have women contributed a single original idea to philosophy?
Have women contributed a single original idea to philosophy?
Cyborg feminism
Anscombe is the only female philosopher.
Have systemically oppressed minorities received similar widespread acknowledgement to their oppressors?
idk op
Have women contributed a single thing to anything at all ever?
Fuck off Cultural Marxist scum
>womyn wuz oppressed
Men did everything. Women survived because of men.
They were too busy raising children.
you're about to go from systematically oppressed to systematically processed into fertilizer
fuck off, if you were oppressed for centuries then you deserve to be a slave to the superior beings
hopefully we keep on oppressing
>been emancipated for 80 years now
>still haven't contributed shit despite all the programs, opportunities and gibs that women get
That's not true. Women might not have contributed to philosophy but they contributed much to the arts. The first novel, Take of Benji, was written by a woman. One of the first official novels (post DQ) in English was Oroonoko. I only know music apart from that but few composers have achieved the harmonic diversity of Lili Boulanger even a century later.
I think the correct title is "Take Off, Benji."
Of course.
Astell has some good philosophy particular for christians.
I'm pretty black pilled about women user, but don't make the mistake of assuming it's impossible for some to be credible.
mary wollstonecraft, de beauvoir, luxembourg, hannah arendt, judith butler, elizabeth anderson, hypatia, rahel jaeggi, these are just some off the top of my head I remember from my phil degree (there are others like cavendish too but many of them were not great and we mostly just read them for historical context).
there are way less female philosophers mostly just because they were locked out of academia for so long. if you actually dig into the history of philosophy though you will find that among all of the european courts and academic circles there were a decent amount of women both working anonymously and also responding publicly to other major male figures. Sartre is even said to have stolen many of his ideas from convos with de beavoir for example, and cavendish provided an early attempt at modern metaphysics in response to descartes.
women have mostly contributed in the realms of feminist philosophy obviously but also political and social philosophy. my main area of focus is political philosophy so im not totally familiar with female philosophers outside of that niche.
>what is rearing nearly all human children in history
Nothing important I can think of, no.
I'm a minority and I never asked for "acknowledgement". That sounds like some weak pussy shit. If I am supposed to hate my supposed oppressors why than should give af about their opinion? Demanding their response is just another form of feeding into their power. My long family lineage has been fucked over by arrogant whitebois, Jews, and Muslims for centuries, should I complain and screech for an apology? No, that's fucking demeaning. I don't give a shit about what they have to say. I don't need to be included in whatever game they're playing, I'll make my own path.
Never go full retard. They're literally half the population.
No, it's fucking autocorrect. TALE OF GENJI
Unironically this, don't listen to the commies that always show up in her threads, don't avert your eyes
Sadie Plant
Emmy Noether was a pretty based original and creative mathematician, so there's that.
by bring them into being and nurturing them
Figures a grill would be unable to spell Genji
Two of you missed a joke that obvious?
Didn’t read the thread, just came here to say based.
>Yea Forums falling for the obvious bait again