I'm unironically looking for a book which will cure my autism and help me to make a friend. The only social contact I have had for five years was with my parents. I've tried to talk to people my age but I just start breaking down mid-small talk.
I'm unironically looking for a book which will cure my autism and help me to make a friend...
Nothing. Habits and behaviour are mostly a product of genes and upbringing. If you were fucked up at the age of 12, you will always be fucked up.
Just be yourself, user.
Then why does society insist we can improve?
Would women actually consider tgese guy's as attractive?
Because otherwise they can't put the blame on you.
OP just wants to make some frens. They are frens.
As I woman, I would actually consider them to be a bit too handsome and tall. A female like me is attracted to shorter, a bit uglier guys. It just so happens that I've dated two of the guys in the picture and the third one is my husband.
There are many examples of people completely changing their personalities after 12 hell even after 20.
How old are you op?
You need to find people who share your interests.
Even if they share my interests I find we are worlds apart.
Let me guess, you are a shut-in neet incel so you don't feel like you can relate with normies.
Have you tried getting a job?
Okay literally
1. How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie - This is legitimately the single best book on how to socially interact and network with people, but I personally preferred
2. 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
3. Laws of Seduction - Robert Greene
I would actually recommend reading Laws of Seduction first, because every single social interaction can be, should be, and is a form of seduction. I don't care if you're a lame virgin neet, this is the book you need--this is the book I read that broke me out of being a lame virgin neet. Don't fall into the traps of looking at other seduction books or stupid fucking PUA culture, though, these three are the only three books you need for learning how to cure your autism.
lmfao just happened to Google Laws of Power to make sure I got the title right and Google extracted a line in the Wikipedia article mentioning the book is popular "with prison inmates". Hilarious--I can understand why. There is little difference between being a NEET and being a prisoner, both being, ultimately, self-inflicted isolations which qualify as acts of violence against the self.
>I'm unironically looking for a book which will cure my autism and help me to make a friend
Impossible just kys
im a student.
Read Jung
Yes also read Jung. Start with collected works 9.1, move to 14, then 9.2, then 13, then just go nuts with it. Will legitimately change your life but more in a spiritual way so start with social shit first or else Jung will actually make you more autistic and introverted.
Did you mean the art of seduction?
It is hard to believe that this book had a positive effect on you if you don't even properly remember the title.
Play Garry's Mod, VR Chat, or some equivalent.
I will be your friend in exchange for some monetary compensation.
Meh, I was cripplingly shy until sixteen when I discovered drugs and alcohol, it’s not the healthiest approach but it does get you talking to other people.
second this. not a permanent cure but will show you yourself as a non-autistic person. a model to work towards
Those are all scams and you should know this by now
But people do improve and most are capable of having a decent normal life.
Based souless capitalist
If your autism is caused by high levels of glyphosate, you can maybe lessen the effects. Look into getting tested, or just start eating foods untreated with that shit
I have far more soul than anyone on Yea Forums.
I don't justify it. However, I have far more intense metacognitive awareness than anyone on here, so I tend to suffer more than them.
No book will help you. What you have to do is go outside and interact with people, even though you will fail and get most likely get hurt. Your brain, which is basically a machine learning algorithm, and no I'm not making a metaphysical statement, I'm just saying out brain seems to learn by drawing conclusion from a mass data set of experiences. So what you have to do is go outside and fuck up, let your brain learn.
Don't listen to this faggot btw.
If you didn't make friends in school you're fucked.
Anything after that will be a casual acquaintance at best.
I hate people like you. You have to shove your stupid fatalist mentality on every nigga, and then claim cope if someone brings up another view point.
>1. How To Win Friends And Influence People
Fuck no, the entire premise of the book is that you can hold regular conversation but that you talk about stuff you like and bore others because of it. The solution: talk about stuff they like! Say their name a lot because they'll like it! Find out their hobbies and read about it so you can talk to them about it!
None of this holds water if you approach the problem of social interaction from the point of view of a shut-in aspie who doesn't know how to even initiate conversation, or to follow the most basic conversational cues without being paralyzed. Trash book, worthless.
Bill Maher IQ
It will unbalance your serotonin levels for the rest of your life, they will never return to normal. You probably wont suffer any long term adverse effects, but you wont gain anything either. There's also a large risk of friendless neets discovering drugs and falling in love straight on their face and end up as wrecks.
Fuck you nigger, for trying to legitimize your cancer.
But Op would benefit by learning from the experiences of other people.
Do you need to burn your hand to learn that putting your hand on a stove isn't a good idea?
The deepest and most significant friendships are those that you make as an adult.
I am 24 and also friendless loner student. What sort of video games do you play?
Jesus what a fucking pathetic loser
MDMA has its own receptor, it was an orphan receptor for quite a while.
Not nec, but my method guarantees results at the cost of his comfort.
cringe post desu
OP, you should go to a psychologist. No joke.
They can really help you be more socially active and contempt with yourself. I had a really rough time when I was younger, i was constantly bullied and had no friends. Going to a psychologist helped me out a lot.
It’s because those who improve don’t follow rule and rebel against forced discipline, prescriptive thinking kills man.
Oh yes theRapist can help you a lot while take care of your exess money