Going through existential crisis, how do I escape this mind black hole? I just want to be normal.
Any books or anything to help?
Going through existential crisis, how do I escape this mind black hole? I just want to be normal.
Any books or anything to help?
Camus' Myth of the Sysiphos
Really, read it, despite what Yea Forumss pseuds try to tell you.
a bloo bloo
I take it you've never been there yourself, otherwise you wouldn't post this.
You seek normalcy but forget that most people feel the same sense of dread, and existential fear that you have right this moment. It's just that they distract from it and drown it out with every distraction under the sun. Restless is our heart until it comes to rest in God.
Life is a series of distraction from death
everyone has been 15 once, see
Will youself into power. Challenge yourself every single moment of every single day. Embrace the meaninglessness of existence. Realize that existence is a blank canvas, and that you have been given the privilege to paint on it.
First though, you have to reevaluate all values, not just of existence, but of truth, morality, metaphysics, etc. You must overcome them and create your own. It is your sole duty, since now you're about to be reborn as a decent man
The distractions are indeed the "business" of men and do occupy their meaningless lives. They build barns, tear them down, build bigger ones. But then they die and go to hell.
>people feel the same sense of dread
No. I don't fear death, as I have grown up past adolescence. I've laid in hospital beds, with it being all around me, I've been faced with it myself. Now, the concept is just boring to me, I literally never think about it. Any dread or anxiety I feel in daily life, is due to the gap between what I want to become, and what I am right now. Not due to some teen angst.
Just move through the five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and into acceptance.
Religious options include Buddhism, Daoism or an Abrahamic religion of your choosing.
Non-religious options include Nietzche or something existentialist. Myth of Sisyphus is unironically a good choice.
>you have to reevaluate all values
Why tho?
Nietzsche clearly presuppose this when he made his philosophy. But... can I ask why?
Like, see science; there is some outrageous claim, infinite nihil theories like heat death in thermodynamics. But they don't, say, "do" thing on it. But why we should do things, in philosophy?
because it's all self help, Nietzche was weak and sick, far from his idea of an ubermensch, he idolized what he could not become, and dreaded what he was
all ideas were dictated by his subconscious desires
>all ideas were dictated by his subconscious desires
I'm also weak and sick.
Why doesn't my subconscious desire that same thing?
Mutterings of a slave. Even your response is unoriginal. Sad!
No man. Is this you? Same guy? Really not good.
even more cringe
I'm not that same user but i can agree that your post denotes a highschool students enthusiasm after reading the summary of a book from Nietzsche.
Anyway, you'll get wiser if you keep that enthusiasm of yours, we've all been 15.
there are more factors to a psyche than just the state of the body, I'd look at what your parents, or authority figures wanted from you, what invisible chains they bound you with, what you bind yourself with right now
sickness can be viewed as a curse, but it can also be viewed as a relief from daily life, a way to defend yourself from any obligation, or it can even be romanticized and viewed as something special
>lmao cringe bro just stay unmotivated!
Life sucks! Based based! Cringe!
If you want to be normal just do normal things. Join a gym (better if it's a groupal activity such as boxing), watch netflix shows and talk about them on internet forums, etc. You'll eventually turn 'normal'.
Myth of the Sisyphus as some other user recomended is also a pretty normal self-help book.
Good luck.
your juvenile enthusiasm combined with /pol/tradshit is very passé
save those posts and read them in a year to see for yourself, there are more refined ways of expressing enthusiasm, you confuse good writing with the act of writing making you feel good
I didn't say any of that in my post, not even suggested it. Keep your motivation high, that's a good thing. I was just poiting that you were paraphrasing Nietzsches "self-help message" without adding any actual content. That's not how you "reevaluate all values, not just of existence, but of truth, morality, metaphysics". You're just moving from one regime of truth to another one without even questioning it.
I might be wrong but that's what i infer from your post.
being normal is for normies, being a neet is for the dregs of society
but there is a third way, a way many here dream about, but nearly none actually have the gift to pursue, nor the perseverance, nor the humility, and definitely not the vision
in the vain hope anyone here is on this way that I'm talking about, I say to you: good luck and wealth beyond measure
This has the same scent of a tourist describing himself as a voyageur.