I'm afraid bros.
I don't wanna fight in a post collapse civil war.
I'm afraid bros.
I don't wanna fight in a post collapse civil war.
there won't be a civil war, too much söy in the water supply
Embrace the collapse and prepare for Caesarism.
Spengler was wrong.
There won't be a collapse, OP.
This poster is a huge faggot.
wrong about what? also there can be a collapse without Spengler being right
Anyone else notice whenever Spengler is mentioned bunch of people come out of the woodwork and say "he was wrong!" "he was pseud!" "he was dumb!" without any elaboration whatsoever?
Are these people shills? They dont even sound like they've read anything by him. They just make extremely vague "criticisms" which could have been said about any other person
>these people
it's just leftists seething at anything outside their worldview
Everything. And Yea Forums gobbles it up because he's a failure. You always fall for the meme authors.
See?I'm 100% convinced it's leftist shills
nice argumentative line
>muh partisanship
an hero immediately faggot
Join the 40% chapo tranny
Most of the people attacking Spengler on this board are just leftist brainlets who have never even read him, because they never read anything outside of their marxist or post-modern hugbox
Spengler may be wrong though. I believe in his 2nd book "Man and technics" he changed his mind and believed Western Technology would actually eventually collapse the entire planet.
I personally don't believe his cyclical history theory. Yes there are cycles of "decadence" and things like that within society but all of these articulate predictions he made that co-related with the decline of Rome and other civilizations is just ridiculous. The fact we have all of this new technology and a globalized world could easily disrupt any of the previous "cycles". I believe we've entered a new paradigm and we're in uncharted waters. He was obviously right about the end stages of empire and things like that though, but that doesn't mean the west is necessarily going to disintegrate in 200 years or something like that. There may just be a cultural reset when crossing into the next paradigm.
I need to read Man and his Technics by him though
Why are you posting your fap material?
Why not?
Desperate. There's nothing of value in leftism, deal with it.
leftist analysis can't deal with the modern world, so all they can do is close their ears to anything external to their ideology and pretend everything is fine
Normally i think comments like this are really stupid, but when it comes to Spengler i have to agree. Even Adorno said that Spengler was only forgotten because people couldn't deal with him and his unapologetic pessimism.
But recently i saw it for myself, when a philosophy article in my native language (Dutch) did a 'special' on Spengler, because there was a new translation of him available. I say 'special' because it was fucking embarrassing. One article was on how Spengler was a covert nazi and racist, the other on how you shouldn't read Spengler because we dont need his pessimism, and a third on how the publisher of the translation was silly.
what good might come in the future?
They're not shills they're just twitter retards who somehow found their way onto this site, and they're doing their typical hivemind meme responses to anything outside the overton window. They can't think at all, and they just imitate each other frantically to the point of them all being indistinguishable, so it looks coordinated but it's mostly not.
leftists are contractually obliged to be not only optimistic, but enthusiastic about all change. that's why they call themselves 'progressives'. They pretty much have to believe the present is the glorious culmination of all human endeavour and the past is nothing but a dark age of unenlightened bigotry that should be forgotten as quick as possible, so the rational improvement of the world can continue as planned. To even question this axioms is seen as a betrayal by leftists.
in the post cold war world, having forsaken the promethean ambitions of marxism leftists have been reduced to mere cheerleaders for the very technical system, which is atomising and homogenising the world. The problem with leftists is not that they hate the west or that they are le postmodern neomarxist relativists, on the contrary, they represent the western ideal at once at its most naive and its most decadent.
Why not? At least we would have meaning in our lives.
The Caesar will be computers, not a human.
how do I like this boomer comment like on facebook
oh damn, an image of random people, this really changed my fucking perspective, thanks you gargantuan fucking cretin
You're just proving the point even further, all you can do is regurgitate stale memes in a practically kneejerk reaction.
You're in a thread about an author you haven't read, talking to people whose arguments you can't respond to, thinking that your twitter quips are going to anything but make you and the left look like idiots.
zoomer leftist represent the further degeneration of the boomer counterculture, having lost all residual sense of purpose and autonomy, whereas the boomers were adolescents, leftists are childlike.
>muh partisanship
Again: end your life.
You too, troglodyte.
I guess Stirnerfags will have to be added to the canon of people who can't think. Not exactly surprising, I mean Butterfly likes him, and he wholesale randomly invents absurd child psychology in the Ego and its own.
Try to say something, anything. Produce a coherent thought in your head in relation to something another person said.
Oh no now your entire line of reasoning collapsed since you were so sure of your methods of deduction. Maybe try it the other way around next. Partisanship is a mental disease. Or rather yes just lump all your imaginary enemies into one bin, that'll do.
But what if I'm not even a Stirnerfag? What box are you going to put me in then? What caricature will you draw next!
See this is my point dude, you don't even know what I think apart from that I think most left wing people on the internet are dumb. Instead of maybe responding to anything I said you tried to assassinate my character thereby invalidating my opinions. You are operating on the level of maybe an 8 year old where discussion is concerned, you've just learned to be more sophisticated about it.
For example let's talk about Stirner's model of psychological development. Or if you were just using him as a meme then let's talk about whatever you do believe. Surely you can think and talk about stuff right?
My point is that if you were a commie or liberal and I would be a Spenglerfag praising his work then you would call me a nazi or fascist without a single thought. Stop partisanship.
This is a weird post. It is like he is wearing a mask or trying to write like he has seen someone else write. So many words here but he is saying so little. It is empty prose. The person he quoted baited him and this is what he came up with. Weird stuff.
>it's just bait bro
You've contributed less than none.
Leftists here really are twitter fags who found their way in here like this user saidLook at this post. He used @ to quote
Now THIS is bait
I wouldn't though dude. I have extremely unacceptable views but I will still talk to marxists, progressives, liberals, whoever. That is the only reason im on this shithole, you literally cannot talk about this stuff anywhere else except in real life among trusted individuals who aren't going to have the breadth of ideas presented by all the random anons here.
Partisanship is a part of the discourse, there are valid reasons to think being partisan matters. If you don't like it then argue for the opposite, that's the entire point of anonymity and freedom of speech.
Im not exactly a neonazi, i have lots to criticize them for, and there is no reason i wouldn't criticize the left as well. It's just conversation, ideas, whatever. I welcome you telling me my ideas are retarded as fuck, go ahead, just explain what you mean. If you post meme replies of no value that address nothing then that's what you'll get back.
>Try to say something, anything.
>Produce a coherent thought in your head
>Surely you can think and talk about stuff right?
>talking to people whose arguments you can't respond to
>You are operating on the level of maybe an 8 year old
fell for it, hard.
He kept laying little "surely you are smart and can write" lines to goad him into attempting a post that seemed more "intellectual" than the shitposting he was doing prior and he fell for it and wrote that weird post pretending to be intellectual rather than sticking to the small shitposts. Seems to me he kinda exposed him in that way.
Yeah all fine and dandy just don't force your partisanship and bias when somebody calls your daddy author shit
>muh left
>muh right
assumptions aren't discourse.
There won’t be a civil war probably. There is a good chance of a major economic collapse like the Great Depression though
Ill force my partisanship as you call it(I don't vote and think all political movements ever are a joke but that's besides the matter here) as long as you don't offer a coherent argument about why you think partisanship is bad.
You seem quite decided on the matter so im sure you can explain your views. Unless of course you have better things to do.
He forced partisanship on you because you called his "daddy author" shit multiple times without evaluating why and you still havent proved you've read anything by him
You know what's most mind boggling? The fact that quite obviously no one here really has read The Decline of The West.
I fuvking love when they out themselves as brainlets with such pathos. Like they really believe that a smug smile on their nerd mugs and a "Everything!" Actually constitue an argument!
I will miss them during the Cesarist era.
Ask me about Spengler. Ask anything at all about Decline of the West.
They are fucking adorable when they all walk in fucking lockstep and then call you a cospiracy theorist when you dare notice. Like they actually believe that calling people names is enought to make them un-notice things! How much of a darling must You be? Like a baby with no object permanence that forgets that you were there when you cover your face with your hands!
What makes you think that? I read him
i have a 100 pages left
People, It's just another leftist coping. If You asked him how did he figure that nobody has read the book here he would answer some smartassery like "You didn't hate it! LOLOLOLOLOLOL" feeling so fuvking PROUD of itself.
based and spot on
Fell for the provocation lol
There's plenty of pessimistic Marxists and progressive ideologies don't look at the past a dark age of any sort. Very naive to assume that. There's even Marxist texts that have a cyclical interpretation of time, not progressive and linear at all. It seems closer to reality that you haven't read a single liberal or Marxist text rather than knowing what you're talking about.
But at least you realise that these things are a result of Western thought, so props for that.