>begin with the greeks
Why would I, a mexican living in the 21th century care about the fucking gayreeks?
Begin with the greeks
The Greeks suggested here were opposed to their popular culture at the time, some were even put to death by it. They condemned homosexuality rather than held it in high esteem.
Adonis Georgiades Homosexuality In Ancient Greece The Myth Is Collapsing
why are you so obsessed with athenian butt sex?
you actually responded with an answer to this question... hahahahah
You shouldnt decolonise your mind bro
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Please stop posting immediately. You're embarrassing your compatriots with a brain
t. Colonised mind
they are your ancestors, hermano
>mfw platos argument for an ordered sexuality is exactly the same as the one used by the catholic church in 2019
The greeks and roman are already part of who you are, you shouldn't dismiss them for not being part of your genetic heritage.
Stop dickriding european culture you fucking whitexican
As a Mexican: cringe, kys.
Its not "who I am" its an identity imposed by colonialism. Your self-hate is showing.
Isn't that a woman being fucked?
Are you an actual Mexican or a Mexican-American? Either way, please commit suicide.
Yeah, whitexican! Stop dickriding liberalism, your actual republic system or even this online board because muh european, go back to a primitive civilization. Change the organization of your military forces because they were influenced by Rome's organization, abolish the use of spanish because european.
>unironically using whitexican
The Greek origin of the Araucanians by Cesar Navarrete. the dudes a crack pot.
>tfw I think all of those things are actually good.
>tfw have green eyes and a german surname still more decolonised than you wannabe gringo dicksuckers
Reminder that Homer didn’t even exist
The colony happened hundreds of years ago, you're living in the past. Go speak Nahuatl or whatever if thats what you want. Also:
>green eyes
>relevant for whiteness
just take the daddy dick up your ass
just read the aztecs dude
Aztecs had no written word.
Same thing happened to the Gauls after they were conquered by Rome. But did they try to revive a dead past? No. They moved on, accepted the roman and germanic culture, and gave rise to the Carolingian Empire.
Because being serviced by teenage boys is right and noble. Whoever says otherwise should be purged.
Lmaooo i bet you are also the sort of vato who gets really irrationally flustered by inclusivx language. Healing from eurocentrism is an act of political resistance buh.
I think I know who you are. Yikes!
The roman empire does no longer exist but global white supremacy is still the hemonic ideology. Maybe after we are done deconstructing it you can go back to talking about the beauty of plato and homer, but in the meantime such talk comes off as a dogwhistle for something else
>if you read Homer and Plato you're a white supremacist!
wow that's beyond Reddit, not even they are this retarded.
Para que se te quite lo pinche indio.
¿Verdad que te encanta la verga gringa? norteño puto
And that's a good thing.
You're right, Pedro. You should continue to live in ignorance in your dusty hovel.
>muh wipepo
mexican here, I hate faggots like you
Son contados los gringos que leen, muchos menos los que leen literatura clásica antigua. Son irrelevantes tus pseudoargumentos y proyecciones por las que te resistes a aprovechar la herencia cultural y sabiduría de antaño.
guess you gotta go back, Pablo.
Cringeaante y Azulempastillado
De antaño de que? Porque el conocimiento tiene que provenir de personas muertas hace miles de años? Que acaso el ser humano moderno no puede crear sabiduría por si mismo? Porque los griegos? Que descubrieron ellos que no lo hicieron otras civilizaciones? Porque la unam esta tan obsesionada con ellos?
Stay delusional
Never go full retard.
>gay shit in art
>gay shit in myths
>gay shit in literature
>they're not actually gay tho and here's why
seethe, cope, dilate, etc
Show me 500 depictions of homosexual acts in greek culture. I'd remind you that greece had milions of peiole at the time.
>Que acaso el ser humano moderno no puede crear sabiduría por si mismo?
El conocimiento es acumulativo, pendejete.
You can't even speak proper Spanish and you want to shit on the based Greeks? top fucking keks
Socrates spoke out against this shit and they killed him for it.
>No ha leido a Mignolo, a Edward Said Fanon a Bhabha a Quijano
>No entiende lo que es la colonialidad del saber
La ruptura epistemologica es una accion politica de decolonialidad
Lo que te tienes que preguntar es como estis discursos se usan para silenciar al subalterno y existen en complicidad con el colonialismo, el estado y todo tipo de ideas reaccionarias y supremacistas, y esto tambien incluye a gran parte de la izquierda marxista en sus vertientes universalisantes y modernistas
Just read mexican authors then
read miguel leon portillo's compilations of nahuatl poets and the conquest narratives, the shocking brightness of its images reminds one of archaic greek poetry, homer and the presocratics.
Greek philosophy has nothing to do with wisdom.
Its the first attempts at acquiring knowledge.
Thats what philosophy means, love of knowledge not love of wisdom.
They began geometry and thought the world was composed of shapes and that there were 5 elements.
That was before science existed.
Wisdom is not knowledge necessarily.
I dont even know what wisdom is to be honest i have yet to meet a wise old man.
I don't know. Why would you? The real question is why should I give a fuck what a random spic like you does or thinks?
The mexican misses the nacho cheese serpent god, he misses the doritos flavor blasted tequatl, where is the cheesy gordita crunch god of jungle jammin, where is the beef burrito supreme panther of cheesy goodness
Como lo dijo alguien anteriormente, el conocimiento es acomulativo. Al igual que nos enseñan ciencias duras; la etica, la moral, la politica, la cultura etc. Viene arrastrandose desde esa epoca, cambiando e influenciando nuestro dia a dia, es historia, en el sentido practico no tienen ninguna utilidad, sirve para ver y comprender de donde venimos, saber en donde estan cimentadas las bases de esta parte del mundo y como es hoy en dia. Por curiosidad, ¿te gustaria que fuera mas fuerte la influencia de las culturas mesoamericanas en nuestro pais? Como Bolivia o Peru por ejemplo. Creo que el resultado sincretico medio surreal que nos dejo como herencia el colonialismo es dificil de asimilar para la mayoria de nosotros, por un lado tienes esta influencia europea que nos hace sentir parte de occidente, por el otro el judeocristianismo dandonos de azotes toda la vida, y por ultimo el "legado" mesoamericano del que nadie sabe casi nada, y que aun asi nos enseñan que nuestra sentido de pertenencia esta ahi, con la derrotada "raza" que quisieron destruir los españoles.
Qué es la decolonialidad del saber?
Fucking based we should do that too
>a mexican living in the 21th century
I don't know. Start with the Aztecs or something. You'll have to reconcile with the Greeks, eventually, no matter your predilections. Maybe, look for some Mexicans who admired the Greeks, and see what they have to say about it. I'm sure whichever route you take, there will be a confluence between whichever you prefer, and some of the stuff you don't care for (i.e. gay greek sex). \
If you do Start with The Aztecs, or whomever, report back with reccs.
>tfw muh imf debt crisis
>tfw ywn live in totalitarian high modernist megalopolis strewn with neoaztec brutalist concrete monsturosities
I popped this into a translator, and it read in English beautifully; can only imagine if I actually understood Spanish how this post would read. Good job, Spanon.
Damn, it must feel so good, i wish that was me
Maybe if your piece of shit country was influenced by quality culture you'd not want to move to other, more successful countries.
This makes no sense. If it was a tranny you were responding to, he wouldn't mind all the gay stuff. You're probably a dumb newfag who doesn't even know how to use the meme.
>Maybe, look for some Mexicans who admired the Greeks
Alfonso Reyes
Based post, can we get over this irrelevant sub 5% of people minority already
Close but lefties are just slime without principles and you can’t attempt to understand them with the same logic you understand an honest person.
You're still speaking nonsense. Why would a guy hating on homosexuality in old Greece be a leftist? Or are you actually talking about the "seethe, cope, dilate etc" guy? Even so, why would a leftist use the "dilate" meme?
Leftists are motivated by tribalism and devoid of logic
Vete a la mierda pinche prieto de mierda
>tfw no catemite bf
Basado y rojopastillado
Silencio, asqueroso analfabeta y blanco de rancho en negación
Lo más gracioso de todo es que personas como tú se dicen combatir la hegemonía blanca usando herramientas de sociedades occidetales. Son un monton de larpers y burguesitos que no sobrevivirian en sus utopías marrones.
unconditional loaylty to the Mexican Revolution as incarnated in the revolutionary institutionalist party is the only truly Mexican ideology.
this meme is universally true
los pensadores postcolonialistas mas radicales han sido Latinoamericanos. Sabes perfectamente quien tiene la superioridad moral, sabes que estas acomplejado y solo andas buscando excusas para evitar tu compromiso con la decencia humana y la justicia social
Why would anybody give a shit about a mexiroach? The Greeks are not for you, go back to licking the asshole of whatever drug lord put the rest of your kind into a mass grave
¿Qué tienen que ver los griegos con los gringos? Maldito subnormal.
Las matemáticas por ejemplo, la filosofía.
como todos saben, los griegos inventaron el colonialismo el capitalismo y el patriarcado heteronormado.
>living in 21st century
pick one
Mexico is what the US will be in 20 years