Gentlemen, remember the cavernous depths of the self: your skin has not always been your limit...

Gentlemen, remember the cavernous depths of the self: your skin has not always been your limit. There was a time when consciousness was not imprisoned within this stinking pelt, a time when the magic circle of the horizon itself was not enough to imprison man.

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What is with Heideggerians being Nazis?

To be unconstrained is to be nonexistent. That which is has bounds and proportions. To be more fully, a being must be more fully realized. For this reason the modern conceptions of God are are inherently flawed; perfect Being would not exist formlessly but maximally formed as seen in the person of Christ, perfection fully realized in human skin. The modern imagines God to be the universe, or pure energy, or the Athanasian invisible, uncreate, unknowable. These are unreality, or in other words, nonbeing, or in other words, trash. You seek consciousness beyond this stinking pelt? Encompassing the horizon? You in your realization have depths beyond that which you know, which you happily and vapidly ignore. Repent.


>To be unconstrained is to be nonexistent. That which is has bounds and proportions. To be more fully, a being must be more fully realized.
>Therefore, in conclusion, you must worship this Jewish guy from Palestine

who is that? op image i mean

fight it, run from it, Christianity arrives all the same

Islam is growing faster as the west becomes more irreligious, soon Christianity will just be the province of Chinks and Africans

form itself is limiting and pure metaphysics can't be reducible to mere dualism.

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(Or you could come to the same realization by watching anime)

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>magic circle
STOP telling me about the unbound hyperchoatic fucking post-circle possibly spherical realm GOD DAMMIT the fucking algorithm is trying to make me fall into a sadist cosmology and I SWEAR I'm not a fucking muslim so there's no point in vesting any confidence in apeiron or cosmic justice or antinomianism even, no diffidence either just no confidence in either/or.

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Incredibly based. One forgets that the translation of the name is literally "Gospel (good news) for the New Century"

>To be unconstrained is to be nonexistent. That which is has bounds and proportions.

Literally the formula of modern decadence/materialism

>Through his practical and immediate experiences, modern man, no matter how deep his “materialistic” or “spiritual” beliefs may be, develops an understanding of reality only in relation to the world of physical bodies and always under the influence of his direct and immediate experiences.. The worst type of materialism, therefore, is not a matter of an opinion or of a “theory”, but it consists in the fact that man’s experience no longer extends to nonphysical realities.

nonphysical reality also has bounds and proportions dumdum. ideas are nonphysical and have bounds (definitional boundaries), spirits are nonphysical but are distinct from one another, etc

Metaphor and judgement, moralizations in the age of Nietzsche, ideals without definitions. To define an ultimate, a god, a constraint, as though one could ever conceive or connect with a force unrestrained, is to ignore that the creator of the perception of such a force is god aleph. Foolery.


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bro calm down and give me a hug

Interesting. Can you expand more on this topic?

Seethe more. Everything in the world and world's culture reduces to accepting or refusing Jesus.

200 thousands muslims become Christians every year. They are done for, and have been for centuries. That's Why They are lashing out.
The middle east is post islamici in a way in which Europe shall never be Post-Christian.

Big fucking citation needed

>According to 2015 Believers in Christ from a Muslim Background: A Global Census study estimates 10.2 million Muslim convert to Christianity around the world. Conversion into Christianity have also been well documented, and reports estimate that hundreds of thousands of Muslims convert to Christianity annually.
Litteraly "growth of religion" on wicked-paedia.
Also Have a read.

>Everything in the world and world's culture reduces to accepting or refusing Jesus.

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>retarded gnostic heresy
>matter bad, body bad
nice dualism bro, but we reject that here.
Man is soul, spirit and body, all unified into a whole person.
Pre-existence of souls is a false teaching. Denigrating the body is a false teaching. The body is a temple for the holy spirit.

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He was 100% correct.

Thank you for saving my screenshot of someone else's post user, I had a hunch someone would find it interesting.

>To be unconstrained is to be nonexistent. That which is has bounds and proportions. To be more fully, a being must be more fully realized. For this reason the modern conceptions of God are are inherently flawed; perfect Being would not exist formlessly but maximally formed as seen in the person of Christ

None of this makes any sense, especially when considering that Jesus only spoke in Dialectical Monism.