Are there right wing postmodernists

Are there right wing postmodernists

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The rising group of state-power conservatives tends to engage with critical theory. People like Gladden Pappin and James Poulos. Though this is very much a recent trend.

critics of it I guess

>The majority of right wing people in USA are postmodernists. No substance, no affect, just shallow displays of power.

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Nietzsche, sorta.


This image fills me with rage. The best proof of a people being completely alienated from everything outside their clean gray suburban hellscape is the reification of "Nature" like this shit here. Their "nature" is a place to load up the SUV with bikes and beer and vacation at for a weekend, or hang up paintings of over the fake gas fireplace, or donate to conserve at the supermarket - basically, a commodity. A man who has to live with nature every day, to endure it, to witness it all its indifference and horror - he wouldn't be caught dead spouting some shit like "nature is my church XD". Never thought anyone could be as retarded as New Age hippies and nazis combined but here you are.

you never heard of pagans? what exactly is wrong with saying nature is my church? nature is as indifferent as god. do you also seethe at deists?

i agree that ecofascists and people who post pics of nature and shit on their facebook walls are cringe but you sound like you never met someone who lives away from urban centres. not all of them have to "endure" nature, some places are really nice to live at and their inhabitants love it and despise the chaotic nature of cities.

t. raised in a small city while having several relatives who lived in small countryside properties all their lives

Pagans of the sort the Christians genocided 1000 years ago are not my concern here. They had natural gods who presided over various areas of their everyday life and they saw the workings of these gods everywhere. An authentic religion.

My concern is the type of """pagan""" who doesn't see the workings of these natural gods in his boring suburb because 'nature' obviously can't be found here, 'nature' is that stuff over there! In that government-protected national park! Nature is trees and flowers and wolves and deer! Not humans and concrete and pigeons!

It's a fucking dumb understanding of the idea of nature. The planet is constantly changing. A million years ago there was a completely different set of plants, animals, and landscapes, and a billion years ago it was all just rock and sludge and amoebas, was that 'nature'? Is 'nature' the particular state of flora and fauna and geography of a certain snapshot in the earth's history? Because that's what your image implies.


people still have instinctive animistic tendencies. Most of modern 'paganism' is a huge larp im not going to argue with you on that, but there is a reason they're doing it beyond that I think.

The whole Conservative Revolution and the Nouvelle Droite (and their various analogues in different countries) are postmodern insofar as they deal with the same collapse of meaning (metanarratives, whatever the fuck your gay preferred term is) that "pomo" deals with. You could also just call them angsty modernism, as you can with pomo. Only difference is the solutions offered.

Keep crying urbanite

>the image implies nature is a snapshot of earths history
how else do you represent nature if not with a pic of it? at least there is the black sun ... which I see as the guiding principle of creation, symbol of order out of chaos. the pairing of paganism with alt right ideals makes sense from a darwinian angle

What a hateful and resentful incel you are. It's just and easthetical phrase. At least try to interpret things in good faith.

Yes, someone I know is one. He says quite often that it was unfortunate how postmodernism was spread and originated by Cultural Marxists. However I am not entirely sure if I see the point in postmodernism. It's just saying "we are lost" in a forest. When all one has to realise is that he can make his home anywhere at any point he likes. He can assert "I have built my home from the trees and am lost no longer". But nooo they're just happy indulging in the self pitying identification of being 'lost'.

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you sound like a prog but you're defending the fucking black sun? I have truly never seen this before

>At least try to interpret things in good faith

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In his interview with Lauren Southern, Dugin said that traditionalists can learn from postmodernism.

is postmodernism not also a rejection of modern culture?

Maybe he's not defending the black sun. Maybe he's attacking your fucking retarded perspective and interpretation of the image.

>In his interview with Lauren Southern, Dugin said
do we truly live in this world

typical "humble" liberal scum siding with fascists once again. there's nothing new user.

You realize im a fascist? To be precise im so far right from Fascism i am like the fascism of fascism. I think Sharia law is Feminist. My understanding of social purpose is more or less a gorilla pack with AKs.

It is incredibly amusing to me that Leftists on this board constantly make friendly posts to me when i attack liberals or progs. You hate them more than you hate us.

Stop trying to convert the city folk. The whole point of the state/national park program is to keep the city folk in confined areas like the cattle they are.

>This nigga thinks he knows something but he doesn't
Let me guess you're the kind of guy that replies "but you're using a computer" whenever you read any criticism of technology and think it's an intelligent rebuttal.

Borzoi from TRS calls himself that because he believes we should learn from postmodernism, from instance Baudrillard

Most critiques of present society are the same critiques leveled by leftists 50 - 60 years ago except this time it's the leftists in charge. So yes, left-right can coincide with postmodernism which itself is not inherently leftist

Not everything that hurts your feelings is fedora

>this time it's the leftists in charge.
Most critiques leveled by leftists 50 - 60 years ago were targeted towards capitalism, last I checked it still is the dominant mode of production

Not many, but I would argue that postmodernism is inherently a right-wing ideology, unfortunately many contemporary right-wingers still cling to obsolete notions of naturalism to justify their beliefs when it could be done otherwise

>Not everything that hurts your feelings is Fedora

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