Is he right?
Is he right?
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Petty collectivism.
Yes but actually no
You can be partial and understand all those. You don't have to be a fence-sitters to realize that you are acting upon "identitarian" values. Furthermore, it neglects the fact that in the absence of these, people can still create, embody, and commit violence. For example, is envy which leads to me to murder someone for their belongings. That is purely individualistic self-interest. Lastly, identity is the bedrock of any culture and civilization.
Idealistically, yes.
Realistically, no. Because that line of thinking leads to collectivism which always ends up becoming some variation of 1984.
Everytime you fart, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are spraying your poo particles and gasses into the atmosphere forcing everyone to endure the stench and to sniff up your poo. So a man that doesn't fart, doesn't violate anyones else's nostrils and he will eventually explode into nirvana by combustion.
"Those who preach peach do not have love"
How do midwits with basic bitch takes like this manage to get quoted on the Internet 40 years after their deaths?
what if i want to talk about peace and understanding but you only speak the language of the sword
Sure, but who says that’s wrong in a world of inequality? For the strong to live with the weak is to abuse the strong, there is no peace only order, and I prefer the stabler time-tested order
When you call yourself a Human, you are being violent, because you are separating yourself from the rest of the world's species.
shallow and pedantic
all politics are identity politics
You know what? lets just all stop talking all together. Then there will be no violence
*stabs u*
Idealistically? Yes
Practically? No, just because you are non-violent does not mean others will be non-violent. One must always concern themselves with the fact that we are products of nature and therefore will succumb to its throws.
I don't think J Krishnamurti was a liar, but he most certainly was an airhead who talked and talked and talked without much substance.
I like this line.
see Great minds think alike and fools seldom apart. We are which I wonder.
''identities'' are by-products of industrial structures designed to mobilise humans for political or commercial purposes(the ones are increasingly indistinguishable from the others). Even 'religious' identities have become hollow and have lost almost all real spiritual content. The spur towards movilisation is a merely animal instinct for survival, the identity's legitimacy depends on this spectre of a 'they' who wants to destroy or subsume the identity.
If a guy gets stabbed, and nobody was around to hear it, did he really get stabbed at all? We could be on to something.
What a fucking brainlet.
>believing in something is violent
Only if you bury him after he bleeds out
I think it's certainly more than just "believing" for som people.
Yeah no he's a brainlet.
>it's violence to disassociate from violent people
Absolute 50iq braindead retard that thinks humans can just get along because magic
trips of truth confirm he is right.
t. violent speciesist
He sounds like a massive faggot. Does locking my door at night also make me violent because I separate myself from all the hobos that might want to come in, rob me and kill me?
Whoa, this makes me think, why do we violently distinct between man and woman, between child and adult?
>le absurd strawman
ITT reactionary faggots
>contradicting based TRIPS OF TRUTH
we are not even the same species, let alone the same race
>we are not even the same species
the bible
Based trips of truth are 777. 000 is for NOBODIES LOL.
>''identities'' are by-products of industrial structures
I'm Christian identity was created by "capitalism"
>is violence
>breeds violence.
Here is where his logic slips. A thing is not identical to its effects. The sun can cause melanomas, does that mean it is cancer?
Violence is an act, not a state of being. I can call myself Genghis Khan and not become one whit more violent. Only when I bash someone over the head do I take a belligerent turn.
seeking a sense of belonging or wanting to belong to a group/guild/party is a major component of the human psyche, just like submission, guilt, jealousy, mediocrity, solipsism, bias, etc.
you only become free once you realize the rules that are forcing you down, then disobey them
are there any books that discuss the comfort of being with your own people
>Humanity!!! Cosmopolitan idealism abstracted from any concrete form of social living.
Retarded reddit faggotry.
Lmao, what is this incel trying to suggest?
couldve given you a pass for strawman, the person you responded to shouldve prtovided couple more examples - there are plenty.
but absurd ?
100% but why would anyone not embrace violence?
>anyone I disagree with is an incel
Nationalism is not the same as locking your door at night.
are you familiar with the works of Jacques Ellul? He was a French christian theologician, sociologist and philosopher, definitely amongst the most insightful critics of industrial society.
ironically, an incel would support nationalism and racism and such memes.
how can he be right if he isn't saying anything?
think harder and work on your reading comprehension
>ironically, an incel would support nationalism and racism and such memes.
Studies have proven that leftists and socialists are weaker than their right wing counterparts. Studies have also shown that right wing men get more sex than left wingers.
How would it benefit an incel?
He would be one of the first to go in one of those eugenic programs like aktion t-4
It's an absurd comparison.
oh please, left wingers are invariably beta orbiters or trannies of some sort, essentially incels in denial, cowardly incels who surrendered to the gynocracy like dogs when they could have gone out in a blaze of glory like Lions.
Absolutely not
Eugenics aren’t a popularity contest, it’s you people listening to blacks sing about committing crime while insisting that blacks don’t commit crime who are going to go no matter how normal you think you are.
Reminder that stupid people never struggled to breed.
Leftists selfish dogs as they are can't understand the concept of self sacrifice for the Greater Good.
When you seek to totally understand mankind you separate yourself from the rest of mankind just as much. There is nothing wrong with separating yourself from other people.
>Reminder that stupid people never struggled to breed.
Left wingers are stupid and they have less sex than right wingers. It seems like the stupid have trouble breeding.
Being a right winger already means you're lacking some grey matter, though.
>”hey everyone, let’s all act like we’re all one indistinct blob okay”
>”no no you bastad bitch stop calling yourself Serbian, you’re violent unlike us enlightened people”
>”you know what, we should just kill all the violent fags who don’t agree with us”
He was pretty naive to not see the paradox. Even if millions played his little game there would be a new distinction between those who don’t believe in collectivism and those who do.
He literally never said the thing in your last greentext. Another strawman to the pile.
Obviously I never said he did, it just happens to be the conclusion that many collectivists reach when they try to apply their ideas in the real world
That is the same thing commies said about the gulags fag
You are unironically demoralised.
>Cognitive ability and party identity in the United States
Literally everyone is a retard in the US so who cares.
How is it not the same?
Nationalists are called xenophobic all the time. Is locking your door for fear of outsiders not xenophobia then? Why are you so intolerant to meth addicts entering your house when you let niggers into your country? How is that different? When you have a superior place (country/your house) and people from a worse place (3rd world/some dark alley) want to come in and share your goods then why do you decide to separate yourself from them, you fucking racist pig?
which he isnt doing by bringing up that example, its just an example in the same line of reasoning with OPs picture
>Don't you understand that when you are seeking to understand violence you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind who are not, and in that way are breeding violence against them?
This is one of the dumbest takes I have ever heard.
Back to twitter, you fucking faggot.
>implying incels aren’t just worker stock men being shut out en masse
30% of men aren’t losers, get real. In nazi Germany the incel has a frauline and a job and vacation time to spend with her for free at workers resorts.
>30% of men aren’t losers
user, not getting laid for a year doesn't make you an incel. That study which you may have heard of, was talking about not having sex in the last year not about virginity.
The actual percentage of incels is probably single digit.
>Dude we're all the same, maaan.
Not having sex in the last year definitely means something wrong what kind of fucking cope is this lmao.
go attract some females, breeder
It's normal, unless you are a low iq sex obsessed drone. What makes one an incel is the inability to get a relationship and have kids.
woman detected.
It’s not normal lmao it’s isolated to men and they’re complaining about it and you’re observing this all from the outside trying to say it doesn’t exist. A much more likely truth that covers all you incel haters, is you’re afraid of what you stand to lose if incels were made equal. I kind of love how incels have destroyed the left, just by pushing them to their own points of intolerance and selfishness.
Both yes and no. It's a good way of thinking, but like with most things; it's really easy to misinterpred
Obviously an ideal society has no sex, but as we live in a sex obsessed society the 30% of men not having sex means there’s a thing happening
The most interesting observation is how die hard it has made them, like they simply won’t reconcile with incels, all they can do is simply belligerently try to force their old left view points and hope hypocrisy doesn’t actually matter.
And 19% of women in that study also didn't have sex in the last year.
> they’re complaining about it
They are a very small but vocal minority.
People aren't an economical resources user, you can't demand women to have sex with you.
Man do you even realize the levels of denial you’re on? I guess a symptom of living in a fantasy world of equality is not actually being able to comprehend equality enough to know when you’re being hypocritical.
You can’t demand women get paid equally in a meritocratic economy either but that doesn’t seem to be an issue for the left and being upset that actresses get paid less because every other bitch wants to be one?
>30% of men not having sex
Look at this blabbering incel fabricating statistics to justify his sexlessness. Did you know that 40% of statistics are made up?
This woman hasn't had sex in the last year, she is very angry now and she demands you to have sex with her.
Don’t forget that male ballet dancers don’t exist anymore outside of Russia because equality politics made equal pay for male and female ballet dancers even though the female market was over saturated. Already we are disrupting people’s lives in the name of equality, dunno why sex is too far it’s literally meaningless.
Ahaha cope harder lefty I’m sorry you have no arguments, it’s what you get for being low iq and choosing left.
Look at the kike trying to make sure goyim don't have sex.
Men are suffering from this more though, clearly there’s a toxicity among women
Look at the slime with no principles trying to be taken seriously
wait, so am I supposed to be having sex constantly??
If you haven’t for a year you’re suffering from inequality in the face of women’s privilege
Lmao who the fuck gives about gay ballet dancers.
People aren't money
Yes. Just find a woman and fuck her. Studies have shown that daily sex makes you happier.
Look at the incel with no sex trying to be taken seriously.
Just fap and shut the fuck up
Are you implying people aren’t forced to pay their money? What’s the difference between paying your money and paying your sex, it’s both just your time and effort
Literally no arguments. You can not like me because I’m an incel but you can’t prove me wrong. I’m not even pretending to be smart, it’s just so easy to btfo you soulless left cretins who have hilariously weak brains from the lack of use. I have had sex before btw.
but I mean, if I don't even try to have sex with anyone, am I supposed to be having sex constantly e.g. four times a week or so??
I dunno man, don’t really care, trying to point out female privilege to these npcs
>Just find a woman and fuck her.
Isn't there a process between finding a woman and fucking her? Courtship, dating or some shit?? Sorry I'm an autist from another country.
You can move to a country with a lower tax rate if you want, nobody is forcing you to do anything user.
You can’t escape taxes even by that logic, I can only imagine the deflated shape of your left wing brain
Why are Nazis allowed on Yea Forums. Can you pathetic losers fuck off?
This image is like the perfect example of how left wingers have no principles lmao, I’m saving this for the war effort. Either exposes the left as beliefless, or lefties agree with it and continue their degeneration into hypocritical idiots making their side look bad.
Have you ever heard of a fuck partner? You don't have to date. You just have to fuck. Better yet, you can find a gf, have an open relationship with and her fuck other women while you're dating her.
If you were smart enough you would find a way to not pay taxes as most rich people do.
When you call yourself not a thief, not a murderer, not a paedophile, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent?
Just because the uber rich doesn’t actually pay the whole 40% demanded from them doesn’t mean that they don’t still pay the majority of tax money my low iq lefty
If you are paying taxes you are low iq
Even politician and president pay checks pay taxes.
I'm too autistic for that. I guess I'll remain celibate until I fix all my personal issues.
Yes we should all be intelligent like Al Capone
t. some indian dude
t. some burger dude
Indians are retards
as opposed to Americans, who are geniuses, right?
>his solution to violence -- by his definition, violence being separation from mankind -- is... violence, i.e. separating people from mankind
Huh, interesting.
Are the best schools not all american?
White Americans
the best, and full of pajeets and chinks
They're neither vocal nor a minority
According to Jordan Peterson, refusing this kind of violence (affirmation, choices, saying no) is cowardice, a sane individual must accept that he has to affirm himself. Group identity is just not your cardinal feature in the West, we are individuals. Who's hurt by me recognizing having roots in Greece, Rome, Christianity?
>Who's hurt by me recognizing having roots in Greece, Rome, Christianity?
people with shit history and accomplishments
Chapofags go back.
only some of the unis, which are accessed by the elite btw. most of America is retarded.
>Who's hurt by me recognizing having roots in Greece, Rome, Christianity?
kek the absolute state of burgoids
Ideologue globalist who has drank the kool aid. Reminds me of atheists who insist they don't have any ideology and are just neutral rational agents with no dogma.
The line is from Krigsgaldr by Heilung, a decent tribal folk song. They might have been quoting something else, but that's where I know it from.
i am nothing like these street shitters and niggers and refuse to be categorized as their equal, thank you
What’s brainlet is the idea you’re purporting but you know that don’t you you weird lefty thing
>A book literally meant to teach you an important realistic fact of life is bad because it's easily readable
You're like one of those retards that think speaking in a "educated" manner and using as complex words as you can is what actual smart people do.
this, 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a manual! like and share if you agree
One of the Krishnamurtis was based and the other was cucked, seems this was the cucked one
Yes, but why wouldn't I want to separate myself from "the rest of mankind"? They're all fucking retarded.
He needs to let go of "mankind" too. Truly a man seeking to escape violence needs not only to deny that he is from somewhere, but also needs to deny that he is a someone, maybe even to deny that he is something.
>americans will mock this while being seperated into groups to endlessly fight with eachother for the profit of their masters
haha silly hippies and their bullshit
It is not violence because I am not separating myself. Just as the human body is several parts composing a whole the world is several parts composing a whole, otherwise the body would be an amorphous slime.
That it breeds violence is another matter. Practically everything in this world, from the pettiest grievance to the gravest wrongdoing, can "breed violence." Such is the nature of human beings, to be in constant turmoil due to pride, greed, envy, wrath, and so on.
A man can be concerned with the total understanding of mankind without doing what this poo says.
I'm so tired of wading through this sea of nonsense.
It should be forbidden to have an opinion about any subject unless you have an IQ of >130.
Naive mereology, naive psychotheology, and even a naive humanism. What makes you better than butterfly?
No. Lacking those things is impossible and trying to make it so has caused and will cause extreme suffering, hate, and conflict. I'd rather be defined by a tradition than by some vapid consumerist subculture tailored by capital that I'm tricked into basing my selfworth and opinions of others on.
Look up who J Krishnamurti is you retard