Hi Yea Forums

Which book should I read to attract women?

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the bible

Are you sure son?

how to be a 3% man

Yep this. It should start you on the path to being a normie also.

This unironically

Top kek

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Read this, then forget that you can read and watch youtube videos for further guidance

Attached: 51MfaFsIdpL._SX380_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (382x499, 42K)

Thanks user, I deeply appreciate your suggestion.


A guide to cunnilingus.
In public.

Classic Greek poetry, German romantic era poetry. Memorize poetry of outsize mythos and virtue.

Thanks sensible user

Normie is the kind of man a woman wants, though.

is this a /fit/ meme or is it actually helpful? I seriously can't tell anymore

Harry Potter, not even meming.

It gets shit on because experienced lifters try it and lose mass or get weaker, but the routine is an excellent introduction to free weights. It introduces many core lifts, gets you used to using rep schemes, and helps you set realistic, attainable goals for progression.

That being said, as soon as you feel like your returns from the program are starting to diminish, you should really move to something that is more in tune with your specific fitness goals.

just practice talking with women retard
life is the best book

Hegel will do

32,000 eggs a year
