” If we can think of two men married to each other – then they can be married to each other. If we think a man can be a woman – then he can.
>In their book, Anti-Oedipus, Deleuze and Guattari imagine a body without organs. A human being not tied down to the reality of the flesh. They imagine a schizophrenic walk - a person who has become nothing more than intensities of desire – unobstructed by the Real of the body.
>The modern Liberal state regards each individual as an atomized being, with a separate and private relationship to the state. So, a Nigerian with an Irish passport is to be regarded as perfectly interchangeable with a Gael with an Irish passport. In effect, the Nigerian and the Gael are annihilated, and replaced with a bodiless legal entity called the citizen – or, these days, mostly just known as “the consumer.” Everything that made him human, i.e. his language, culture, family, friends, his place as a father, a son, a brother, are made irrelevant. And such bodiless legal entities can, of course, contract a bodiless, gender neutral marriage.
cause right wing=bad, left wing=good
Very nice argumentation my fella
>Far right approach will inevitably raise those in the high even higher
Each and everyone in the high today is leftwing. Socialism is the Status quo to the point that imagining our currently system without lobbysts is litteraly impossible to about half the population.
A "far right" global order would have none of the hiearchies of modernity.
Far right would put most of the current "high" in the dirt and seek to raise the worthy to up high, not whatever nonsense you think.
Radical centrists are not averse to using violence against perceived threats to their comfy bourgeois order, for instance one can look at the yellow vest protests and how centrists reacted to it, it would put China to shame; all their talk about "debate, not violence" is just a way to keep power by neutering their opposition.
Everything I believe is centrist and everything I disagree with is extreme.
Why do all of today's right-wingers support financiers and CEOs, the very people responsible for supplanting traditional culture with our mass produced consumerist culture? How can someone claim to be right wing and support a Donald Trump? It makes no sense.
>but at the end of the day it's still under the technoindustrial paradigm
It's the only one that values aesthetics as a core value. It's likely that it would be the only one that could even in theory, produce a technoindustrial society that isn't antinatalist.
what? isn't it the other way around?
Democrats do too, but if we're talking actual policy the Republicans tend to do more to help the corporations.
yes, but the republican consensus got obliterated with Trump, the democrat corporate consensus still has AOC, Warren and Biden holding it up
not saying that Trump is not a corporate shill, just that the narrative of republicans corporate shilling won't win them their primaries anymore, while democrats still do, unless Bernie manages to sneak in, but if Biden implodes for some reason we will see levels of Warren shilling that will be something unprecedented
>Why do all of today's right-wingers support financiers and CEOs,
The opposite is True. If anything some support "free market". But all of todays big CEOs are monopolists in cahoot with the State and actively push left wing cultural marxist shit.
>still deep in the republican/democrat game
They're working for the same people. Pic related.
Trump is a populist which makes him a retard But at least He's our retard. It's as simple as this.
forgot about the biggest corporate shills: the DSA and antifa
Because worthless scum exists within any race. Killing niggers does nothing about all the white trash and NEET faggots that pollute society
>Why do all of today's left-wingers support financiers and CEOs
This is the real issue, who do you think profits from immigration?
>They're working for the same people. Pic related
Asuka is the global Jew?
>How can someone claim to be right wing and support a Donald Trump?
even if Trump is a corporate shill, his narrative during the election was NOT corporate shilling, it was populist. Trump campaign completely obliterated the status quo that a republican can win the primaries by corporate shilling like Romney
meanwhile, the democrats (except Bernie), the DSA, antifa, are all perfectly aligned with corporate interest. not just in actual deeds, but in narrative
>But all of todays big CEOs are monopolists in cahoot with the State and actively push left wing cultural marxist shit
How can big CEOs push left wing Marxism if left wing Marxism inherently wants big CEOs dead or else stripped of all power over others
not nearly fashy enough lad
>left wing Marxism inherently wants big CEOs dead or else stripped of all power over others
It doesn't. It just wants the marxists to be the CEOs.
Now That's exactly What happened and We get gay shit pushed with the strenght with which the war on meant was pushed once.
Congrats, But That's Not capitalism.
The Seele, so g/acc
I guess Asuka is in there too somewhere.
Need more conservatism and communism fella
The Capital.
>It doesn't. It just wants the marxists to be the CEOs.
You are ignorant. I'm Marxist. I want the abolition of wage labor.
What big CEO push in favor of abolition of money, private property of the means of production, exchange value, the State, delegation of power? Who?
Which is a dog whistle for "I want to monopolize the highest positions in culture and economy so that everybody will have to do as i Please".
I'm the only one to have gotten all the right answers
Political tests are intended to make retards think they have formulated opinions when they just say "uhm maybe it would be better like this" to dozens of questions in a minute
your hypothetical marxist is irrelevant, even if the left is just liberal leftists, """the real left""" whatever it means always falls in line with liberal leftists, or will be completely neutralized by them
anybody to the left of Bernie Sanders (or he himself), if they get anywhere near power, the next time they appear on a stage a bunch of black girls will just come up and twerk you out of the stage, and you'll say nothing about it and just shut up like a little bitch, and there's nothing you can do against liberal leftists
antifa i perfectly coopted by the corporate left already, as is the DSA, AOC, and all that jazz
We have basically the same results, faggot
But the fact is we don't have the same results so that means you got some questions wrong.
This is what based looks like
>so that everybody will have to do as i Please".
You are a fucking retard. I just wrote that i am against delegation of power. Do you even understand what it means? Probably not. That's the problem, because of that you can't even have a proper debate with me.
>anybody to the left of Bernie Sanders (or he himself), if they get anywhere near power,
I want to abolish power, not "get near power".
>the real left""" whatever it means always falls in line with liberal leftists.
From Karl Marx to guy Debord to Francis Cousin, Nop? We do not fall in line. Only in your mind.
>will just come up and twerk you out of the stage
We don't want to be on the stage. That's for you and your leftist equivalent.
>antifa i perfectly coopted by the corporate left already
Yes, but antifa don't have the monopoly on Karl Marx. How many antifa have read Marx anyway? Sticking a feather up your butt doesn't make you a chicken.
I really hate when people write like this. It's so obnoxious, I don't even read them.
Citation needed. Also true wisdom is far more important than IQ.
Idk why it says "fatherland though I don't care about that
You're neither a pragmatist nor a cospirstionist so obviously YOU got something wrong.
Nobody force you. You can also go back to /pol.
Was this thread made by an American who thinks Democrats are leftists and not that the entire political spectrum of America is far-right by the standards of the rest of the world?
>an American who thinks Democrats are leftists
Demócrats are culturally leftist. To believe otherwise is to misunderstand the whole situation
No u
Burger, begone!
Define leftism on the cultural side.
Also I Just posted a screenshot with Italian text, disgusting subhuman brainlet, stop with le burger scarecrow.
The threat of violence for doing literally anything against the status quo by the average citizen is violence itself. Americans are so disgustingly cucked and love to lick boots. It's pathetic to see.
Low effort bait
You're the one asserting that Democrats are culturally left when that means absolutely nothing. You should be the one to explain what the devil you mean because it makes no sense. American democrats are just their Republicans in blue.
Fucking burgers man, why are they so retarded?
Literally all of the western world operates on the same spectacle.
There is no right/left politics
There's capitalism with gays and brown people, and capitalism without gays and brown people
how does a board about reading books know so little about Marxism. Did any of you even read the 1844 manuscripts?
How can you just ignore all of Trump's deregulatory moves designed to benefit the rich? We need a 90% corporate tax rate yet Trump lowered it. He's a bigger corporate shill than any of the Democratic candidates except Biden.
Where do you retards get your ideas of what „the left“ is from? Stop getting your political education from /pol/ memes and YouTube and read a fucking book on leftwing economics for a change
And no, „the left“ are not CEOs pushing le gays for profitability you schizo
Yes, there is no right, left, only Capitlaism.
However, perhaps you know, Capitlaism fuels mass immigration (labor market) and LGBT (tactic to distract from class struggle).
Agree. This thread is /pol level. We are on /lit. You don't comment if you don't have read the books, or it doesn't make any sense. It's probably a growing social phenomenon, in zoomer generation. It's now okay to talk about things you don't know about. So be it, we don't change the zeitgeist, but it sucks.
the virgin centrist vs the chad APOLITICAL
maybe in government policies, but not in narrative
>And no, „the left“ are not CEOs pushing le gays for profitability you schizo
the rest of the left is either full on-board with that or coopted and neutralized, by implying there's an active left separated from that you lose all credibility. even antifa, the DSA and AOC are perfectly integrated into liberal corporate leftism
this reads like cope, if reading those books gives amazing powers of analysis you should display them here to make us want to learn more, if it doesn't what's the point
Yeah, but the majority of them will die out whereas the nogs will remain.
>far right
This seems like such a cop-out, how does capitalism benefit from tax hikes from importing illiterate 40-year old nogs who will be on welfare their whole lives?
corporations won't be paying those taxes, you will
Don't read Marx i don't give a fuck. The books are here and they are not going anywhere.
Labor market. Supply and demand of workers. More supply, smaller wages. It's ultra basic economics. Welfare is not paid by Capital you dim-wit. But by the working class. Your working class father pays (taxes) for this illiterate 40 year old nog. Not the Capital. The Capital is not the country, or the people. The Capital is the wealth owned by the owners of the means of production. It doesn't pay taxes, and doesn't care your daddy pays taxes for immigrants.
I think I finally understand the BwO now.
>how does people not participating in the labour market benefit capital
>the labour market, duh
Can you tards even read
>tfw all politicians adhere to the same basic neoliberal priciples and some like to get spicy and add in neoconservative or even the rare democratic socialist larper
desu it increasingly seems like having defined moral values is tough when the politicians that are available have shitass neolib and neocon ideology. all trash, the political fight is basically just which hole you want to insert ideology in
Oh yeah so no immigrants at all works. All those people are on welfare. Especially after a few years being on the country.
This is the latest far right selfdeceit. Since the far-right cannot accept that Capitalism is responsible for mass immigration, they are in cognitive dissonance, and claim that immigrants don't work, so they can't benefit the Capital.
Better, when there are articles about the fact that migrants work, the far-right said it's a conspiracy, the article is a lie. In fact they don't work. It's a lie.
I guess when i see Mohamad and Fatima working in my town, it's also a lie. They don't work. They must be on welfare also. They are probably pretending, aren't they?
>leftwing economics
No one really cares about left wing economics anymore you idiot, we've gone so far into capitalism that your "left" doesn't even exist/is so fringe it sits next to neo-nazi's, every non-brainlet tier leftist jumped on the the new left/third way train and never looked back.
simply epic
To be fair, cultural leftism, intellectual, is also contradictory.
Political economy is shit. Whether from the left, or the right.
Only a retard would want to really change things, but keep Capitalism.
I don't think you have a clear idea of what "far right" means. Additionally, many in that category view (a certain kind of) socialism with good eyes.
-what? No
>How can you just ignore all of Trump's deregulatory moves designed to benefit the rich?
I'm in favourite of those, deregulation goes against the crony-monopolistic trends of today.
Yes regulation actually fucks the poor in the ass and make them poorer and he rich richer. You should have realized that when Obby Bobbit raised the federal minimum wage and McDonalds made billions off small grochery stores closing.
I'm ve read the whole of the Capital.
I've read everything your marxist brainlets told me to read to "understand" your position. I've been reading for years.
I've read WAY more books on your ideology than mine.
It's you. It's always been You that can't understand basic economics.
>that means absolutely nothing.
You know perfectly Well What that means, retard.
>Are there far-right intellectuals?
Depends on your definition of far-right and intellectual. If far-right is anything that was common opinion 100 years ago, and intellectual is someone of genuine intelligence, somewhat of a polymath, and not the pseuds that permeate today, then absolutely. Some of the most brilliant minds to ever write were and are Christian theologians.
>Does someone who reads a lot of books become far-right?
If they're intelligent, yes. Many widely read people are grug-brain, sophomoric leftists. Many people are better off not reading at all because what they read are erroneous teachings that they are not prepared to counter with correct teaching. The difference lies greatly in transcendental philosophy.
I don't think anyone with an opinion worth anything would consider pre-modern theology far right. Not to mention that our notions of left v right are pretty contingent on the place and historical moment.
Like Hobbes was pretty fuckin progressive, but most reading him today gets pretty horrified and considers him almost totalitarian (he isn't, of course, but I get it.)
Hence why we define terms.
This test is batshit and makes no sense.
name 1 (one) thing conservatives have ever conserved. they are are just progressives but slower