Where to start with Marx?
Where to start with Marx?
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Deng Xiaoping writings and speeches
The toilet
Unironically the manifesto then volume 1
You can jump straight into the Communist Manifesto if you've got some rough idea of world history and the Industrial Revolution, but if you want to read his economic works, you need to know about Smith and Ricardo, and if you want to read his theory of the state/alienation, you gotta know about Hegel, which will bring you back to Fichte and Spinoza, which will then direct you back to Aristotle. Das Kapital has a bit of everything. Sure, you can try reading it all on its own, but it won't all make sense as a big picture unless you know tons of shit about philosophy (metaphysics, logic, anthropology, ethics, political theory), economics, world history, amongst other such subjects.
If you want to read Hegel, you need to have read Kant as well, which you'd need to understand 18th century science and mathematics along with Emmanuel Swedenborg's mysticism to know what exactly Kant is using as part of his means to knowing about the validity of a priori judgements.
Better learn about Early Modern Chemistry and Astronomy too. Why not astrology and mysticism if you feel like it?
Just read whatever you wanna read & ignore others' opinions.
Thanks fren
Let me summarize and save you the time:
>My name is Karl and I’m a NEET who really really really doesn’t want to get a job
Iirc he wrote a meme pamphlet for uneducated workers I would unironically start with that if you want to seriously begin to understand his (obviously rudimentary) system
Communist Manifesto, but keep in mind its an abridged version, it only scratches the surface.
David Harvey has some OK lectures on yt, if you want some primer.
Don't. Marx is for lazy retards.
Marxism is an eurocentric ideology that isnt and doesnt have to be central to the diverse set of present day enmancipatory struggles. Exploitation is not only a question of proletariat vs bourgeoisie, see how the burden of emotional or reproductive labour falls primarily on women for example. The call to seize the means of production still operates within a settler colonialist framework and isnt as radical as for example advocating for full decolonisation and the restitution of native sovereignty over all stolen land
Too radical. The natives are dead now, there’s no going back. If we want to make progress we need to accept the blood on our hands and patch up the current structure.
Yea, I´m sure of that. Reading three volumes of dense economic analysis and the prerequisite literature is totally a hoby for lazy retards.
lmao my buddy karl should've read thomas sowell before writing 3 *dense* volumes of bullshit
It isn't eurocentric, its just it be used eurocentrically. You are correct there's contradiction in reproductive labour and decolonization. Marxism doesn't say none of that is true, in fact in the first case that idea was developed by materialist feminists. Its just all of those things are manifestations of private property.
Red man bad!
>suit man bad
Way too fucking based
>The German Ideology, Chapter I
>Comments on James Mill, Éléments D’économie Politique
>Wage Labour and Capital
>Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
>Capital, Volume I
Easy and genuine answer to that question: Kolakowski's Main Currents of Marxism. The first volume is the Marx/Engels one. You gotta get through about 60 pages of him discussing how Neoplatonic ideas filter into Hegel and then into Marx first, because he has a history of ideas approach. It's a pretty fun read.
From there, if you want to understand 20th century post-Marxism, you should go into the Frankfurt School. Martin Jay's Dialectical Imagination is the standard primer. Buck-Morss has a decent first book to read on Benjamin, or so I hear, never actually read it. Learning about these guys will help you further decouple your conception of "Marxism" from "Second International vulgar Marxism," since the Frankfurters themselves made this critique of the way Marxism took shape already in Engels' time.
If you want to learn about Gramsci as well, it's good to read in intro to him first too. I liked George Hoare - it's short and sweet and presents a plausible account of Gramsci's central concepts.
From there (or at any time really, if you prefer this sort of thing) you can follow something like Platypus' reading group syllabi
NB: I am not a Platypus guy, but I found their syllabi useful. Obviously skip over whatever shallow "How is Marxism relevant to my queer theory struggles?" SJW shit they throw to the DSA plebs to seem like they care about that.
And of course, you should actually read Marx. Ideally fairly systematically and semi-chronologically. I just recommend some scaffolding with secondary sources because of how many fucking dumbass pseudo-Marxists are walking around out there. Marx is hard to read. Most people just give up, without even realizing it, and go around regurgitating pseudo-Marxist soundbites. If you want to read Marx you're going to have to try to get inside his weltanschauung.
Also I'm not a Marxist or even a leftist, if that matters. I just like Marx and a lot of the Frankfurt school stuff. It's very worth studying in depth.
Does returning native sovereignty include kicking out or disenfranchising non-European on Europe?
based take...marxists wont like to hear it though
Check out this video about marxism from the largest marxist organisation in america
Too many college hetero whitedudes use marxism as an escape hatch they really want to avoid a serious moral confrontation with their whiteness.
Marx said that the Capital would create gay culture. He was right.
Well yeah but doesn't mean marxism is wrong. What you are describing is what Mao called "tailism", which is a tendency to only follow the most reactionary parts of the working class (hence "tailing behind") rather than leading the way and focusing on the most progressive parts of the working class.
Opinion discarded
was the subaltern ever asked if it wanted to be subsumed within the spectre of the proletariat? Don't get me wrong, Mao is indispensable as a radical theorist, but I think it is time to take marxism beyond marxism and decolonise the dialectic
the state, prisions, war, capitalism are all colonial forms, I am just asking you to take full responsibility for your complicity and understand that in a just world you would be objectively worse off but it still is the only moral thing to support justice. You are the exploiter, to pay back what you have stolen you must labour under the command of the JDPON until the third world is brought to american levels of industrial development.
Actual platypus guy here
>Obviously skip over whatever shallow "How is Marxism relevant to my queer theory struggles?" SJW shit they throw to the DSA plebs to seem like they care about that.
They're pretty openly anti-DSA and anti-queer theory. If you read some of the founding essays and documents by Chris Cutrone that are included in the reading list, you'll see that they believe that the left has been dead at least since '68, if not earlier, and entirely renounce the current post-millennial left, focusing on a proper orthodox Marxist education.
Where did you get the idea that they're DSA affiliated queer theorists?
marxists can only ever be an auxiliary wing of machine society, they accept the machine's premises, the problem for them will always be that man is not enough like the machine.
>Actual platypus guy
la rouche bros>platypus guys
I just meant if they try to bridge the gap between the most Platypus-friendly fringe of DSA types and the most DSA-friendly fringe of Platypus types, if that makes sense. The whole interesting part of Platypus is their hardliner stance obviously, but I guess I just assumed that the reading lists might have some milder, more milquetoast crap to appease undecideds and draw them in initially. Doesn't even look like it, now that I'm looking over a bunch of them, but I could have sworn I saw something dumb when I was using the reading lists last year. I guess I was just unfairly conflating something in memory.
Redpill me on Lyn Marcus, senpai. Where do I start?
If you want to be a real hardliner and meet up with some real hard dudes, who'd do just about anything to take down the system you should look into becoming an O9A nexion.
spartacist league>>>>
no there really isn't any attempt at appeasement at all, which is why I was surprised to see them described as sympathetic to DSA "leftists". In my experience most DSA types hate platypus, and its reputation tends to be the complete opposite- pretentious white asshole elitists completely detached from "working-class politics" or whatever other LARPing the pseudo-Marxist "left" is doing these days
speaking of LARPing
Decolonize the dialectic, by all means. But the core remain true no matter what.
you can't conceive of alterity and the truly other, the totality itself is compelled by the imperial impulse to dominate
based third worldist
When I took Marxist Theory in college (I still have the syllabus somewhere in my computer), we didn't even start with Marx - we started with Hegel and Marcuse
Buy a selected writings type of collection that are made for undergraduates. Read the essays and move on to Das Kapital. Here's what I read when I started: hackettpublishing.com
>Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts
>Wage Labor and Capital
>Origins of the Family (Engels)
I dislike pure materialism, but this is cringe, at least post an argument.
MMH, disagree. You are saying you as if an indivigual is all of society and that society's past (even that is not strictly defined). Its very absolutist. What is colonialism even? isnt it just an extension of empire with less centralized control? in that cause should mongolia be paying China back for their conquests in the past? Anyways, that does not factor in the nuances of the whole process. It isnt one scary boogyman that causes problems, its a verity of factors and outlooks.
Idk why people think this way. The concept of alienation is pretty digestible on its own, I haven’t read any of what you think is necessary to “get” Marx. Genuinely, it’s just not that difficult if you read slowly and have a general understanding of metaphysics / spirituality. But maybe I’m just talking out of my ass, idk, i never felt under read when approaching Marx, it’s pretty accessible. Especially contrasted by the other names you dropped.
philosophy,theory, and pretty much all we talk about is relatively easy to understand with basic ideas of history,power structures economics and the way these concepts work, this suggesting thirty prerequisite philosopher shit is generally used to show off how much you know and then proceed to recommend a book that can be digested in three quick reads and a day to contemplate
shitty bait, shitter retards reacting
you recognize we dont live in a just world but say its in my best interest to push for a just world when in that just world i would essentially be cucked
to many women and minorities latching on to college courses that tell them there the victim despite john doe over in the trailer park working two jobs to support his family compared to there upper class upbringing thinking that they'll lead the proletariat to victory in some sort of superiority complex of "white mans burden" just on social economic grounds
You must realize that the last sentence in my post completely abandons the idea of prerequisites, don't you?
The entire idea behind my post was building up to the claim that if one wanted to read any work, it would be impossible to ever know everything necessary to understand the work perfectly, which is why one ought not to bother with them at all.
great point
Fair enough, I did see that and kinda glossed over it in my comment because I was tired and more so feeling annoyed with the types of people who say that stuff sincerely. You’re right on.
Just read Popper instead
is there any single marxist that is willing to tell the queers to fuck off? Why are these people idolised by leftists, capitalist corporations and the mainstream media? what did they ever do except being fucked in the ass? These people are malignant narcissists who actively relish victimhood, universally shrill and censorious, antiintellectual, atomised, bovine in their consumer conformity, the very spearhead of american imperialism. All leftists groups are basically group therapy for mentally ill bourgeoisie queers by this point. why did the left forsake the worker for the queer?
It's not the left. It's the left of the Capital. Not the same thing.
In my opinion, any fucko who participate in elections is an agent of Capitalism.
About LGBT, of course Capitalism will promote them, it's simple really. They are not about class struggle, but sexual identity. They create a diversion to hide class struggle. Capitalism is only afraid of class struggle. It's the only thing it can't sell. All the other shit, he doesn't give a fuck about.
>you need hegel to read marx
>you need kant to read hegel
>you need all former philsophers to read kant
>you need greeks to read all the other philosophers
the greeks
Because the workers are not a viable power vector in modern society. Workers don't get manhandled in 19th century factories anymore so it's too hard to make them feel oppressed enough to chimp out. Much easier to move on to various fringe retard groups and promise them higher status if they just chimp out and do communisms.
>Workers don't get manhandled in 19th century factories anymore so it's too hard to make them feel oppressed enough to chimp out.
Yellow vests. Nobody "made them". They did it themselves.
>is there any single marxist that is willing to tell the queers to fuck off?
Castro, Maduro, Xi, Kim, Zyuganov..You know, the relevant ones.
marx expelled a woman from the Internationale for being too concerned with sexual freedom then they later purged all the americans for being bourg radlibs
The yellow vests are not protesting against working conditions nor for anything strictly worker related, you git.
Such lazy jewish promotion of marx who was a millionaire son turned NEET and promoted by other jewish millionaires after his death
So for what exactly are they protesting? Mister i know it all? Mister i go to church, and Jesus told me the truth: the yellow vests are fascists loving Hitler?
Oh shit user, now i have, like you, a good reason to not continue reading Marx. Better watch Adolff Hitler vids on Bitchute. It's more entertaining. And he, the Fuhrer, was a man who spoke truth :s :s :s :s :s :s
absolutely true, the state and capital have given enough where even the poor wouldnt support a communist or anarchist revolution
Unironically best post here and no one replied. Then read Capital along with some good auxiliary bibliography and you'll be done.