>Inserts himself into his own fictional universe as an avatar of a giant cosmic turtle
Inserts himself into his own fictional universe as an avatar of a giant cosmic turtle
i hate him so much it's unreal
what a coincidence, I was just about to sit down to read a stephen king book
how do i become a bajillionaire genre fiction author lads, to be honest i'm absolutely fucking jealous of him it's not fair
He kind of looks like Michael Jackson and baby grinch
how to become big horror writer
>write 6 hours a day
>come up with interesting and fresh ideas
>there is a scene in IT where all the main characters (children) engage in an orgy
>call Donald Trump a degenerate in blind triumph
>avatar of a giant cosmic turtle
Is this really canon?
>Inserts himself into his own fictional universe as himself and in his fictional story vilifies a real person he got into an auto accident with
I find it so hard to decide if it’s cringe because of the self insert or if it’s based because of how incredibly far he took it
Wait what
Hooooo boy someone want to tell him?
Self insertion ruined whole series for me. 2/3 of it was superb, but last 1/3..meh.
Yes, all hatred in the world is caused by "jealousy" and nothing else ever. Very witty of you to point that out.
yeah after they chase the clown into the sewers theres a part where they have an orgy because king was clambering for some way to represent the experience drawing them closer together and all he could come up with was sex=extreme togetherness
How new are you?
Tell me what?
This based man inserted himself (hehe) multiple times in the infamous IT scene, if you know what I mean.
He even looks like a turtle. I guess thats supposed to be the joke.
I haven't finished the dark tower series. He references himself a few times but I haven't got to the part where he self-inserts, is this true?
>Write stories until one of them clicks with the public
>Continue to use the same formula ad infinitum
Wow, I never knew Terry Pratchett was so based.
I thought IT was great. That book is so vicious it’s staggering. Apart from that opening sequence I don’t think the recent (part 1) film version really maintained the level of brutality that the book did. (Don’t get me wrong I thought Part 1 was good).
But I’m seriously wondering what King’s editor was thinking most of the time. I thought the long historical parts with Mike the librarian doing research on Derry was great because it added this kinda Lovecraftian backstory, but I think about a quarter of IT could have been cut out or slimmed way down with the gang bang scene being the absolute worst example. Its all typical Stephen King bloated detail oriented prose but it’s self indulgent even by his standards.
I read an interview with King somewhere where he said that Hemingway sucked. That might explain it.
I’m definitely a King fan and deeply appreciate what he’s done for genre fiction and popular culture in general but there are problems to be sure.
There's also a great man on man rape sequence involving the barrel of a gun and a hand job in one of his novels. No sure if there was much subtext with that one though
please elaborate. i hate him too but i don't wanna go through the trouble of actually constructing my own opinion. it's a visceral feeling, i need the words to describe it in detail.
Anons that have read Dark Tower, is it true that there's a Pennywise in that universe too? One that is way stronger than the one from Derry?
Which of his books would you recommend for someone who's never read him before? Preferably not doorstopper length.
Carrie, The Shinning, Pet Sematary
I think hes Pennywise’s cousin, but Stephen only made an offhand comment; something to the effect of “theyre probably related”
proof please
not just that user, but he's written in detail about the rape of little boys and a teenager. if there's children in a stephen king novel, they're getting raped or being the object of desire for an older character.
Nigga looks like a turtle
Nothing there to hate. Mind as well hate McDonald's. He has a demographic he markets a product too. What's there to hate? I mean he's pretty fucking ugly but that's mostly not his fault, though the drug and alcohol abuse didn't help.
Every time I see some weird shit in books I get disgusted cause I'm pretty sure that it probably gave the author a boner or it's some kind of fetish
That includes Neil Gaiman being literally swallowed by a goddess' vagina or Daniel Evan Weiss' roach cumming inside a chubby's vagina or being raped by a bigger roach (yes, I felt for the to meme and read it)
I would highly recommend Salem’s Lot and his first short story collection Night Shift. Both are King at his best in my opinion. Neither have any of the bloat he is known for. Salem’s Lot has great pacing, lots of memorable scenes.