Is alphabet soup literature?
Is alphabet soup literature?
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In its highest form. It literally becomes part of you.
If whatever that hack Joyce did is considered literature, alphabet soup is a high form of literature.
Yes according to evolution if you eat enough of it you will shit out a classic.
Is that not alphabetti spaghhetti OP?
Alphabet soup is so good.
eating alone
my alphabet soup
speaks to me
-Brenda S. Duster
>The infinite alphabet soup shitting theorem
Have you ever met someone dumb? And you think man, even if I showed this person some Robert frost, theyd fail to grasp it. You're that same person, just with joyce a few levels up.
>even if I showed this person some Robert frost, theyd fail to grasp it.
The amount of people that don't get The Road Not Taken... I don't think this was the best choice dude.
Nice post
that sounds like a good idea for a story. a man is enslaved and forced to eat nothing but alphabet soup. if he doesn't shit out a best-seller, his captors will execute his family. the story follows his desperate odyssey which consists of him shoving as much soup down his throat as he can possibly manage. eventually, he manages to do it - he shits out a masterpiece, but is unaware of the plot because he wasn't allowed to see the shits, he had to shit in a hole that lead to a laboratory where a team of scientists analyzed the shit. in the end, its revealed that the masterpiece he shat out was the book you just read.
Goddamn that rules. Pump it out, user. I'd read it.
that poem's left open to interpretation. Don't pretend like your contrarian, "HE'S REGRETFUL" stance is any more right than the bile that basic bitches spew in entry level english courses
Ah, I see you are a member of the unwashed masses who manage to grossly misinterpret it.
maybe i will. it fits my writing style anyway.
It is when it's part of an art masterpiece:
Someone's overusing their thesaurus.
It's taking the piss out of people who spend too long weighing up meaningless decisions. It was a bit of a joke towards Frost's friend that liked going for walks in the wood and would spend way too long deliberating about which path to take. The idea that you think there's some "contrarian regretful stance" is mindboggling to me, I assume you must be a fucking idiot or something.
>Someone's overusing their thesaurus.
lurk more before posting please
Fuck off you underage dumbass.
My diarrhea desu