who's the greatest hack alive today?
Who's the greatest hack alive today?
>le cheerio man
>dude put your dick in my cheerios bro lmao
y'all still jealous, huh
>i don't mind if there's cum dripping from your sopping loose hole, I still love you haha my favorite cereal is cheerios
fair, but y'all ever think about how you is treated as plural? Some places, like the south for example, have adopted new 2nd-person plural options, like y'all, and yet you is still treated as plural. Kinda crazy. I read somewhere it's a combination of thou and ye, but take that with a grain of salt
Dan Brown makes John Green look like Faulkner
>everyone, you can fuck my wife if you give me a brand new box of cheerios, just don't do rough stuff, okay?
Mari Okada.
holy kek
Unironically do you think he would be mattering so much lately if he didn’t achieve meme status?
Haters. I named my daughter Alaska thanks to John
this fucking board
Being a redneck or a nigger is less embarrassing than being a white coastoid and saying y'all.
Kill yourself, yall as a third person singular is something English sorely lacks, German (which is a far more eloquent language) has it too with "ihr"
sorry yall as a second person plural
Jesus Cringing Christ.
"you" is already plural e.g. you faggots
>Are yall going to kill yourselves
>Are you going to kill yourselves
Since when did y'all become a nigger word?
>my daughter
more like your wife's daughter, amirite
John is a closet chad.
another day in the salt mines, i see.
Rupi Kaur. It's not even close imo.
you can thank E.E. Cummings for this retardation