Is guenon actually worth reading?
Is guenon actually worth reading?
No. He is a complete waste of time. He's nothing but memes that serve some kind of brainwashing purpose. There is an undercurrent of nihilism in his writings that make Schopenhauer look like a saint too.
All of these are right but also simultaneously incorrect
Not really.
If you had any real interest in the evident subject you wouldn’t even be asking here. Read it or don’t. No need need for another fucking thread
Very precise. Guenon is a distilled version of every suicide bomber's theology, hidden beneath a thin veil of ironic pseduo-theosophy. He's just a Western Muslim.
>undercurrent of nihilism
>in Guenon
as if an atheist carpent-mucher is qualified to pass judgmenet on His most enlightened, Abd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá
no, his metaphysics are a meme and is a complete bore to read
>Idol worship
Worm, life denying worm.
Please tell me what metaphysics arent a meme then. And if it's from an anglo and/or analytic then i hope you get kidney cancer desu
Whiteheadian metaphysics of course ;)
>life denying worm
Honestly, I think it would be based if the muduslime killed trannies and then he exploded afterwards too. Two problems gone.
>his metaphysics
excuse me? guenon understands the real ''scope'' of metaphysics and therefore does not fetter it in, systematic and fantastical orgies of individual rationality.
please don't show up in threads concerned with subjects about which you know nothing, i am asking politely, ^^
It’s not so much that I know nothing about the subject, it’s that I have no respect for it.
This is another facetious Islamist thread and Im sick of it. Take it to Yea Forums or something
And afterwards, I’d still be here.
oh, then the sentiment is reciprocal; what about we ignore each other?
What did he think of trannies?
Can transgender condition be a state of opportunity for conquering of dualities of sex?
In saudi arabia they would throw you off a building
t. guenonfag
>in my-a home country we kill the gay b
read quine, have sex, incel
Advaita Vedanta
Guenon is the equivalent of a contemporary university English student who read a bit of philosophy and subsequently placed his academic pursuits on hold while he took an extended gap year "studying" under some pseudo-guru in India and claiming that the West just doesn't get existence.
In other words he's an unwashed prick and I think all you have to do is look at his long face to see that he was simply an incel as all converts to Islam and any religion that they have no cultural connection with are.
If I was a contemporary of his I'd have shot him.
>If I was a contemporary of his I'd have shot him.
>quotes one line and posts a meme
It takes so little to entertain me these days. What happened
I'm not sure. I haven't read any full book of his, but I've read a chapter from the reign of quantity and sign of the times on psychology and I found it to be very cringy.
He also idealizes the East. His view isn't wrong, but he sort of thinks the West is this doomed nowhereland which produced nothing of value because we don't value metaphysics. He speaks as if everyone in the East, or at least every philosopher, is a big metaphysician.
I also read a few chapters of his introduction to hinduism and his studies on hinduism. I feel as if states his own opinion as absolute truth and hides his opinions under the veil of tradition.
I'm yet to read him thoroughly, though. I'm really interested in his criticism of Spiritism because in my country (Brazil) Spiritism is like a virus. I also wish to pursue reading his studies on hinduism.
I also read a few chapters on the crisis of the west. I don't see anything wrong in what he says, but he speaks everything one-sidedly. He also never cites any sources.
I get the impression that he's speaking out of his ass and calling it Truth.
I was thinking about clarifying some things to you but after the
>I get the impression that he's speaking out of his ass and calling it Truth.
I don't think you can understand easily.
If you think that you are either a blind materialist or have never touched any book concerning real metaphysics.
macaco de merda
Please do.
I don't say that he's speaking literally everything out of his own opinion, but his criticisms regarding the West, although valid, seem rather... arbitrary, in light of the fact that he idolizes the East.
>blind materialist
no, I'm no materialist. I'm not deep into metaphysics, but I'd say my main influences in this regard are Boehme and Schopenhauer.
>never touched anything concerning real metaphysics
read above
>macaco de merda
uma delícia