I'm what Theodore Kaczynski would call a over-socialized individual. Point is...

I'm what Theodore Kaczynski would call a over-socialized individual. Point is, I consider Nietzsche and Stirner two of my favourites philosopher and from an intellectual standpoint I'm alligned with most of their points.

When it comes to real life, I'm sure someone like Nietzsche would hate me: I'm not capable of hurting others and I tend to understand and forgive everyone. My friends literally call me "a Saint" because of my kindness and respect for everyone

How do I uncuck myself and solve this cognitive dissonance ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can you explain in more details what you mean by "over-socialized"? I'm too lazy to look it up myself.

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>Psychologists use the term “socialization” to desi-
gnate the process by which children are trained to think
and act as society demands. A person is said to be well
socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of
his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that

>be oversocialized latte-sipping humanities pseud
>yet feeling alienated than a domestic terrorist living in the woods
Can you recommend a book to explain this feel?

It’s very hard to uncondition yourself. I fit the description you put in yet I would far from consider calling myself a good human bean.
I won’t give up though. Oversocialization is preventing me from living the life I want.

>being a good person
>that is bad
you have read too much foolish philosophy my friend

>"a Saint"
If this is true, you need to avoid toxic people. By this, I mean those who will do anything for self gratification. If you aren't willing to cut your mother's throat for a dime, you shouldn't be hanging around people who would. That'd be my first step: cutting out toxic people; friends, family, etc..
Second, try and learn how to be comfortable in your solitude. Don't isolate; that'll drive you crazy, but you need to learn how to be content with yourself and your thoughts.
Third, having strong influences is great - finding kindred spirits in lit, phil, whatever can be empowering, and it's like having mentors in the ether to aid in guidance. However, idols are dangerous. Don't fall for the cult of personalities; absorb what's actually useful. This will require a lot of self reflection on your part, because everyone's different.
Lastly, be honest with yourself. This is easier said than done, because it requires you to cultivate the person that you wish to be/become. Which, if you're lucky, will happen before you're on your deathbed.
People are shit. Don't waste your time on those who only keep your company for their own ends, but don't become another vampire out there sucking the soul out of those around you just to feel superior.
I hope this rambling can assist you in some way.

btw, why does pic rel look exactly like my ex? God, I'm a faggot. Fuck you OP. I take back everything I said.

This was of great aid

Glad I could be of service to ya. I could probably do better at following my own advice. It's a process, though. We got this.

What's the source for the picture? Like the style its drawn.

To adress your problem: Just apply the Stirnerian and Nietzschean philosophy on your daily life. You shouldn't care about others when you're literally mentally hurting yourself.

Like Stirner said: 'Nothing is more to me than myself!'



An image maker

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>toxic people
Kill yourself you fucking vagina.

If you can't handle the negative side of people then sit in a corner until you die.

How about, you take your own advice, and swing from a rafter so there can be one less cunt in the world.

"handling the negative side of people" and "keeping those who abuse you in your personal life" are different things dear user.

You must have really low intelligence if you meet a cunt and it takes you longer than 30 seconds to realise they're a cunt

The zoomer definition of a "cunt" is pathetic.
>wahhh he said something mean about brown people

>"Wahhhh only positivity is allowed in my safe zone anyone who makes me feel bad is toxic wahhhhh only positivity is good"

Bro, are you alright? I don't even know where you're getting this shit. If all I wanted was my safe zone brimming with positive energy, I don't think I'd be here.

You don't "uncuck yourself". You're not cucked, you simply developed a moral compass during childhood.

Do you think anyone "becomes" a sociopath through willpower alone, or through some intellectual process? If hurting others hurts you, you cannot be an amoral person. The only choices are to either embrace your goodness and bring joy to the lives of others (and yourself - as their joy is your joy), or try and force yourself to act as if no one else matters to you. This last one will only cause you immeasurable guilt, anger and harm in the long run.

Also consider whether you would even choose to be a sociopath. If you could flip a switch and erase all empathy for others, would you do it?

Remember that everyone dies. You will die one day, and all your successes and failures will eventually be forgotten. When that comes, would you rather have helped other people, or harmed them?

Kindness is enormous strength. Cruel people are so weak that they aren't even aware of their own primal shame, projection, or pain so they seek to throw it at anyone they can. Uncuck yourself by taking quiet pride and peace in your good nature and forgiving the failings of lesser men. Do not scrape and bow to them with insipid flattery of course, but do not dirty your hands with petty conflict either. Even Nietzsche suggests the aristocratic spirit acts with forbearance.

You sound articulated, but schizophrenic nonetheless.

>If you can't handle the negative side of people then sit in a corner until you die.
Do you "handle" a snake by embracing it? All that user was saying is that you should cut out people in your life who aren't good for you (as much as you practically can of course). It's fucking tragic how most people keep bad friends and bad family long after they have the choice of finding something better. If you're the type of person that values trust, honesty and virtue than having those people in your life is just laying landmines for yourself.

And yeah, as much as it's been misused by SJWs, "toxic" is actually a pretty good word to describe such people.

Any Louis Ferdinand Celine?

>How do I uncuck myself and solve this cognitive dissonance ?
Do you seriously think that there is no model for being both a good and a strong person? Have you never met someone who adheres to moral standards but at the same time is able to advance their interests? The dichotomy of good=weak and bad=strong is ironically a defence mechanism for people who don't want to confront their own faults and improve themselves.

Those are the best posts

I think the point is not about being a good person, but depriving yourself from inherent human behavior in order to be assimilated into a rotten society. After noticing the flaws in the current state of the West, acting in accordance to it, thus preserving its existence, is being a big of a cuck. It doesn't mean you are supposed to be an asshole, but you have to deprogram yourself, and that means to stop being a nice cattle trying to preserve the order, and start imposing your Will into the world even if it hurts people's feelings.
>At least this is how I interpret the accelerationist mentality

lmao are you retarded?

>>Psychologists use the term “socialization” to designate the process by which children are trained to think and act as society demands. A person is said to be well-socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society.
And who ever said that our societies are moral? Kaczynski himself pointed out that the system is designed to reward obedience, not goodness. Obedience is not the same as moral excellence, and an "over-socialised" person would be a hyper-obedient person, not necessarily someone who is described as a "saint" by their friends.
As for hyper-obedient people - the type Kaczynski was referring to, these would be the squishy middle class pencil pushing puddings or white-haired bureaucrats who never once seem to question their society. Their success in life is not based off of imagination or boldness or talent or even any notable intelligence. The only reason they have found a comfortable place in the system is because they are willing to protect and serve that system with unquestioning loyalty. Such people, I think, are so afraid of physical harm that they seek the elimination of risk.

Are you that type of person, OP? Is there nothing you would give your life for? Many of the actual saints, interestingly enough, risked their lives and were executed by the system they lived under for having defied the laws of Rome. "Saint" seems like a poor word to describe someone who is over-socialised.

nietzsche fall into madness for ten years because he saw a HORSE being spanked in the butt.

he was a good man, just an evil mind. all good people are like that. that's why they are good. they keep the darkness inside.

>'well-socialised' means being a good goy

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Kind of.

>I'm what Theodore Kaczynski would call a over-socialized individual.
Doesn't Ted say this of practically all first-world people?

This is good advice

It results in that but neither is the other. It's more like being severely othered due to having too many eyes on you, connections to maintain. There's a quantitative aspect to it.

I have no right in giving advice on this, but I'd say that the worst and best advice is: be yourself; that is, don't try to create a new persona or to push something that you feel you ought to do in order to protest.

Why you shouldn't create a new persona out of spite?
1st. If you have to think about something and creating such a persona for yourself, then it means that you don't know enough to be a professional asshole
2nd. because you lack knowledge in this way of acting with others, you will mess yourself up, and when analysing you will be without knowledge why you did or do it, and how to properly do it. Why? Because you did something out of sheer spite.

So, how to solve this issue then? You can still act like "a saint",and read more on subjectivity and psychology, and take up to be more energetic and theatrical when it is important to really act. Learn to make a show properly, when necessary, and learn on how to be alone. Also, reading the Bible and talking more to girls could, unironically, help.

Take care user.

>I'm what Theodore Kaczynski would call a over-socialized individual. Point is, I consider Nietzsche and Stirner two of my favourites philosopher and from an intellectual standpoint I'm alligned with most of their points.
>When it comes to real life, I'm sure someone like Nietzsche would hate me: I'm not capable of hurting others and I tend to understand and forgive everyone.

lol, literally me. not that either philosopher disparages empathy or vouches for a sociopathic way of living, but i'm generally speaking incapable of sticking up for myself. there's some shit going on at work right now which would have been resolved a long time ago if i had just told the boss what i felt.

Only an oversocialized person would be peer pressured into repeating "Ted was right!" as is commonly seen on Yea Forums

I'm not a retard so I don't gather cunts around me to begin with. There's nothing to prune because I'm not a simpleton who goes through life unable to spot a cunt from a mile away.

If you can't do that then you're probably one of the cunts.

Good people cause more problems than bad people... attempt to be neutral

This is not the meme I meant to spread. Man, words really are powerful, virile things.
Thanks, there's a lot of beautiful minds on this board, that seem to be stuck in self deprecation. Figure, there's enough CUNTS on here, so I try to push you guys to be great. It at least makes me feel better to do something without really doing anything.

>I'm not a retard so I don't gather cunts around me to begin with. There's nothing to prune because I'm not a simpleton who goes through life unable to spot a cunt from a mile away.
Good for you. I guess I'm talking more about family members or "old friends" that people don't want to let go, even after they reveal themselves to be an unhealthy influence. Maybe you're different, but most people refuse to abandon family even when they do things that you wouldn't take from any other person. Getting embroiled in games of one upmanship will only distract you from your goals in life, so one's only true power is the power not to engage.


Thanks for the advice. I don't want to read the Bible. I was the only boy in a classe full of girls and so I don't have a problem with that. I'm actually quite good in all social situations

As much as I disagree with this it's a very good parody of Ted's early cynicism in the manifesto

>This is not the meme I meant to spread
Cunt is not a meme, it's a word and it's used to describe someone you don't want anything to do with/who fucked you over.

>Maybe you're different, but most people refuse to abandon family
When I moved out I cut off all contact with every single relative I had because they were all varying degrees of cunt and it's incredibly annoying and makes my eyes roll so hard I see my own brain when I hear someone say "wahhh I hate my mother/cousin/aunt" and I say "So cut off contact" and they come out with some pathetic waffle about "b-b-but blood sticks together!".

I read the whole manifesto and it left me unimpressed but the concept of oversocialized stuck with me. That's it.


I don't think there's a way out if you've been over-socialized. I feel the same way, and I'm skeptical that my idea of my authentic self is merely an alter ego wishing to escape the over-socialized, tolerant, husk of a too-educated middle-class American. I.e., there is no way out if you realize you have to pretend in order to "get out" of that state. You can't be genuine if you're thinking about how to be genuine.

Do what you believe in: if others are hurt, it's their fault. You aren't responsible for other people's feelings. Authenticity does not mean appeasement. Authenticity operates independently of others' perceptions. If it gives you that much anxiety or bad feeling, stop worrying about it. People think what they think, regardless of who you are.

Further, if I feel I'm going to step on toes, I just ignore it and isolate myself, because fuck it. If people can't emotionally handle what I say, it's their problem. It's better to just ignore it. But it is important to do what you believe in and to stand your ground. So, yeah, dissonance is lasting.

>You don't "uncuck yourself". You're not cucked, you simply developed a moral compass during childhood.

Yes, I think you're right. Hanging around silly, hateful, petty, gossipy people is a waste. You think you're included: it doesn't matter to them. Fuck em'. It only threatens your own moral integrity. People think "pride" is bad, or a sin, but there's good pride, like taking pride in being decent.

Real talk? Read Bionicle. It reverses a lot of intuitions regarding free will amd sincerity. I mean it.

The quick rundown is that there's a lowercase-g God who's a complete jobber. In his given mission to chart the universe, he fails to pay proper tribite to the darker thoughts in his head, which essentially results in him growing depressed enough to crash land into an ocean planet and power down for a while (not oversoc, but you'll see). On this planet, he lies down, with only his face above the water. A camouflage system makes his face look like an island, which just so happens to match his mind below: all the thoughts in his head have to evacuate to the surface, now not as thought-allegories but instead actualized expressions on his face-island. Which, interestingly, bears the same name as the god character-himself, unlike the locations such as his brain etc.

After several trials (product lines), one of the characters on his face gets put into a somewhat christlike scenario, except instead of dying for the sins of man he dies for god's jobbing, to keep him ftom going permanently comatose. And the god character recognizes this, and wishes to emulate that person's character: "what would jesus do." Except, this "jesus" is symbolically his expression, or rather his external, actualized self.

This is why his face bears his own name, this is why the characters get their powers from masks, and so on. It's about being able to step into your own footsteps, face, what have you: you need to be able to reach forward and shake hands with your othered selves, and as your othered self, reach back and shake hands with the inner you, pulling everything into eachother. I couldn't quite find the right image, but there's one of all the masks stacked up, collapsing onto just one this way.

It also produces these weird reverse-libretarian views on free will. "Destiny" is basically your capacity to follow free will, when normally freedom is conceived of as one's ability to do "otherwise." Hence the enemies being very mind-control oriented, etc.

There's also some discussion on using Nothing as a noun, as well as the looming fact that the characters all look to be built out of the same parts as their own machines.

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You really catched my interest with this. I will give it a try

I'll be the retard and ask:
You talm bout them lego cyborgs?

If there's too much pulp, watch Lain instead.

Within the text they're described as being with "musculature," etc.


I guess I never considered the depth behind Bionicle...I just liked the toys as a kid haha.

>I'm sure someone like Nietzsche would hate me: I'm not capable of hurting others
Did you even read Nietzsche?

>Zarathustra, Book II, On Those who are Sublime:
>"To stand with relaxed muscles and unharnessed will: that is most difficult for all of you who are sublime. When power becomes gracious and descends into the visible - such descent I call beauty. And there is nobody from whom I want beauty as much as from who are powerful: let your kindness be your final self-conquest. Of all evil I deem you capable: therefore I want the good from you."

I'm in the same boat friend. Actually Nietzsche believes that forgiveness or forgetting the slights against you is actually positive personality trait. As long as you actually totally forget about what happened and it doesnt build ressentment the you're okay. Also Nietzsche and Stirner dont advocate Sadism. All that is needed is the ability to be comfortable with cruelty for your own benefit. For example would you be okay with enslaving 10 people you dont know for life in terrible conditions if it meant you never had to work again? If so that's pretty Nietzschean despite not getting any satisfaction out of the cruelty directly.

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I'd marry this girl.
If this isn't a girl, I'd fuck this dude.
If this is somewhere in between, I'd... be friends and consider sexual relations.

Would be interesting to contrast with Caillois's notion of oversocialization (sursocialisation)...

You sound cute, are you female or female (male)?

I uncucked myself, the price I payed is alienation and solitude

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I didn't mean any disrespect, user. I see you have an affinity, maybe even an obsession, with these Beings. I respect your deity.


Should've paid for your meal

now this is shitposting

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Eh, not necissarily, it just means you can navigate through an interaction well. I think I am pretty good when talking to people and expressing myself within a culture, but I can remove myself from the situation at hand pretty well.

Half of the thread is cope from best goyim trying to feel superior to others for being such good goyim.
Actual socialization is recognizing which social situations you can influence and refrain from or pretend to go along with those that you can't.

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Caesar with Christ’s soul is paradox. Worldly power is always corrupt. Hence why Christ came to show what true power can do.

Too much effort for something so unfunny, I think this guy is onto something. Someday Bionicle will be included in the western canon

>over-socialized individual

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look at this kohlii head lmao

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