What is a good book to help me understand the mind of a neurotypical?
What is a good book to help me understand the mind of a neurotypical?
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my diary desu
(I’m a chad btw)
How do you understand something that possesses little understanding? How would you come to know any thing which does not lend itself to knowing?
How could you come to know the heat of fire if you came across a fire that was instead cold?
How could you come to witness the intensity of a bright light that is not illuminated?
-Your actions are determined by emotions rather than by thoughts.
-If something makes you feel good, you do it. If it doesn't make you feel good, you don't do it.
-Don't forget about sex. Sex is the most important object in your life. You constantly feel an urge to attract other men/women even if you're already in a relationship.
-You feel in love with another person and consider this to be your predetermined fate that bonds you for eternity with the object of your fondness.
-Smily people are good. Smile back to maintain good superficial relations. Sad people are bad. Distance yourself from make-no-good-feels people.
-If a person of authority wants something done, you do it. Do not question it but ridicule said person of authority by making fun of him with people of similar stand.
-You are good at copying things and follow instructions but your abstract thinking skills is at best weak.
The first chapter in Dune.
-It's not your fault. It's always the other people's fault.
-Other people are bad and their families corrupted and dirty but not ours. Our family is perfect. Uncle Sam never touched Alice.
-We endorse anti-racism and LGBT-rights as long as our kids stay among similars and reproduce.
-Smile. Never let that feeling of emptyness and sadness creep up to you. Suppress it or other people may start thinking you're weak.
-Buy these things you neither need nor can actually afford. Debts don't exist when I don't see them.
-ohh shiny
-money good
-thinking bad
-advertisements entertaining
-buy this
-need that
The Don Gately chapters of Infinite Jest.
I need to understand normies
also this may help
Any good books on normies would be done from a non fiction point of view. A good author wouldn't be a normie, and would have a difficult time creating such a character. If I had to pick a work of fiction though, 1984 is an accurate depiction of how normal people operate. If you dont believe me, watch someone watch the news.
Neurotypicals don't have minds.
This isnt Neurotypical, this is just common lack of thought. There are many neurotypicals who are sellf reflective and stuff. do not conflate being typical neurologically with being a common dreg.
cynical and conceited retard
>airport self-help
>nyt bestsellers
>that trash that goodreads shits up my inbox shilling with the titles in all caps and a QUIRKY font and lots of BRIGHT colors and the author name bigger than the title even when the author is a literally who and it's always some stupid EXOTIC female name even when she's obviously white it needs a QUIRKY spelling, and the titles are all QUIRKY phrases you'd expect to see in the tracklist of an early-2000s post-hardcore or emo record, and if the cover doesn't have just some pomo ABSTRACT art its gotta be a cartoonish image of a MYSTERIOUS or COY looking woman in fancy clothes, you all know what i'm talking about here
t. SEETHING incel
You sound like a 15 year old who has yet to grow out of sucking Tyler Durden’s cock
triggered normies. Does it hurt having your whole life and existence dismantled in front of you by merely two comments? You can't counterargue against it so you insult. So predictable.
>There are many neurotypicals who are self reflective.
I reckon not. Most people irrespective of whether or not they're "neurotypical" are pure shit when it comes to self-reflexion (myself partially included). And no, that 10 % or less that is capable of any actual self-inquiry is not many.
You've just described the average American.
Your continent sucks.
Insult ‘normies’ all you want, at the end of the day they’re not virgins, and you are
This one. All normies are homosexual btw.
>U virgin/incel. Pwned.
Just to let you know. I'm engaged.
Now you’re lying to save face? Hahah, you incels are hilarious
Wow, you are a next level brainlet.
Doesn't neurotypical just mean you have good social skills and can read people?
Being engaged makes you a turbonormie :)
yes it mean your not autistic
bro... you just posted cringe
Brilliant pasta
Someone appreciates my satirical genius
How about you just talk to a „neurotypical“ person?
Chances are you're neurotypical, you've just chosen a different set of cliches with which to comprise an identity.
No. That's not the meaning. Neurotypical means any person who is not affected by any neurologica/psychological disorder. People with autism, schizophrenia, ADD, bipolar disorder etc. are not neurotypical.
Only an autist would respond like this