Hey guys, please help a girl out. I am very happy, and I don’t know what to do. I am content, everything in my life is so awesome and I could live this out for the rest of my life. Is there a book about this? Not about the struggle but just begins where the protagonist has a great life. A novel that’s just about being grateful and happy. It could be called Happily Ever After, the novel. Things come up here and there but it’s manageable. All the karma is done, and no pettiness to dish out. Just love and chill vibes, very cozy
Hey guys, please help a girl out. I am very happy, and I don’t know what to do. I am content...
Other urls found in this thread:
Didn't even get a little toasty. 2/10
Post tits or post feet, then I'll answer
Unironically, Ecclesiastes.
Deliverance of the Heart Through Universal Love
my hubby likes it
Also I’m looking for a book, I held up my part of the bargain
mettānisaṁsa sutta? as opposed to mitta? I’m really not a religious kind of person tho
Try reading Harry Potter, I heard women like that shit. If not, then maybe The Very Hungry Caterpillar is more appropriate
Reminder this is what life as a woman is like
I’ve read those. The only book that sorta comes close is Ulysses. Despite the chapter on the beach where Stephen is complaining, and some other parts, I found it very affirming and cozy
There are very few books like that. All good books require something evil. But the closest that I can think of is Peace by Gene Wolfe especially if you appreciate old midwest comf.
Yes I have the perfect book for you it's called please be my gf please oh god im so alone I just want to hug and kiss a girl
Lmao casually btfo
Is reading Ulysses supposed to be some kind of accomplishment?
The Hobbit? Not really what you described, as it still has conflict, but it is very comfy throughout
I used to have a great admiration for Voltaire when I was younger, specifically Zadig, I had whole passages written out in my journal. Now as I’ve grown older I find reading him to be a downer
I used to like him as well when I was in high school, but now he just seems like a midwit tier author without any solutions of his own to the problems of the world
Thanks for the suggestion but it sounds kind of disorganized and a lot of ranting. Looking for a cozy story about a happy person, and this happiness doesn’t go away. Evil comes but it’s not a huge battle it’s just a little adjusting. I read my kid the polar express, some user suggested it awhile ago, and it was so nice from start to finish. I wish I could find an adult version of this
The book about my idle plot on a vague anxiety
Yes he is not helpful at all, it’s all very typical. I find his religion bashing very distasteful as an adult. I’d like to teach my children to respect other people’s beliefs. Voltaire is not part of the catalogue I would suggest to them for higher reading
who has soultions to world problems?
are all women as cringe&yikes as you after they have kids?
This is unfortunately what the majority of novels are based on. It’s understandable, people have issues and they’d like to see how others overcame their own, that’s fine. I have been having a very good time recently and it’s lasted a very long time and I just don’t want it to go away. I’d like to find a book about this, there must be a book about a person who is just dandy, and full of resolve. If I don’t find it I will have to write it myself because it seems ridiculous that books without hysterical plots and characters are so far and few between
Nobody wants to read something like that. There's no conflict. It's boring.
I’m actually very happy with myself and what other people think of me rarely crosses my mind. My sister is still single but she’s always talking bad about me behind my back, but I love her all the same and this drives her nuts, so I just love her from a distance. She’s got her PHd but she’s miserable because of all the debt from school. Ordinarily she’s just talks crap I guess, she’s the sarcastic type, always getting sloshed, hates on everyone, oh but she loves animals. It frustrates me that she’s like this, but as it is her problem and not mine I don’t let it affect me. I suggest you do the same, you seem very affected. Why not leave my thread and find something that doesn’t make you feel like that
Very based
Supremely, monumentally based; you are truly on the basedgod's layer
I actually asked someone about this in person ages ago and they gave me a recommendation, but I forgot it. I'll post again if I can jog their memory.
Why exactly are you happy? Share with us please
Your constant re-affirmation of your contented attitude leads me to think you are not actually happyp
she has a hubby and nice feet, wouldn't you be happy?
I’ve read it and enjoyed it
Wow this is very cool, thank you for sharing
A lot of people have solutions to the worlds problems. We are not lacking solutions, it’s more that the majority of people are scared and lazy. It takes forever to pass the simplest of legislations and there are also crippling human traits from our ancestral past that make us anything but contributors to a better and brighter future
I want to read it. Conflict is not enjoyable. I can honestly say I’ve grown out of that. I think there can be challenges to be overcome, maybe even some that seem insurmountable, but nothing that would warrant some sort of hysterical response/retaliation. I find your notion ridiculous that a novel must be about conflict. Why can’t there be books that go in length about joy
Given the distinction she's trying to make in the OP, I can see why she has to hang on to the notion. Maybe the point is to divide happiness and contention. "I am very happy, and I don’t know what to do." Although her next line is "I am content" so beats me really. Maybe she doesn't get the nuance either, hence her asking for a recommendation.
Then read the Country of the Pointed Firs. It's standard pulpy feminine fair
No I am actually interested to know what elements exactly makes a woman feel fullest in life. She genuinely seems like so.
At Home In Mitford is extremely cozy. There is very little conflict, nothing really big happens, just the quiet life of a middle aged cleric living in a small southern mountain town.
It’s absolute fluff, but cozy and nice all the same
The thought of kissing gives me anxiety, I'll be happy if we could just hug
That means a lot thank you. Yes if you remember please let me know
I have had a really turbulent life and had to make a lot of changes. I was extremely lucky to have someone as intelligent and caring as my beau at my side, he helped me through a lot. Now I am in a very comfortable situation and I feel at peace inside myself. I feel intelligent and therefore capable and somewhat fearless as to what could come next. I am very happy. Life is so beautiful, my family is so beautiful. People are struggling, there’s a lot of suffering, but like myself, I know that that’s part of their journey. I feel like I’m at the end of the book of conflicts and opening a new book of joy. And I am surprised to find very little in the way of fiction subject. I find that very bizarre. I like Yea Forums a lot but I’ve noticed that there are too few genuinely happy people. I though perhaps I could begin a discussion about novels that are joyous and life affirming, exciting and adventurous. I was watching Indiana Jones and it was so ridiculous but I couldn’t help but feel so attracted to that kind of attitude. Not losing hope and making and having fun. And the. I thought, why not a book where there’s no conflict at all? Why must there be conflict? And there really is no reason. I had a existential moment where I realized that this question belonged to me, my family, loved ones, my community and the world at large. I am obviously just learning to walk this idea, so I was wondering whether there were authors who had. Like I said Ulysses comes to mind, also Midsummer Nights Dream was very cozy.
I invoke the immortal apostle Paul when I say this: begone fat temptress, and take your whoredoms with you
I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the same people
>I thought, why not a book where there’s no conflict at all? Why must there be conflict? And there really is no reason.
There should be a conflict because without it you wouldn't have been able to distinguish the happy parts from other parts. If you didn't experience a turbalent life, and you were this content all your life, you wouldn't have felt the happiness as you do now, atleast not as intensely. This is why there needs to be conflict, for the pleasure of resolution afterwards.
I do that sometimes, make posts about hating women, then I follow them up begging to be loved
LMAO. Thanks for the laugh user
Austrian economists
Explain what your husband does that makes you so happy so I can have a model for me
How tall are you?
I agree to a certain extent but I don’t believe joy is dependent on previous misfortune, and I know this because I have been very fortunate and happy for a long time, which is very irregular for as far my life has been. I don’t think appreciating beauty, or fond personal memories, learning new things such descriptions of the natural world that you find in science or history books, depend on conflict at all. There may be conflict in those things, but not a necessity that it depends on in order to enjoy them. I was thinking of a very quaint story about an old man. He goes to the grocery store, notices funny things, recollects on good memories, offers helpful advice, keeps faith during trouble, and all of this written in fantastic prose. Like i said, Bloom in Ulysses comes closest to this, I am probably using the example of the old man because of Ulysses, because that’s really the closest I’ve come in the way of a sophisticated work of literature that is life affirming and peaceful and true. There’s issues but I’d hardly call them conflicts and I would say that the story is not at all dependent on said conflicts in the slightest. It’s a really strange book because nothing really happens, and yet every stone is turned.
>I like Yea Forums a lot
How do you survive the misogyny here? What do you think things that are said here about women and their taste in literature?
Sorry my dear, I'll have to disappoint you
OK Mary Sue.
Well you got what you wanted OP. Mentioned your a girl even though that is completely unnecessary in the context. And all the male attention sure flooded in... it's pathetic really
I don’t want to talk about my husband but I will say he is very simple and yet the greatest man Ive ever known. I knew from the first time I saw him that I wanted to have children with him. He plays piano, reads and likes discussing things with me. No one ever talked to me about books let alone cared what I thought about them. He really made me feel like human being, like I was there and I mattered. We live very frugally. We have our own universe. We stay home watch movies, read, and just talk about anything, everything. We went through a lot together and we still did up until not too long ago where everything seemed to calm down, and they’ve remained calm. As long as we are like this I don’t see our peace being disturbed, and both of us are committed to this peace. If anything changes it’ll be for the better, even more peace. Perhaps sharing our peace with the rest of the world, who knows. Right now we are just taking root in a very nice garden. Maybe a war breaks out or a natural disaster or some freak accident. But I have to admit, that there is something very peaceful about knowing that what is in my control to manage is being managed, and anything outside of my control I have to let go of, the stress of thinking about it is not helpful. I have faith that we will remain happy for the rest of our life.
Thank you for the chart. I’ve read a few on there, and I know a few others that I tried reading but didn’t care so much for the writing. But there are some ones I haven’t tried yet so I’ll start there. I’m 5’5
She got all the rec because of revealing her gender. I would have done the same if I were her.
Maybe, but she also strikes me as a friendly person in general who's grateful for the help offered and for some reason that last post restored some hope that I might find a decent girl one day. At least this reminded me that there are non-NPC women too
Maybe she can help us regarding that.
OP, how do we find non-NPC women like you?
The sun also rises
Also why would you ever want to read a book where nothing happens
Abs I was telling this user
I don’t let the options of others affect me in the slightest. I won’t stand there as my sister insults me or my beau, but as to what she thinks I have no care for. That goes for compliments too, I am grateful when people tell us we are loveliest family, I am put off when my sister tells me I looked a lot better when I was slim, but it’s a very passing feeling. It’s like a phone call I don’t answer. I am very truly happy, needing not any more or less. I see Yea Forums as a kind of learning community. So when people say disgusting things here I don’t ignore it but try to consider from where could this person be coming from? What does their discourse say about their state of being? And it’s always a plea for help, whether they know it or not. There are angels on Yea Forums too, sometimes I will see a sweet person talking to a hysterical poster and really trying to reason with them only to find the person is really struggling. It brings me to tears sometimes because I remember being on the other end, I used to be very man hating and what not. There’s a lot of suffering, human beings suffer and sooner or later we have to try to understand what this means if we are to make sense of the world. I like Yea Forums because despite all the unhappy people, there are a few genuinely smart and good people that enjoy reading as much as I do
I feel you would enjoy "If on a Winter's Night a Traveler"
It's not quite what you're asking for, but it's a good read you'll enjoy.
Have you even been to lolcow? If you have, what do you think of it?
this. you can just really tell that she's not like those other girls. 'tis a fine sight to see!
you still didn't say what you think about how women's taste in literature is shat on here as being 'lightweight'. Do you sometimes agree, or you disagree with them always?
being fat is not a good thing. i mean a little chub isn't the end of the world, but getting really fat is disgusting, unhealthy, and overall a disgrace to your body. and it always starts like this. you put on a little weight, then people give you a little guff to try and straighten you out, but you write them off as haters or whatever the fuck. then, next thing you know, you weigh 300 pounds and your husband can no longer look at you without feeling viscerally disgusted. and the fatter you get, the harder it is to lose weight. you WILL NOT be happy if you weigh 300 pounds.
>t. fat mom
be my belly mommy gf
i meant i have a fat mom, not that i am a fat mom.
My disappointment is immense and my day has been ruined
>And it’s always a plea for help, whether they know it or not.
Your insistence that you are utterly happy is a plea for help!
You won’t. I am what I am because of my beau and I’m not afraid to admit it. When he met me I was a hot mess. There was attraction but he sort of woke me up and aroused a sense of all the potential that was dormant inside me, that’s what was unbreakable between us. He was like my teacher. I was obsessed with my looks, like my sister, I was far more attractive, I had a “perfect body”, people always said I should be a model but I had no clue how miserable I was until began to become happy and healthy. I hated men and thought I knew everything and then my beau comes along, this very handsome man who liked books. He would read to me and I began buying books just to be like him and suddenly like the whole world opened up. He was there to walk me through it. Maybe I could have done it on my own, I dunno, but my story is I found myself with the help of someone that I was in live with. I meet girls who read and are into literature but they are really stuck up and have this very annoying habit of sounding pompous. I really feel like they trade happiness in for a sense of superiority. My beau is the smartest person I know but he’s very humble and I modeled myself after that because I wanted to be happy like he was. He had been through so much in life but he had such a rich life to himself, I envied him and wanted to be like him. He taught me to trust myself and be happy with myself and I am. People need help and he helped me. I didn’t know it but I was dying and he saved me. He showed me how to be confident in being my own person.
That’s sounds really interesting thank you
No I haven’t and unless they discuss literature I don’t think I’d be interested
Im 5’5 and 150lbs, I’m not worried about becoming obese. I exercise too.
I have a tummy yes but I also have a huge ass and that makes my hubby very happy. I used to have a whole range of eating ocd’s but I now I’m relaxed, I eat deserts, I love sour candy. My beau says he wouldn’t mind if I was fatter
Yes, I need help finding a book i can relate to
>he had such a rich life to himself
can you elaborate?
>He taught me to trust myself and be happy with myself
> He showed me how to be confident in being my own person.
I get this a lot from women, but you see, I don't have any problem in doing those, it's just that I don't know the process of how you do any of those things. How did you husband do it to you? Maybe it'll help me when I have someone one day.
Why the preamble about being a woman and happy? Why not just ask for chill and cozy books? Why make this thread at all? You could have just checked the wiki.
Like i go to a kids pool party and there are parents and I see the other husbands and I couldn’t help but think of him when I was there. All the guys are really childish compared to him. He is very to himself and enjoys doing things alone. I take myself out sometimes, I’ll go to a movie alone or sit somewhere and read. I would never have thought you could be happy being alone but, like him, there’s nothing I would rather be doing. The only other moms I get along with are the really laid back types, where there’s no expectations, but I don’t try to have intellectual conversations. Some people are really insecure and get the feeling like I am trying to come off as a know it all. My conversations with him are like none I can have with anyone else. People are laid back, and if they are, they’re not very bright. With him it’s like nothing I’ve ever had with anyone else. He is also very determined to become better, he’s always trying his best and admits his faults. My ex boyfriends thought the world revolves around them, where as with my beau it really does feel like the world revolves around him, in a good way. He’s a man man but not your stereotypical no heart or brains type that are everywhere.
Like I said, he is very handsome. I wouldn’t underestimate that. But he brings a lot more to the table. I think spending a lot of time alone and developing yourself, who you are and want to be, that makes for a confident person. Confidence isn’t something you show it’s something you have. I’ve met a lot of confident guys, but when you get to know them they don’t really have a reason to be as confident as they are. I am who I am today because of him. He really did develop himself for himself, so he knew who he was and didn’t care what others thought. He knew himself and liked himself. When he didn’t he didn’t hesitate to change or ask me for help in changing. I never met someone like that. He will get very vulnerable and tell me what he’s struggling with, I think it takes a lot of confidence to do that. It’s also very attractive because we can become really intimate. It’s very sexy
No if you go through the thread you will see that I am asking for something very specific. I said to help a girl out, because I am a female
if he wasn't handsome, would you have given him a chance?
wholesome thread
How do I get through to my gf who is unable to change? I know she has a heart of gold, but she is actually intensely childish for her age. When to give up?
Look up Cannery Row by Steinbeck,
Of course I would have. But like when I met him he was very athletic, and that has to do with the developing of yourself like I was talking about.
What is your sister's PhD in? Is she cute? Post pictures of her feet. Give me her phone number.
Yea I think so too
I have no idea but you don’t seem to know either. I would work on yourself first. Me and my guy both had our issues going in, but that’s whats great you have each other to help and to work on. Your there to make sure they feel loved when they are feeling insecure about the changes they have to make to become a better person. Just make sure you are headed in the right direction. You said she has a heart of gold, I think that’s very sweet of you to say. I see that you love her. I too was really childish but she was a whole person before she met you. If she was the type to be exactly who you wanted I don’t think you would like her. I think you might secretly like it in a way lol don’t complain tho. If your gonna stick around with her look toward what will help you. Being one foot out the door is not helpful. Thanks for the suggestion I love Steinbeck
Are you Madonna or the Whore?
Disgusting cankles.
Can I tell you a secret? They’re the same person.
>Literally the Idiot, by Dostoyevsky
dont get me wrong, i'd suck your toes, but knowing that'll never happen i am going to call you a fat slag
Ignore the cope-posting. People are just giving you shit because you’re a happy woman on a doomed board, or because they’re pseuds who don’t like to think outside the box. You’re absolutely right.
If you’re a good writer, you should have every literary and philosophical device available to you to make such a book interesting and meaningful. At the very least, there should be niche form of literature that explores contentment, happiness, etc. If it involves experimental writing, more power to them. You don’t need conflict, or at least evil, suffering, and turmoil to make a book interesting—characterization, psychology, setting, imagery, philosophy, etc. all contribute to what makes a book compelling, especially if it relates to the reader, whether they feel that way, want to feel that way, hate that people feel that way, etc. If it worked for Seinfield, then it will work for a sufficiently well-written book. It’s the nature of art.
Personally, I would want to read more “happy” things, whether it is about happiness gained after struggle or just living with happiness. It’s an influence that’s sorely needed in my life right now to counter the bleakness that I have to face every day. It’s hard to find that outside of poetry, surprisingly enough. Or maybe it’s just this board that skews towards misery and there are more books out there that we are ignorant about.
Maybe Cannery Row by John Steinbeck might be up your alley. Not exactly what you’re looking for, but it’s getting there.
How did you two meet?
I'd suck them
Reverse image searches, it’s fake. This thread seems like an obvious bait at first which the OP somewhere along the line turned into a complex but ultimately unbelievable LARP. Don’t get me wrong, I thought it was real for a bit so it was a good LARP, but it also came across as a woman who was genuinely bipolar and maybe even schizophrenic.
Um no, not at all. Mason & Dixon might be a good choice if you had to choose a Pynchon novel though.
>If you’re a good writer, you should have every literary and philosophical device available to you to make such a book interesting and meaningful. At the very least, there should be niche form of literature that explores contentment, happiness, etc. If it involves experimental writing, more power to them. You don’t need conflict, or at least evil, suffering, and turmoil to make a book interesting—characterization, psychology, setting, imagery, philosophy, etc. all contribute to what makes a book compelling, especially if it relates to the reader, whether they feel that way, want to feel that way, hate that people feel that way, etc. If it worked for Seinfield, then it will work for a sufficiently well-written book. It’s the nature of art.
I’m so glad you understand. I was having a hard time describing it but you hit it right on the head.
Good luck
In high school. We were aquatinted. It wasn’t until a year after that we met up and stayed together. Before that I didn’t know him.
Care to share more? Did you notice him in high school, were your priorities in the way, or was he still growing and had yet to flourish the way he did later? How did you two *really* meet and begin to know each other, that year after high school?
shit. yeah. damn I even got a little emotional reading all these replies. But she writes like a woman tho. She might be real, just didn't send a real pic for security or whatever,
>no Iliad
I’m not gonna go into too much detail but i was not being treated right by anyone around me and he sorta swooped me off my feet, shooed everyone away and stuck by my aide as I got off anti-depressants, came to terms with a lot of stuff, my sister for example. When I met him in high school I had a boy friend so I just saw him as a friend, but he was more of a stranger. When we met up afterwards we saw each other everyday, and it was like that for years. I’m still madly in love with him
I am obviously not going to be posting pictures of myself
I doubt a female can read MD, that's why i said TCOL49 because it's female driven and bitches love that shit.
beautiful girls have life on god mode im really jealous
Invisible Cities
If this isnt bait, you big pretentious