What are some /doomer/core books for women?

What are some /doomer/core books for women?

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women can't be doomers


I have no idea. The doomed despair seems to be primarily a male phenomena. All of society is now galvanized around trying to validate women and girls and make them feel good about themselves no matter who they are. Nobody gives a shit about men.


Sylvia Plath

Harry Potter ad infinitum

Camille Paglia

Women can't be doomers, they are mostly emo/art hoe/thots that fetishize "depression" (as if they know what depression feels like), sadness, and some surface-level nihilism. It's that same nihilism that pervades zoomer humor ("I'm still a piece of garbage/ Oh my God I wanna kill myself/Fuck my life" and so on and so forth; spend time with zoomers and you'll hear a lot of this).

Of course, there are depressed women out there but men still want to fuck them. Doomer men are unfuckable (good thing I'm not one)

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>All of society is now galvanized around trying to validate women and girls and make them feel good about themselves no matter who they are

Look at it this way: women are being encouraged to sleep around, have abortions, and decide not to have children. The fat acceptance/self love movement is encouraging them to be gluttonous and not care for their bodies.

Women who want to live traditionally are being ostracized. Women who are brainwashed into this 'love yourself, slut!' philosophy are only going to end up ugly, lonely, childless, bitter, confused and traumatized.

Just because there's a loud female voice in society does not mean women are doing well. Women are being attacked, they are just unaware. Feminism is poison for everyone.

I’m not sure any woman with even a shred of a soul left in her feels any comfort knowing that she can be used as a disposable cum dumpster at a moment’s notice.

The funny thing is that women wanting to live a "traditional life" are told by decadent feminism-polluted modern women that they will be unhappy living a traditional life. Then those same feministoids turn out to be frigid, sterile, and (probably lesbian) cunts who live only to wave cardboard signs and yell at street preachers.

Yeah, it's not a comfort. The attention probably exacerbates the depression

>Of course, there are depressed women out there but men still want to fuck them.

Sex isn't everything. People wanting to fuck you doesnt mean everything ain't that bad.

For many women, it makes things worse. Sexual attention does not translate into real affection, respect or love. You can pretend it does, but this will only lead to more despair.

Yeah, exactly.

Things are bleak for females too

Being fucked gives women value to society by default. Don't want to be used as fuckmeat? Don't open your legs. E A S Y.

Fuck you and your soul. I hope you suffer, but unfortunately you probably won't.

things only look bleak because they self-impose artificial rigidity of selection, it's just a game of maths

There in lies the problem. Men have the greatest barriers in their foot in the door, especially with a woman they want. Women have the greatest barriers getting a man they want to stay. A lot of the “successful” men you know get laid by deception, giving women through ambiguity the impression that they will be in a relationship, or that being FWB will be like a relationship. Cue the melancholy when the woman gets burnt over and over again.

It’s not good being an honest person of either gender in this day and age. There’s always somebody looking to use you and then discard you, or pretend you don’t even exist.

>people who have sex can't be depressed
tell me how I knew you were a virgin

I can't say for sure who has it worse- women or men. It doesn't matter; trying to claim the status of the most wronged victim is pathetic. What matters is doing something.

This age alienates us from each other. Must be the technology and individualism; in the past one had to stay in a family unit because it was more difficult to be self-sufficient in an agrarian society. Now, at 21, your boomer parents pack your stuff and say, "Son, it's time to head on out and make yourself a livin'"

I am a virgin without rage

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Most normalfags just flood their minds with pointless bullshit to stress and be """"depressed""""" about.

fuck off back to your youtube music playlist you cringy fucking retards
i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you and your mother regrets birthing you

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Where were you?


cringe and redditpilled

idk about writers but someone like the musician Grouper is just obviously seriously depressed. Ive known depressed girls irl too, but they usually manifest it in a more bpd way.

I’m hardly advocating antinatalism here, I’m answering the damn question


Sylvia Plath
James Tiptree (aka Alice Sheldon)
Toni Morrison
Kathy Acker

This. If you're a woman you literally have no reason to be a doomer. Everything in life is put on a plate for you, all you have to do in return is just not to eat too much and maybe exercise once in a while. Literally life on tutorial mode.

how can women be doomers like just open your legs bitch haha

Charlotte Brontë was a bloomer.
Emily Brontë was a doomer.

You can’t refute me on this.


>le woman cannot be sad
This is rich always coming from some 1st world problem whiteboy incels who don't go outside their mother's basement.

Flow Down Like Silver

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I like how you just outed as a virgin there, very nice

>doomer is "feeling sad"
Rich indeed.

This isn't true. I've known some miserable women. Let's not overstate the differences between the sexes. We all get sick and die.

Found the roastie

If a woman could be an incel than I'd agree that they could be doomers. Truth is, all women are volcels, without exception.

>women are being encouraged... have abortions
is the right really this retarded?

Women don't have souls

What's wrong with being a virgin?

They're only miserable because they can't secure Chad

He's right though

pic related
I've been wanting to read this but can't find it anywhere (if somebody has the ebook and can share I'll love you forever)

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It's funny how in less that a decade it's become totally socially acceptable to shit on depressed men. If only this faggot had told the 100 or so men who commit suicide everday that they shouldn't be worrying about le 1st world issues.


Anyway, The Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

They cant be doomers or any cels. It is all male concept and world. They are at best just pretending to get attention.

Women cling to life like parasites. Completely hooked in to their biological imperative to the point that they lose sight of any transcendental aspects to reproduction. Everything is perceived through that lens for them. They obsess over their looks and their social status because they're chasing after some dick. This is why women will never produce any meaningful art. They would abandon all higher principles if it meant someone put a baby in their belly.

speaking into an empty corridor and cage rattling the thread

Daša Drndić
Djuana Barnes
Elfriede Jelinek

Everyone failing to respond with authors or books needs to read more.

What, you only had 10 people confess their love to you and none of them were rich?
What can exactly happen, outside of abuse, to women in their lives to make them adopt the doomer mindset. You have no pressure to succeed and everyone tells you that no matter what you do i'ts ok because you're a woman. You have your entire life clear of adversity and zero reason to despair.

Why does the board have many threads about women? I wonder if the female-to-male ratio is higher.

Paglia is basically a dude

but women can be emcels, can't they? wouldn't that be their version of doom?

>Today, abortion has become the commodity that reshapes the world in its own image. It reshapes women not as liberated individuals, but as sterile, sexless, beings. As transsexuals. Beings that have the shape of a woman, that men can consume pleasure from, but not beings with the miraculous power to bring life into the world. Where once “transsexual” was the distorted image of “woman,” today “woman” is the image of “transsexual.” The signifier and the signified have suffered a magical inversion. The commodity has taken the place of reality.

>It's funny how in less that a decade it's become totally socially acceptable to shit on depressed men.
what? laughing at weak mean always was acceptable


damn bitch you must be retarded or something, depression is not just something men suffer from, and sex won't fix everything, and even less for women. A lot of women suffer even having sex or suffer due to being forced to have sex, go back to your room and jack off to porn all day you dumbass.

sure user, here you go, a candy, now go to bed and let your mommy tuck you in.

>having sex means you cannot be depressed
>equating being a doomer with being an incel
Go back

you guys are confusing being an incel with being a doomer. not every doomer is an incel.

That’s why Emily is the better of the two

And you’re only sad because you can’t secure Stacy. A lot of the things that people have been saying about women in this thread also apply to men, but neither want to admit they’re true.

What about post-wall women? Those 40yo cat ladies seem doomy enough to me.

even if were going by the memes wasnt the doomer always shown with friends and a loved one ? and that he misses both of those parties and thats why hes sad ?

Emma Goldman

A doomer perspective doesn't have to result exclusively from being an incel, it's a way of describing a quasi-cosmic pessimism. Not being able to have sex could be a catalyst for this I suppose, but think of the vast numbers of men who are married and have children who still take their own lives as a counter-example. All incels are likely doomers, but not all doomers are incels.

>she works on Saturdays

Just think about my cock please :3

Puh-lease stop

I think about your cock every second of the day, what do you want from me

This world would be worse off without you two

>Waah my decisions aren’t popular I only have men at my beck and call

There is, of course some truth to this.

But in actuality, men have held women down collectively for centuries. It is a recent phenomenon for them to have voting power. I think I've made many vocaroos on how retarded the sexism is on here. I'm all for believing in God, but when it comes to slavery and sexism? Fuck that shit. :3

Alejandra Pizarnik is really popular between my art hoes, she is really good, along the same lines as Pessoa.

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