My mind was infested with Judeo-Christian mindset since I was little and it took me almost 20 years to get rid of this...

My mind was infested with Judeo-Christian mindset since I was little and it took me almost 20 years to get rid of this Jewish messianism and weak jewish savior type of infestation of my spirit and psyche.

Here in Finland when I was only 6 years old starting my first grade, we would not learn geography of different nations or even our country: instead deeply religious 60 something christian zio-woman taught the geography of ancient Israel. By 2nd grade I could not name London or New York on the world map, but I was aware of the distances and their relation between Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Gologtha and other biblical towns and places. We would sing Jesus song (this was not even a Christian school)

Perhaps my esoteric leanings were more subconscious than I even knew: since one of the songs had a chorus "The Holy Son of David... May he be Sanctified"... but since the Finnish word "Pyhitetty" and "Hirtetty" (Hanged) appear similar to the ears of a child I used to sing "The Holy Son of David... May he be Hanged". I got detention for singing this incorrectly, even though I honestly did believe at the beginning that Jesus never was crucified, but hanged. Perhaps 15 years later I found out that the common hermetic tarot symbolism is the fact that the figure of Hanged Man is traditionally attributed to Jesus Christ.

These days I view Messianic Christianity as a bastardization of the cults of Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Dionysus and perhaps Mithras and the theme of sacrifice. I truly believe Jesus was hanged. Jesus was nothing but a jew. He never had a job either, just another jewish bum.


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he may have been a jew but he strived to end judaism which is why they killed him

Christs may come and Christs may go, but Caesar is forever.

Have a less dogmatic view. Religion and dogmatism don’t really mix. The teachings and transcendent nature of religion is good, it’s just the normie masses can never and will never understand it. Be more objective toward the spirituality of it and look into hinudism

People always say to have a less dogmatic and more esoteric conception of Christianity but they don't realize Christian doctrine is lacking in esotericism, mysticism and is overtly dogmatic. If you want a less dogmatic view of spirituality then get into something like Neoplatonism. With Christianity, you're stuck with the guy on the cloud. That's what it is. Its believing God is a guy with a personality.

says who?

Mostly This, but I think Hinduism is only if you like the aesthetic. Personaly I have found more christian influenced writers to be more to my liking and less esoteric in their view of the transcendental. Specifically Kant, Kierkegaard, and Melville. I was raised modestly religious, vehemently apposed it in my teen years, then mellowed out and started to jive a little more with it once I got into literature.

The Bible, motherfucker. The foundational text of your belief system.

I do not thing dogma is necisarily a bad thing. CS lewis writes about its benifits in mere christianity. Also I personaly am very much against esoteric/mysticism since it seems rather trite and aesthetic more than anything. Also There are quite a bit of esoteric/mystic christian sects if that is your cup of tea. Orthodox has a good amount, and much of the hermetic/esoteric stuff is a fusion of christian and greco-roman stuff.

Nah, he just instituted Judaism 2.0. The followers of Judaism 1.0 were not into the new version.

No it isn’t. Cloud of unknowing, interior castle... it’s there if you look for it

>judaism 2.0
an oversimplification and a hell of a reach at that

Northern Europe needs to be nuked.

>theres only 1 interpretation to the stories of the bible which is why everyone interprets it the same way

The bible literally says none of it is for private interpretation.

St Augustine says otherwise and the fact that he’s literally a saint would suggest the church doesn’t hate his ideas

yet there countless takes on it

Jesus was like Thanos from the Avengers Infinite Wars - He just was.

When was the last time someone had the audacity to call you a "fucking moron" as you made their case, while it was your job to make the argument that they'd be wrong about you?

Yes, I'm aware of the irony of that joke.

And yes, I know that you've done more than just make the case for me. That when I make my case I'm not just doing it to defend myself, but I have a responsibility to the broader faith community to convince them.

That I don't just go about preaching to people all the time, only to abandon them when they do not listen or change their minds.

That there are other ways to win people over to my point of view.

That I'm not just going to start talking as a big talker, telling people how to behave - because I'm not sure people are going to listen.

But what are you, to say that that's not good for the broader faith community?

That's one interpretation.

such an unbelievably retarded statement, literally Varg tier

Try reading Hindu literature and philosophy, you may find it to be more interesting and convincing

Christcucks literally seething in here.

>cults of Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Dionysus and perhaps Mithras

perhaps sacrifice and rebirth is common in myths because they stem from human desire and therefore speak to a deeper need.

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Atheism is a form of autism.

That's not an interpretation of the Bible, of which there is but one. He was saying that there is only one interpretation of the Bible

Response =/= butthurt
stop projecting, your nervosity is showing