>read a lot of perennalists
>read a lot of christian mystics
>read zhuāngzǐ and laozi
>still can't perceive anything outside the material plane and my readings aren't nothing more than an intellectual pleasure
Am I doomed forever?
Read a lot of perennalists
Other urls found in this thread:
>reads all this shit and doesn't realize it's all a massive post-autonomous morality cope
How have you read so much and still don't realize there is nothing to realize outside of the material plane? St. Teresa didn't ascend to some otherworldly dimension, she found God in the here and now.
Teresa of Avila? She was epileptic.
If you expect to see outside the material plane while reading laozi you didn't get his teachings.
>I am perfectly healthy and devoid of illusion, am I doomed?!?
OP, what you describe has most likely happened because you still haven't read Shankara, who is the ultimate pleb-filter of eastern thought. There is a reason why Guenon and Coomaraswamy are always very deferential to him in their writings. Read through his commentaries and then get back to me
You should read Tom Campbell's My big TOE. There he explains the fundations of reality and how to experience the non phisical. He's grounded and respectfull so reading him shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah OP is strange. Laozi would be the chinese Heraclitus, and we know how Heraclitus and Parmenides fighting each other
>reads zhuangzi and laozi
>still concerned with the ''material plane''
>still concerned with divisions
>still concerned
How about you just follow a strict meditation regimen or overdose on psychedelics? Then you will perceive something beyond the material.
Well technically your conscious perception of qualia is alread beyond the material unless you’re one of those dirty disgusting p-zombies like Dennett
true - perception OF the material is beyond the material, so to perceive perception is to perceive immateriality
>Am I doomed forever?
Yes, unless you realize that you are lacking the racial prerequisite for comprehending spiritual works, and improve yourself.
Thats because youre readinhg instead of practicing. To exprience God you pray. To experience the universe, enter deep meditation. You don't raise the unconscious simply by reading, you put into practice what you've learned. You don't understand it until you have experienced it. Intellectual wanking is useless.
but do you not feel the material is limited to your perception of the material?
>Am I domed to a permanent state of sanity?
One would hope.
Any book on achieveing deep meditation?
It is one thing to travel across the world in a year to see the sights it has to offer and another to sit in one place and contemplate it for a year. If you read a broad assortment of books just for some shallow goal of yours you will fail, for you will not have mastered any of what you've read. Settle down for one category- Christian mystics, perennialists, or whatever, and stay there.
Why are materialists so insufferable? They are so full of themselves and convinced of their belief. I hate that I know exactlwhy they think like that, because I was just as insufferable back when I was a materialist. And I know that no words would have convinced me otherwise.
I experienced a glimpse of the transcendental myself and it completely shattered my materialist beliefs. Now I’m frustrated since I’m unable to share this experience since my words alone will never convince anyone. This feels like an ironic joke that reality is playing on me.
>being obsessed with those heavy and unelegant dichotomies
you're the ''materialist'', user
try drugs idiot
>replying to tripfags
Why are metaphysicians so insufferable? They are so full of themselves and convinced of their belief. I hate that I know exactly why they think like that, because I was just as insufferable back when I was a metaphysician.
And I know that no words would have convinced me otherwise.
I realized the fundamentally conventional, self-serving and aesthetically dependant character of metaphysics myself and it completely shattered my idealist beliefs.
Now I’m frustrated since I’m unable to share this understanding since my words alone will never convince those who wish to take the pronouncement of their intellect at face value. This feels like an ironic joke that reality is playing on me.
meditation is just practicing being an NPC, the highest states are actually attained through a gnosis/knowledge that is only reached through a careful study of scriptures/metaphysics or under the careful instruction of a highly qualified teacher
You are very obviously regurgitating what you've heard about enlightenment and not speaking from experience. I can tell you how to ride a bike but you do not know how to ride a bike until you have ridden it yourself. Before praxis, theory is more or less vegetative, but it is with practice that these concepts are understood, internalized, and gratifying. You can disagree with me and read books and fill your head to no end or you can discern the best means of implementing this knowledge to produce a desired results and actually see the rewards of metaphysical knowledge and spiritual guidance. I know i am being condescending and Im sorry if that makes this abrasive but im telling you as someone who didnt understand the power of spirituality and religion until I put what i learned into practice and experienced the reality of what i read rather than simply contemplating it.
Not that I know of, I've read very little on meditation because the act itself is very intuitive. I'm sure you can find a general guide with a quick Google search but the true fruits of it come with practice and diligence. You will become more and more proficient in the art as long as you put effort into it. Next thing you know you'll feel the universe running through you like a river! But I recommend prayer foremost. Meditation is good and useful enough, but for me, as someone who does both, prayer is infinitely more rewarding and much more conducive to achieving peace in life. The prayer is the rope to the One.
Oh yes, I must try acid and ayahuasca in hopes of snapping a few brain cells so that I might start believing in the spirit realm once more.
No thanks
>talking about your autistic fetish hate-boner for live people
St. Teresa literally wrote a letter to a friend about how she had never felt God and was consumed with doubts. She wasn't anything near enlightened, she was just a moral person. She serves as a lesson that they aren't the same thing.
You should practice this shit, not reading about it. It's like reading about how to ride a bicycle.
Checked. Tripfaggotry is an abomination. Every time I see one in a thread I instantly click off.
I'm curious about the pratical aspect, what kind of prayers do you use? What do you think is the key factor that makes it work for you, and in general do you think there is a way all techniques work?
Where is your evidence that recreational and moderate use of hallucinogens kills brain cells?
your such a seeker you get lost in the idea of seeking and are taken away from BEING. instead of being you are seeking. The truly spiritual can't be said or written down.
Loser discovers Kant’s epistemology - happens all the time folks, very sad!
I’m Muslim so I pray Salah which are just Quranic recitations 5 times a day mixed in with some duas which are written (or innovated) supplications to God. When I originally read the Quran it moved my heart but I did not feel and become truly aware of the presence of God until I prayed. The prayer is how we communicate with It, and you don’t need to follow Islam to do it. I think any technique works as long as it is a prayer or meditation on the One (whether you call it Allah, the Tao, the All, or whatever) and I believe It will make Its reality known to you if you are sincere. I do believe It acts in a way that humans would call “sentient” and It is “pleased” with us when we approach it sincerely and humbly. You don’t need to be religious but you need to find some way to pray to It. There is no science to prayer, so when I say “pray with your heart, sincerely” don’t think too hard about it, just do what makes sense until you feel it. And you will feel it, not immediately most likely but over time if you are consistent I believe He will give you “faith”, which is a “light of the heart” that essentially raises your consciousness to an awareness (not belief mind you, because belief is purely theoretical) of God’s reality. The goal is to be aware that this world is an illusion, to be aware of God, and to be aware that we are one with the universe. Believing in it is for people who gorge themselves on scripture and literature. Experience these things and you will have the highest reward! If you haven’t been turned away from Islam by the vitriol on this board I recommend learning some surahs. I would say learn the Christian written prayers but I think it’s important that, when we recite a written prayer, we use the language originally dictated, as in the case of the Quran this is the language of God Himself, so it’s important. If you want to pray in English or read English prayers that is fine, but it is best you recite prayers of their original language. But when you make supplications I think it’s ok to do it in your native tongue. Ofc, God knows what’s in your heart and hears your prayer regardless of anything, but I do think He is more “pleased” with certain methods, or at least, they bring more desirable results. Sorry if this was long-winded, but yeah, meditate on the Beauty of God and pray to It with your heart. The key factor is sincerity and humility with intentions, along with patience and willingness to submit to His Will (it sounds daunting, but it no different from the way any Buddhist or Taoist monk lives, we all just use different words to describe it). We must join “the harmony of the universe” by refining our souls with virtue and prayer, that is my take.
>outside of the material plane
I think you missed the point bro.
Give consciousness a go
>thinking Kant refuted anything important in eastern thought
brainlet detected
>You should read Tom Campbell's My big TOE
No way I’m reading a book with such a silly name
Try Karl Barth or Thomas Aquinas, if there is a God he gave you logic for a purpose so use it
Just what that user was hoping. And I said “snap” not kill. Clearly it does things to the brain.
>Clearly it does things to the brain.
An astoundingly profound observation.
Let user know
If you have red the perenialist school, then maybe you know it is always said that it's a necessity, and we insist on it a lot, to be part of a real spiritual tradition. You need to become religious, there, you will be able, in accord with your capacities, to go beyond the mental.
Just become orthodox frend.
There is real christian pratice with real christian meditation (hesychasm) and spiritual energeia there. Guenon said it.
What is this letter please ? I need it, as, by principle, I reject catholic saint, and especially jews.
wew lad
A certain breed of metaphysician—the idiot guru, the Yea Forums mystic—tends to presuppose that the authentic search for truth will lead you naturally to some kind of moral non-materialism and thus emerging into any contrary belief means, to them, that you have been unfaithful to Truth. They cannot conceive of an intellectually honest materialist. They do not grant their opponents the quality of good faith. Hence their condescension and chronic indignation at the very existence of non-transcendentalists, non-metaphysicians, non-theists.
It's a logical necessity to say one side is fool, the materialist or the theist one, be it because of dishonnesty or because of being ill spiritualy/mentaly (which comes from a past or present culpability/implication in bad conducts). Because of the principle of non-contradiction, one side must be wrong.
Psalm 14, 1 "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."
>everything is dichotomous in nature
The problem is your assumption that wrongness is always the fault of the person and necessarily a result of some moral or intellectual defect.
You're thinking of Mother Teresa, not St. Teresa of Avila.
Atheist denying God.
Theism is acknowledging the principle that is beyond all the dichotomies of the creation, since He is simple, and everything takes it's being from Him.
You should understand that making absolute dichotomies is materialism, and that religion is precisely the negation of all dichotomies. That's why there is an inevitable clash.
And the culpability is in the atheist side, they are this clash.
I don't necessarily blame anyone. There is a part of fatality, also a part of necessary hardening of heart like God did with Pharaoh. He do this for letting pharao understand wrongness and coming to the truth after that, so curing the spiritual disease as Origen say. Yet this is necessary or caused by an illness that is present in the person.
We don't blame the intimacy of the person, just it's illness (being atheism,...)
Yes I think.
>You should understand that making absolute dichotomies is materialism, and that religion is precisely the negation of all dichotomies.
I can't fail to see the irony here - i won't respond anymore, since i am tired.
post girl penis
You don't know about religions or metaphysics, that's all. But in it's center, religion seeks union with God, who is the principle of everything.
>But isn't the moral dualist ?
It's human conduct, it's something else than the contemplative activity. Moral is necessarily dualist as it's in this world, but in it's core, it must be guided by charity which is precisely the fact of loving everything and everyone God created. Moral, is just the mean to stop external or internal conflicts (passions) and to find peace.
Conceptuality is dichotomous, yes. The state that you refer to beyond that may be that: beyond, but your language is dichotomous nonetheless. Language does not bear you to the center, i hope you see that.
i am incapable of conceiving an honestly intelectual materialist. i dont go with good faith with them.
but i think is only because they go with the flow. they have it easy and they dont know how easy is the defense for them. they have an horde of people believing in the same as them.
they are believing in the official philosophy of state, power and mcdonalds presents "you are cells and atoms". "we will know it all in the future" sponsored by white coat porn scientists.
maybe i am only a contrarian singer. it doesn´t care in the end.
Yes, religion is pointing to the beyond, materialism is denying it (beyond material dichotomies).
I started my contributions in this thread by saying to OP that only by a true religion, not by the mental, he will achieve spiritual growth.
Look apophatic theology to have an idea of spiritual means to overcome the intellectual limitations.