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Agreed. He's a shit poet. It's clear he meant the atrocious poem in Pale Fire to be good but put in the BS meta commentary to hedge his bets. Good thing he did.

So who do you like? Let’s discuss your interests

(wait for it guys)

Literally every other novelist writer that started out as a poet is better. Houellebecq is a much better poet than Nabokov.

Yeah, it was kind of clever to hide his mediocrity as a plot device.


That's correct, Houellebecq is superior to Nabokov as a poet. I'm not even joking.

I know your not. This thread is officially over

You sure put him in his place with those epic arrows

kek you've never read either guy's poetry I'm sure about that


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coping with your illiteracy and bad taste with helpful suggestions, yes

I've only read a few of Houellebecq's poem but if you're right holy shit that doesn't bode well for Nabokov.

Giga cope and offtopic. His narrative is not the subject here but rather his poetry. Go suck his dick in some other thread.

It's that bad. Nabokov belongs in that category of wannabe poets who better became novelists, like Bolaño.


>one of the greatest writers of ALL TIME
He's a good writer user, but not THAT great. You should really read more.

Bolano has way better novels than Nabokov. 2666 slaps Nabby's ass back to pederast hell.

We're talking about shit poets, though. Fuck, you're a retard LMAO

Doesn’t matter, and do you have to your gaping capacity everytime you laugh? Cover your mouth please

>mfw Nabokov seriously thought he was superior to Dostoyevsky

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Anybody here care to post an excerpt to demonstrate how bad it is? Haven't read his poetry, just some novels

I liked Pale Fire the poem, but I still think about it as lyrical prose

youre right

seething nabokovfags cant accept reality

>O hark! a lark!
>The wide-water wanderer wonders
>Against the backdrop of an ethereal, blue sky.

>Might I wonder what he thinks,
>I'd never cease to blunder.
