Infinite Jest is the single worst attempt at a novel ever published

Infinite Jest is the single worst attempt at a novel ever published.

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>heh nothing personal kid

>hates IJ because DFW was typical white male author who was kinda douchey and portrayed women and minorities in narratively troubling and problematic ways whilst whining about white male problems all in a giant book which is prototypically masculine in size, sort of like a 600lb deadlift intellectual flexing, which is an unfeminine, thus problematic book, sizewize, that is

This generally why people dislike him/his work

Because it isn't even a novel. It's entirely a naked, desperate attempt at a novel. Not for one moment can you escape the heavy breathing of the author. It's glorified Good Smart Boy fanfic.

No, people dislike DFW because his "work" is simply a nonsensical stream of rambling and complaining, a superfluous garfield comic to put it nicely.

Crying about being a race/gender/sexuality with the least amount of discrimination and problems associated with such is just icing on the cake

>what is chick lit
>what is YA
>what is airport novel
Wallace seems like Shakespeare in comparison. He's not the worst anything.

>sort of like a 600lb deadlift intellectual flexing
sure... except DFW was a soiboi beta male who would probably throw out his back deadlifting 135, and the last thing he did in his life was perform the single most feminine act man is capable of.

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It takes balls to do an hero, though. And he wasn't a soiboi; he probably fucked more women that you will ever fuck in your lifetime.

Ok sweetie

>wahh my parents were prestigious professors and my daddy paid for me to write my feelings in my notebook for most of my life and im still a weak crybaby faggot who killed myself

No wonder you and every other weak beta male on Yea Forums identifies with him so much

and redpilled

whatever cringe-addict came up with the narrative of DFW being masculine needs to be congratulated. he actually fooled people on Yea Forums into calling a certified onions aficionado with a faggy beard and a famous novel about little boys "masculine."

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No, postmodern literature is just plain awful. Do you really think this compares to the works of the great Russians?

Literally who in this thread is comparing IJ to the works of the “great Russians”?

What does that even mean? Fucking schizos, man.

it was because of the marijuana

It's very simple to shit on something you haven't had the chance to read in full.

You didn't read it did you?

Are you completely retarded?