Can we have a discussion about Titus Groan? I just finished reading this rather charming work. I would say I'm in two minds about it. Whilst I love the character portrayals and its sense of depth, I'm not entirely sure it went where I wanted it to go. I suppose that's just a personal thing. It was maybe a bit too domestic? Anyway, I didn't think it was as strange as some reviews led me to believe, but it was certainly quite peculiar. The best part was certainly the cast and also, at least for me, the fact that plot was essentially non-existent, other than movements of Steerpike. The writing is, of course, phenomenal. Even better than I thought it would be. I can see why it's so well reputed. I've yet to look into the meaning of it, but I take the story as a critique of tradition and the way it binds people. My favourite characters were Lord Sepulchrave and Dr Prunesquallor. I really felt for the earl and was surprised in my continual laughter at everything 'the Prune' said. My least favourite sections of the book, sad to say, relate to Keda and the Dwellers, simply because I feel I'm still in the dark about them. I couldn't connect to anything Keda felt or did. Such an odd book though. It seems to have everything. I feel like the pacing was a little off in some places and it did drag toward the end, but the climax moments were excellent. Highly suggest it for anyone who hasn't read. What do you think the book means? Who was your favourite character? Looking forward to reading the second book.
Can we have a discussion about Titus Groan? I just finished reading this rather charming work...
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Glad u liked it user. I read it in Czech translation, which was actually excellent imo, especially with the way how they translated the names of the characters. Groan, for example, is translatel as 'Žal' which is a very similar word to 'groan' but it also stands for sorrow and misery. Anyway, finish the trilogy. It's also quite sad to observe how Peake's mental state deterriorated throughout his writing ,which is most apparent in the third volume
Oh, interesting. I'll definitely be reading the second book. How is the third? I've heard it's not so great. Hmm.
It's a long time since I read it, but I remember that part as being relatively traditional, while the second part features long meditative passages and really insane shit on the Steerpike side. Not to mention a really full on climax. I think the big moral question remains Steerpike and how far you see him as heroic. Thing is, he's as interested in the existing structure of power as anyone, but also the greatest menace to it.
I've yet to do any real research into the story, but I found Steerpike a very interesting character, how he just pops up and you think nothing of him at first. He suddenly grows, in a very understated way, into the main 'antagonist' -- but he's not really bad. It's subtle and well written. I also like how much vitality and wit he has compared to many of the other characters. He seems like a true outsider.
I finished the third book not long ago and I loved how it took the series in a completely different direction. The mesh if science and fantasy I wasn't so sure about but I was surprised how much it managed to work really well. Hesitant to try out the fourth book giving it seems like such a cash grab.
The stuff on the rooftops is so appealing. He's full of energy and verve even if he seems to be driven by the worst motives. The contrast to Titus is cool.
>I just finished reading this rather charming work
You're not smart
And for once I thought there would be a thread on Yea Forums that didn't remind me of /pol/, and would result in actual insight.
But faggot like you must always come and ruin poeple having an actually interesting conversation.
Why? I don't care whether you think the book is bad. Your actions are pointless and won't do anyone any good even if you are correct.
Oh man, I actually forgot about that section. The book was so crammed with interesting descriptions that I forgot about that whole part where Steerpike leaves Swelter and Flay behind.
OP here. Are you angry that I used certain words? I'd hate to be as sensitive as you... Can you just not reply to a thread next time?
Pointing out the fact that you talk like a pseud isn't stopping anyone from talking about the book. Jesus man, if this is all it took to make you spiral then you need to get the hell off of Yea Forums for your own mental well being.
My problem is that even if the OP did talk like a pseud, you posting what you did achieves literally nothing regardless of whether or not you are right. You are clearly unhappy with your life and feel the need to ruin a perfectly valid discussion about a good book for everyone. If you want to express unhappiness, do so in a constructive way, otherwise you are just wasting everyone's time.
Also I would take a pseud over a 3-word long insult posters that have infested Yea Forums any day.
What reason do you have to think I'm unhappy with life? You're trying to psychologically analyse somebody after reading one comment from them and you keep saying I've ruined the discussion but I literally can't stop people talking here. I don't think you're well in the head.
Not the same guy, but you're clearly unhappy in life if you need to waste your time by asserting to a stranger "You're not smart" based on a few words he used...
Why are you pretending to be other people now?
What? God, why is Yea Forums so fucking bad. I AM another person. I just didn't want you to think that there's only one person annoyed with you, so I had to state I am actually a different person.
ANYWAY. Yeah, TG is a good book and thanks for the few comments before the cunt ruined the thread.
I'm not the person you were talking to but I think he's pretty cool and you're retarded.
Cringe thread but yeah good series.
Definitely check out Book Two, I think that's where Peake really hits his stride. Everything that gets established in the first book is really explored and expanded on in a super fun and engaging way. Also like one of the other posters said there's a really great climax at the end.
Book Three is pretty bizarre left turn from the other two books but still worth a read. Tricky to figure out where it fits into the series overarching themes. Even though it's maybe my least favorite this thread has got me thinking about picking that one up specifically to take another look into.
RIP Peake and let's all get the most out of this series before Gaiman throws it to the flies.
Looking forward to book two as I do have quite a few questions left unanswered.
I'm glad this thread hasn't been ruined by that meanie head because otherwise we wouldn't get such substantive discourse about having unanswered questions while midway through a series. That's certainty not something that happens while reading literally every single series.
I must be missing something or have forgotten a piece of information, but I can't quite figure out who Keda's child is. I thought she had a child and it died? Who is the baby at the end and why does it seem to be a ghost? I don't even recall it being clear that Keda got pregnant again... Was it with Rantel? But how could the child be related in any way to Titus?
the anime is better
I read the beginning and couldn't figure out if the baby Titus was really ugly and had purple eyes or if having purple eyes was enough to consider him very ugly
Help me out here bros
Unironically the second one.
I just finished reading this on Friday. As others have alluded to, I also felt it was going to be stranger than it was. I also felt it was extremely dense and slow in places. That said, I've got the next two books on my shelf so going to read the trilogy regardless.
>I couldn't connect to anything Keda felt or did.
Agree, I also didn't really care about the Dwellers.
> I can't quite figure out who Keda's child is
She must have gotten impregnated by Rantel the night before they fought to death - it wasn't specifically spelled out but you can put 2 & 2 together.
>But how could the child be related in any way to Titus?
He isn't, he was just standing on the lake beach looking at him during the ceremony.
This is a good time. Thanks.