Pourquoi français est une belle langue à l'écriture, mais dégoûtant à l'oral?

Pourquoi français est une belle langue à l'écriture, mais dégoûtant à l'oral?

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I like them both

If you really care for pronouncing it correctly, it is indeed one the most beautiful languages made by humans.

Is Québécois nicer sounding to your ears?
I’ve heard Louisiana Creole sounds terrible. Are there any regional accents within France, French Basque for instance, that sound alright?

Yes; youtube.com/watch?v=VachYN_sDos

it sounds like you're sucking a cock.

Tu saurais mieux

Fais l'amour

Pourqoui les frances sont gay

>t. 100% attardés
c'est la plus parfaite des langues latines à l'oral, mais son système orthographique est complètement prétentieux et redondant

Oui, conne de Papillon, there are several accents within a population of 65 million across 250k square miles, quelle fucking surprise.

Ah, oui.

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So which is most sweet to your ears?
And why, if you can pinpoint?

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I'm Hispanic and funnily enough I found written French to be better. I like them both, but I like it better written. Maybe cause it's easier for me to understand it that way

The manliest is the Southwestern accent, but it sounds very "country" on a girl - not in a good way. The end of the words are pronounced, it's more mellow, open. The Québécois accent is funny in a cockney-is-funny way. The further North you go, the "sharper" it gets, the words are chewed up. The center and northwest of France has "less of an accent", it's basic French. The Alsacian accent literally just sounds like german people trying to speak french, it's hilarious. if you go eastwards the A and O sound more alike. In most of the south there is no difference between /e/ and /ɛ/, and some /o/ are pronounced /ɔ/.
Here's an interactive map of all the former languages of France that the Paris-centric R*public decided to smother into oblivion if you're interested in that atlas.limsi.fr/index-en.html
this video shows a few different accents youtube.com/watch?v=Za833gIhefQ
pic related is my maximum-effort map to explain french accents

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Bear in mind that those with southern accents are cruelly made fun of in every other part of the country and you'll have made sense of that map

Thank you!

Donnez moi un pompier

do you mean
> pourquoi est-ce que français est un belle langue pour l'écriture, mais dégoutant pour l'élocution?


>Pourquoi français
Pourquoi le français*

What more is there to say?

>speak parisian

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I wish I was French