>tfw I found out that the novel I've been writing for the past 8 years, which I thought had an exceptional premise, turns out to be nothing more than an unimaginative re-hasing of Nozick's experience machine thought experiment
Yeah but the whole strength of the novel lies on the premise, which I had taken to be completely original. Without that, I'm completely reliant on my writing, which simply isn't good enough to stand up to scrutiny
I've written a play in literally one day on a ton of Vyvanse and I'm satisfied with it; and even the guys on Yea Forums who scathingly talk shit on everything liked it. If you take 8 years to write a fucking novel, just do something else lmao.
Nah, I'm just joking. Why don't you post some excerpt of your novel for us to see?
Dude, just fucking copy some other novels, like, take some random novels you like and just mix them up and create something new lmao.
There's plenty to re-evaluate about the experience machine with the advent of VR. A technology which also had a couple decades of speculative literature that can be revisited. You can also explore the point you were trying to make in a more nuanced fashion, or attempt to retain your initial thoughts and explore from there.
Jose Smith
You're 8 years in, there's no point trying to quit now. Who cares if some philosopher thought of something similar in a thought experiment? Novels aren't thought experiments, if you can make an interesting story based around it and present it in an entertaining fashion, you will not only have written a good novel, you will have popularised this thought experiment to an audience who might not have heard of it. Just keep going.
Christian Walker
Lucas Thomas
>Why don't you post some excerpt of your novel for us to see?
I only got as far as the first page, so it's probably not ready for review yet
Joseph Gray
>I only got as far as the first page OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
You fucking joking? Everything has already been done. Most ideas aren't going to be unique. But that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't write it.
Just write it regardless.
William Davis
I just wanted to make sure it was right. Didn't quite achieve that though, so I deleted three quarters of the page and have now been left with only a few sentences. It's a work in progress
Owen Jenkins
it'll still sell, most people haven't heard of nozick so your premise will seem original to them.
Brandon Barnes
It's okay, Nozick's thought experiment is a rehashing of some recurring ideas in PKD novels, like the box in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
Luke Garcia
Bruh, just put your own spin on the experience machine. There’s nothing wrong with putting a variation on a familiar trope. Lots of great art is made that way. It’s a great way to delevop your own unique style in my opinion. Try to draw from as many of your own influences as possible.
Luis Evans
You could also break the novel down into smaller parts so they could be short stories with a overarching theme, etc. There are ways out of this my dude!
Jack Peterson
We hated it, Kierkefaag. Stop lying.
Camden Jenkins
You.. you've been working for 8 years and have a single page to show?
Oliver Johnson
OP, this is the flimsiest excuse for abandoning something that I have ever encountered. Don’t be a dick and keep going.
I admire his effort, I only ever write songs and poetry because I have such a shitty attention span.
Isaac Anderson
Less than that now, due to the latest revisions. I now have approximately three sentences, as well as the title of the novel
Luke Hall
But you have tons of notes and journals right? Everything story wise is layed out? If so, then it should be cake to bang the whole thing out in a month or so.
William Evans
Not in a physical sense, but I have a VERY comprehensive idea in my head of how the story should unfold
Samuel Nguyen
Then, my friend, you have NOT been working on anything. Unless you swallow your insecurities and write this thing down, all was for naught. No matter how fully fleshed and comprehensive your thoughts are, they'll evaporate like passing daydreams just the same.