
itt: put your favorite book title into an anagram generator, pick your favorite result, and post in thread. anons try to guess the book. i’ll start:
“Mr. TV’s Hooker Bazaar”

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Fuck Snigger

>no results
Your shit sucks OP

Ninja Deans
Be Blithe

Nevermind lmao.
Arab Coder Regency

>Arab Wiving Story
Well, I would guess 1001 Nights, but this is an anagram thread....

Sorry I didn't read the OP very well. I must've pick a favorite: "Gay Vibrator Wins". Guess the book.

Gravity's Rainbow?

You didn't have to delete your post. I love you for being thoughtful user.

Gravity's Rainbow?

Loads Used


Asthmatic Boi

im trying really hard to figure these out, it's too fucking hard

My airy dudes

>Sentient Fiji
also it's not actually my favorite book

Bushier Wooing

Ethnic Treachery

is it about Jews?

it was written by one, but it's not about them.

More Vagina

am i a brainlet or is guessing this shit basically impossible? my head hurts

moravagine by blaise cendrars?

Ordained Limbo

A entrenched nip mums

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Renal Hung Moon

Would definitely read

A Forcible Stench Homer

>Orlando Furioso

>"Ordain Our Fools"

fuck it, just give the answers, it's seriously impossible to guess these
>Be Blithe
the Bible
>Ninja Deans
and Jannies
My diary desu
Infinite Jest

those are the ones i did

this is The Catcher in the Rye btw

Racked Yarn Ox

Hosted Helmets Vegs

Faecal Menthol Set

>Faecal Menthol Set

>Input too long (25 letters).
>The permitted input length (maximum 26 letters) varies depending on the server load. Currently it's limited to 24 letters.
>Please try again later or try a shorter input.

Attached: 1567454143270.jpg (640x591, 96K)

This one was a famous, genre-defining movie

O' dab on ye vile God
Beyond Good and Evil
He really does dab on God

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