So what’s the concensus on this? Or should roll with something else from the ‘genre’?

So what’s the concensus on this? Or should roll with something else from the ‘genre’?

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A book written by a Jew making excuses for the failures of darkies and undermining the accomplishments of Europeans.

Read if you desire to become a brainlet about history because an oppression narrative means more to you


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What are some good alternatives?

Racists will try to debunk environmental determinsim for obvious reasons

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t. Joseph "Incel" Watson

Not Yea Forums. A /his/ book with /pol/ connotations and discussions.

Alt Hype is an amazing autist.

And Germs and Steel has some good history in it, but it's hilarious tainted by the political bias of Diamond.

Determinism doesn't exist anywhere so it can not exist in an environment either.

You are, however, influenced by your environment, it exists before you are even born, its merely a materialistic perspective without determining everything. How old are you? 12?

The effects of the environment on a person are greatly exaggerated.

Its the topic of the book, so yeah.

Will try? It's already done. Checkmate, fuckers.


>Will try? It's already done
I am a prophet XD

Honestly you can skip it, read Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed and Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty instead.

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I agree that environment matters a lot but not to the point of thinking genetics don’t matter at all. Not to mention your genetics have a role to play in determining that experience.

Environmental pressures determine your genetics over long periods of time. They both go hand-in-hand. Modern academia is so black and white it amazes me.

the logic is sound, racists will try to defend from it. collapse was also great.

modern academia is a circus the likes of which has never been seen before. it's fucking ridiculous

Humans have the ability to change their environment too, and I think a lot of people ignore this fact.