I'm working on a shortlist of the most important living continental philosophers. Anyone I've missed in this list...

I'm working on a shortlist of the most important living continental philosophers. Anyone I've missed in this list? Should anyone be taken out?

Giorgio Agamben
Alain Badiou
Ray Brassier
Alain de Botton
Manuel de Landa
Mladen Dolar
Jürgen Habermas
Graham Harman
Nick Land
Bruno Latour
Catherine Malabou
Quentin Meillassoux
Antonio Negri
Jacques Rancière
Peter Sloterdijk
Slavoj Žižek
Alenka Zupančič

sorry, Serres

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Jean-Pierre Dupuy

Who that Plant bitch? And Moldbug?

François Laruelle maybe

>Alain de Botton

Gianni Vattimo

he's poppy but a lot of people read him. i could bear to leave him off

Baudrillard, fucker.

OP said living. Baudrillard has been dead for over a decade UNLESS IT'S ALL A MIRAGE DUDE LMAO

They wouldn't be on this list due to the obscurity, but there are def thinkers ahead this.


care to list them? i'd be interested in checking them out for my own purposes

Michael Topper


Remove Alain de Botton.

Add Axel Honneth, Dan Zahavi, Irad Kimhi, Robert Pippin, Robert Brandom, John McDowell, Stephen Houlgate, Markus Gabriel, Jean-Claude Milner, Judith Butler, Avital Ronell, Joan Copjec, Adrian Johnston, Robert Pfaller, and a few more.

>Plenty of whos in there and Butler
Nice job 10/10

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Bernard Stiegler
Jean-Luc Nancy
Etienne Balibar
Luce Irigaray
Jean-Luc Marion
Julia Kristeva
Gilles Lipovetsky
Jacques Camatte
Raoul Vaneigem
Fredric Jameson
Brian Massumi
Isabelle Stengers
René Schérer
Eric Alliez
Maurizio Lazzarato
Paolo Virno
Mario Tronti
Franco "Bifo" Berardi
Yuk Hui
Reza Negarestani

How are they "whos" when they are more popular they 50% of the people already suggested? Academically they also have better positions. Honneth, Brandom, McDowell and Gabriel are undoubtedly more respected than Butler. (Not that there is anything wrong with Butler.)

Honneth and Brandom are fine sure.
>Not that there is anything wrong with Butler
Haha holy shit.

hey adrian

He probably doesn't belong on the list (yet?!) but I included him because he is currently working on his Magnum Opus, and I really enjoyed the first volume. I think it will be a classic when it's finished.

He is unoriginal. A pretender of a pretender. Riding the coattails of Zizek and Badiou riding Lacan and Hegel.

Lazzarato: Decent.

Tiqqun: superhot garbage, think they're far smarter than they actually are. The adolescent invective in their pieces becomes tiresome after a while. There's also the small matter that the content of their ideas (capitalism sucks) is false.

Bifo: even worse than Tiqqun, somehow. One quote will do well: "Social psychomancy is not a science, it's just a game that I play from time to time in order to survey the ongoing history of humankind from the viewpoint of the social unconscious. SO DO NOT TAKE ME TOO SERIOUSLY." (Caps mine, the rest is verbatim). Or take this wistful description from "Anatomy of Autonomy", approximating his ideal, experimental society:

"The storm that the feminist movement provoked in male-female relations and the subsequent explosion of homosexual collectives thus found a territory in which to consolidate, in which to transform the customs of living, sleeping, eating, smoking." He goes on to describe his role in radio. Fortunately, he has been impotently nostalgic for his precious 1977, ever since.

You missed Based Smith and Yeezus

pete wolfendale in convalescence

Simon Critchley?

Byung-Chul Han

Roberto Unger

absolute state of the intelligentsia
future's in underground philosophy or it's dead

György Lukács

Sorry missed the “living part”

alright, updated list
i guess i'm including neopragmatists too

Giorgio Agamben
Alain Badiou
Étienne Balibar
Franco "Bifo" Berardi
Robert Brandom
Ray Brassier
Judith Butler
Luce Irigaray
Manuel de Landa
Mladen Dolar
Jean-Pierre Dupuy
Jürgen Habermas
Byung-Chul Han
Graham Harman
Axel Honneth
Fredric Jameson
Nick Land
François Laruelle
Bruno Latour
Maurizio Lazzarato
Gilles Lipovetsky
Catherine Malabou
Jean-Luc Marion
Brian Massumi
John McDowell
Quentin Meillassoux
Jean-Luc Nancy
Reza Negarestani
Antonio Negri
Sadie Plant
Jacques Rancière
Avital Ronell
Peter Sloterdijk
Bernard Stiegler
Roberto Unger
Raoul Vaneigem
Gianni Vattimo
Paolo Virno
Slavoj Žižek
Alenka Zupančič

Jason Reza Jorjani

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Emanuele Severino and Markus Gabriel

it just keeps getting longer. Donna Haraway, Wendy Brown, and Cornell West should be on here

You had one job user!