Whitehead was based
> Logical Positivism is a topic rarely distant from my thought. Every mathematician and symbolic logician is, in his habit of thought, a logical positivist. Yet to some of the expositions I find myself in violent opposition — especially to the very habit of dismissing questions as unmeaning i.e. unable to be expressed in existing symbolism. Wittgenstein annoys me intensely. He is the complete example of the sayings: I am Master of the College What I know not, is not knowledge.
> Logical Positivism in this mood — its only mood — will produce a timid, shut in, unenterprising state of mind, engaged in the elaboration of details. I always test these general rules by trying to imagine the sterilizing effect of such a state of mind, if prevalent at any time in the last ten thousand years.
> The fact is that thought in the previous two centuries has been engaged in disengaging itself from the shackles of dogmatic divinity. Thus it unconsciously seeks new fetters, viz anything offensive to the Pope of Rome. But I see no reason to believe that the stretch of Bertrand Russell’s mind or of Wittgenstein’s mind, or of Carnap’s mind, has attained the limits of insight or expression possible in the evolution of intelligent beings. They are bright boys, good representatives of a stage of rationalization, but nothing more.
Whitehead was based
but what the fuck did he actually think
read him
he literally wrote a book on process philosophy
Whitehead was retroactively debunked by Parmenides.
The sad thing is that this Whitehead flooding is killing the possibility of any real discussion. I am about halfway into Process & Reality and I really want to talk about it, but I've tried talking about it in these threads and it goes nowhere. Whoever is doing this doesn't seem to know that much about Whitehead, sadly.
A similar thing happened with the Klages spam. Might have been the same guy. It's a shame really.
something something retroactive Parmesan
klages isn't even translated to English for any of his major works, or french or anything else as far as I can tell. So literally only German anons can really discuss him.
Tell me about Whitehead user-kun
I'm just interesting in seeing what they do with him. Lord knows they didn't take Bergson well.
this, he couldnt contend
>’this-ing’ your own post
with the Eleatic doctrine
>FUCK having to ever to prove anything. I just wanna spend my days talking about endless becoming and poorly rephrasing Heraclit/Schelling/Haygul/Nietzschuh.
this baldyguy
Reddit will seethe at this. They want to think we have the universe all figured out because it gives them an existential cold sweat to think that a lot of the knowledge we have today will be redundant years after they are dead
Why the fuck do pop-scientists still shill logical positivism when it has been BTFO'd?
What makes you believe it has been btfo'd?
Whitehead perceived the jewish encroachment well, but did he perceive the jew?
>I am Master of the College What I know not, is not knowledge.
a symptom of judiasm/monotheism. all monotheism is judaism.
a god is a symbolization of any force that creates order
a pantheon takes into account all the forces of nature and breaks them down into gods and delivers this system to a people who would follow the religion.
the best pantheon uses the fewest number of gods to describe the forces of nature (but would also require the best people to found the religion, because they would need intelligence to comprehend subtle patterns that shift in many circumstances).
so you see this is why i say advocating monotheism is saying you have found all the answers, you don't need any placeholders for knowledge to be filled in, you have all the various patterns of reality up in your head and everyone else just has to believe in this one god and you will worry about all that 'accounting for reality' for them.
the jews, being the liars that they are, probably perceived something like this, and decided to tell everyone they found the one true best answer, they engineered the perfect pantheon, the best way to account for reality.
5000 years later people still believe them.
You can see how the attitude evolves into our modern day evils.
"Just trust me you dumbfucks".
and they fucking do
we need a dune-style butlerian jihad except to destroy NPCs
because they were selected when they were students to be propagandists for jewish agenda
because its wrong. just because the consequences haven't caught up and you haven't been put to the torch yet doesn't mean you're right
as though your school of thought has anything to do with nourishing your soulless corpse
>i've tried and it goes no where
99% of posters on this board cannot even parse real literature
stop whining and copy paste
Whitehead has a monotheistic idea of god though
Whitehead's God is not even a God
That’s just like when people say spinozas god is not a god. Maybe not a conventional god, but it’s some form of god.
Because it isn't. They are concepts.
Why can’t god be a concept? They referred to these things as god, and I don’t think philosophers tend to write carelessly. The thing with the word god is that it can describe many different notions of a deity, just because it doesn’t fit the one you have in mind doesn’t mean it isn’t valid.