>But user, how could you possibly prefer The Idiot to Crime and Punishment?
>Please don't tell me you like either better than The Brothers Karamazov!
But user, how could you possibly prefer The Idiot to Crime and Punishment?
Why would you wear thigh highs while swimming?
I prefer Demons tho
Never read Dostoyevsky and dgaf
based mon amie
OH GOD I'M COOOOOMING!!!!!!4!!!!!!
The prince is a much more enjoyable main character than Raskòl'nikov.
her hip is all fucked up looking.
well truth is you're unable to understand western classics you stupid asian INSECT STFU
Demons is currently boring the fuck out of me, 100 pages in and absolutely nothing has happened
It picks up after a third of the book, give or take.
Doesn't really pick up till near the end of part 1, and part 3 is intense. I did find the whole Stepan and Varvara backstory humorous though so that made it easier to get through the first bit. Stick with it.
sayonara, fellow BAPposter
Idiot is so diffuse it's borderline unreadable imo
kill yourself
the books writing isnt the best of dostoevsky but its still a good book
i dont understand that image
t. amerifat who has never seen a thin girl kneeling forward
Haven't read Crime and Punishment or Demons but The Idiot is my favorite of what I've read.
distraction tits
Yes and what of it?
unrelated pic posters
Get out of my fucking pool you pan faced gooks
And what if I do?
How could they ask me that while THEY ARE UNDERWATER?