what comes after postmodernism? a fractured art landscape? I would describe my novel I'm writing as baroque post modernist, but I find that lacking.
What comes after postmodernism? a fractured art landscape...
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meta modernism
Post-Hyper-postmodernism, senpai. After that its just gg allin writing a rebus novel on the side of the great pyramid using the blood and feces of a pope.
The abandonment of all artifice.
scrawling handmade copypastas of the oresteia in the mud
back to the beginning
Thinking what comes after post-modernism is just another form of post-modernism, if you're asking this question you have a severe misunderstanding of the subject. Whatever the sequel is to this mental condition, one thing is for sure, it won't be self-aware and it won't place itself on the plane of sequential philosophical trends. and thinking it will come from the Western Christian (capitalist) tradition is hilarious
Mega cringe trash by people who don't understand post-modernism
my man
Recoalescance of cultural ontology as forcibly determined by the singularity-spawned godmind's global dominion.
>what comes after postmodernism?
growing up.
t. person who doesn't understand meta modernism
If you're naming a movement as a sequel to another you're still in post modernism
If you're creating movements by taking pieces from others disconnected from their original context, treating it like idea commodification, you're still in post modernism
If you're even having this discussion, you're still in post-modernism
If your movement consists of perpetual stroll through the graveyard of history, you're still in post-modernism
Nothing new can emerge from anybody growing up in this world, we are all infected with an incurable disease no matter your delusions.
>thinking it will come from the Western Christian (capitalist) tradition is hilarious
This. Western civilization will probably sputter along on life support for another 500 years at least but intellectually it's completely spent. Even if a reactionary movement miraculously winds back the clock a few hundred years we'll end up at postmodernism again eventually.
Took me awhile, but I'm starting to accept postmodernism (as if it's voluntary). I used to be so downtrodden about being original, and starting a New Movement and all that juvenilia. Now, I'm just going to write what I'd read, as the cliche goes. Just don't plagiarize, and snag all the scrap laying around before everything smolders and resets. Baroque meta-hypo-momo or whatever is fine, but maybe leave that off the tags, bud.
>intellectually it's completely spent.
Is the East not? Which region is not yet spent intellectually?
I dont know because, personally, I think the trend since the 60s in the west of being embarassed by your own traditions and trying to immerse yourself in totally foreign cultures is pure cringe.
Unironically sub-Saharan Africa if they choose to leave behind Anglo or French memes. They are just getting started. East Asia is just an accelerated West, Latin America is dead, and Islam is in deep crisis no matter the pol rhetoric. Would love to see what comes out of Nigerian megacities in about 50 years
>African intellectuals
Meming aside it might be interesting to see what they could come up with, but what makes you think they'll ever be motivated to philosophize in the first place?
It's not embarrassment, it's the result of the encyclopedic eye that came of age in the 19th century, the post 60s rhetoric it's just a new conclusion the eye devized. The Western view of history is fundamentally different from all other cultures
You're still stuck in post-modernism, again, what they create will not be self-aware, not the result of a group of scholars. You're attempting to fit the Eurasian framework onto a culture that has no need for this
If its not self aware, then why will it ever evolve beyond "wherever I am, I must also rape"? Africa is the real life garden of eden, theres no evolutionary pressure on anyone to change. If Europeans never colonized them, there'd be no discernable difference between Africans of today and Africans of 50,000 years ago
Africans are a varied bunch. Yeah theyre mostly well, we know, but they've created stuff in the past and they will probably create stuff again especially in Nigeria like the user said.
I was always particularly interested by Benin city civilization. The way they set up that city was crazy.
If you can tell me what comes after the Pre-Raphaelites, I can tell you how you're retarded.
The Raphaelites, easy.
That is just people blindly throwing darts and hoping to get a bulls eye. They know the general direction it needs to go but that is it. Time will likely show that someone got it right, they will be in the money then.
Thing is, we will not really know what it is until it is half over.
Id imagine a post modernist world as a world with no metanarratives.
No religion, no state, not even tribes.
All those would require a higher ideal of some sort.
Anarcho capitalism perhaps.
But to say there are no metanarratives does not mean people will not seek them regardless.
Ancaps have the whole objectivism and praxeology wankery