If God is all mighty, why doesn't he just gets done with hell and the devil...

If God is all mighty, why doesn't he just gets done with hell and the devil? I understand God doesn't meddling in humans affair, free will, that the world is a temporary trial of ethics,etc. But what about the after life? If he loves us with no exceptions, why does a place such as hell exists?

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>why not get rid of the devil
All in due time.

>why hell exist
Hell is for those who love their sins more than God. So they go to hell and are tormented by their sins, by their conscience, and perhaps by the process of God consuming their sins and healing them ? Maybe there is some hope for those in hell...

>If God is all mighty, why doesn't he just gets done with hell and the devil?
Jesus litteraly descended to hell and took all the virtuous pagans with him before resurrecting.
It's only people's unwillingness to Love God Back that sends them to hell, which is just the place where you go If You dont stay with God.

Hell is heaven as experienced by degenerates and depraved and actively God hating. First it's full presence of God's essence universal descending into creation.
Then it is merely a cold absence as all unsaved are left behind here in darkness, while the saved ascend to a new Earth and a new Heaven—there's no active torment, instead you will walk this old dead world forever like a ghost

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We just have to wait until Eugenics is an accepted practice. First we must destroy pride and ego.

If he loves us with no exceptions. We have to accept his love, free will. Got never stops loving us, we simply shut him off.

It is an act of love. Think about it, if you didn't choose to be with God in your short mortal life, why would want to be with him for eternity?

God cannot empathize with anyone. Everyone is so far beneath Him it's impossible for Him to relate to us. Even as Jesus He was all-powerful and all-knowing, even in dying He was never truly weak or mortal. God cannot comprehend suffering, as only the weak suffer. Therefore God cannot see why our suffering should be so terrible that He should do anything to alleviate it. Think of the child who breaks a baby's limbs with a hammer as we all did in our younger days. What emotions are elicited by the suffering infant? Joy from the satisfying crunch of bones and the slap on the meaty parts, and irritation and disgust when the baby wails and shits itself. Why is it so repulsive and worthless? Nothing it can do could make you not want to hurt it more.
So too it is with God, the all-powerful, the all merciful.

Sorry user, I forgot to mention I was speaking of the Christian God, not the Blood God
>God can't empathise
Let's speculate further on your theory; Wouldn't a God that ask for his creation to apply morality through their lives to achieve true happiness in the great beyond could be considered a hypocrite, the opposite of virtuoso by his standards?

Do the Christians (most likely online LARPERs) posting in this thread actually believe the insane shit they are typing? Are you just regurgitating Christian talking points without thinking about it, because the things your saying sound like the ramblings of insane people. Abrahamism is a mental disorder

God is not immanent or has at least left humanity alone for now. This is to say that God does not interfere with our worldly affairs. OP you also assume God is a rational agent which he might or might not be. God might just have become the universe itself as Spinoza would claim. God is the one subject. It's really unproductive to talk about God at this point in history and it is surely unsettling to act according to some subjective claims about the will of God i.e. religious actions such as circumcision or jihad are something that ought not be tolerated by smart people.

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Hell and the devil exist because free will exists. Without the devil and the ability to make the wrong choice, we would be automatons. Goodness can only exist because badness exists. For one to exist the opposite has to exist. So for God to exist, the devil MUST exist, or else what would God be?

> It's really unproductive to talk about God at this point in history
What are we supposed to do then? Wouldn't discussions about a higher being, such as this thread, be productive for creatures that believe there is more to life than just the mundane?

If God must exist only with the condition of the devil as well. Wouldn't that make him flawed?

God and your belief system can lick the hardening smegma off my uncut shlong

God himself is not flawed, the universe is. God is perfection in a flawed universe

i'm afraid you're completely wrong and none of that is supported by scripture.

Free will and god cannot co-exist.

t. that one philosophy professor the other user is always bitching about

According to Urantia there is no Hell perse, though there are prison planets:

>But for ages the seven prison worlds of spiritual darkness in Satania have constituted a solemn warning to all Nebadon, eloquently and effectively proclaiming the great truth "that the way of the transgressor is hard"; "that within every sin is concealed the seed of its own destruction"; that "the wages of sin is death."

Those who cant be rehabilitated and refuse divine mercy will experience the 'Final Death'

>There is no adjudication of such cases; there is no resurrection from such a second death. They simply become as though they had not been.

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the whole point of Christ's coming was that he could share our pain. As you'll find in Aquinas, he actually suffered more than any of us ever will

Why not though? He's God, he can be anything he wants.

But we about that dude next to him on another crucifix who had an additional nail driven in?

Absolutely impossible though, because Jesus knew He was going to rise again while say the 2000 slave rebels of Spartacus who were crucified along the Via Appia had no such comfort.

do not fall for this bait


answers both of your objections (replies to objection 1 and objection 4, respectively)

Sounds like Buddha: "I and all beings have attained the Way."

If god exists he's evil.

Because he is not almighty, but very cunning nonetheless.

>god tortures people for not loving him
>god is good

>If God is all mighty, why doesn't he just gets done with hell and the devil?
>But what about the after life?

hell and the devil need for torturing you after life because God loves you with infinite love, but you can invoke his infinite anger to

What's wrong with mortalism and annihilationism? I get the argument against them is the immortal soul but that isn't exactly well supported.
Also no spirit isn't soul.

If we assume god created everything then he must've created hell just as he created evil and all bad things.
God is just an arms dealer and you signed a non verbal binding contract in order to gain access to existence so he assumes no responsibility.
It's all there in the fine print

The soul exists because the Bible says so. That alone disproves you position.

>immortal soul
It's nowhere stated in the bible that the soul itself is immortal.

Not only that, the Lake of Fire destroys the soul itself, therefore showing the soul to be very much vulnerable to fire damage.