Frankfurt School of Thought

What did the Frankfurt School actually teach?

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Jazz sucks


Can’t you just do some independent research with google instead of shitting up the place with vague questions like this


>Can’t you just do some independent research with google
Most of it is just /Pol/ conspiracy nonsense. I wanted to actually learn about what they believed in from unbiased sources. This board is meant to discuss literature and philosophy, so there is nothing wrong with my question you degenerate troglodyte.

Read The Dialectical Imagination by Martin Jay

Almost typed Tony Jay

Jazz and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Esoteric jewry

Fuck the West

Have at it. 7 parts

Negative dialectics and social manipulation. In other words: LSD, woodstock, rock music and abortion as a weapon to destroy the west

While (((Adorno))) rejected modern music like jazz and blues he did encourage his students to experience it

Hohol will be remain a hohol
Even if you let him go to Europe
Where need to act with the mind
He only strain ass.

And that's why in Russia
Bequeathed already by Monomakh:
“God save us from the connection with three: hohol, a Jew and a pole.”

The Jew is insidious, although blind;
Puffy lyah worse than whores;
A hohol will eat bread with you,
But make shit in your soup .

"Ukrainians" T.G.Shevchenko
1851 year

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>unironically asking about a conspiracy theory
read wikipedia then have sex, incel

Car doors make you a fascist

Adorno's stuff on Aesthetics is pretty god-tier, even if each paragraph takes an hour of my time. Marceuse has some salient points but doesn't quite have the same metaphysical depth of some of his peers, it's worth having a look at the situationalists as well and seeing whatever similarities you can pull out

they all believed different things, some of them, like Marcuse, did believe things that /pol/ accuses them of.

Is this a meme? I tried reading Dialectic but these guy's style of writing is atrocious. Is it worth it?

You know philosophy is on its last legs when It can't hold up to scrutiny from a Tibetan
basket weaving forum and any criticism directed at it is immediately labelled a conspiracy theory.

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Global marxism/communism

On the dubious assumption that anyone in this thread wants a serious answer - I recommend Adorno's lecture courses (Problems of Moral Philosophy, Kant's C.P.R., History and Freedom, etc.) as excellent and accessible introductions to his thought. His written style was - and he wasn't alone in this in 20th century philosophy - a deliberate affectation for what might be called 'performative' reasons. In his lectures, Adorno is very clear and lucid. His work on literature - see Notes to Literature Vol 1 and 2, as well as the essays in Prisms - is also quite accessible, especially if you're familiar with the authors he talks about (Proust, Mann, Kafka, Beckett, etc.)

Of course, if you don't know at least the basics of Marx & Freud you're probably going to have trouble


>the Frankfurt School most often applied ideology critique to liberal individualism, pointing out its contextual limitations that lead to reductionist and pernicious interpretations of democratic ideals.

>the Frankfurt School became skeptical of the possibility of agency, as the subjective conditions for social transformation were on their view undermined.

>play video
>first 10 minutes sucks nietzche's cock
Pop science is a disease kys for posting this shit

>Can't you just stay within my overton window, I feel inadequate when presented with open-ended possibilities
kill yourself

Read this if you want something more refined then.


Fuck off with that

>serious answer
obsequious answer


objective reality is worth interfacing with once in your life at least

if only they had ever published anything

If you search up the Frankfurt School and get ppl garbage over, say, the philosophical encyclopedias, you are obviously a polfag who has ruined his Google algorithm

>ppl garbage
pol garbage

if only they weren't a cabalistic think tank commissioned directly by the inner circles of the jewish religion

Lmao babby is afraid of superior intellect

0:55 for /pol/

That big band is fascist and thus based.

he doesn't say anything of substance at 0:55, just spergs about /pol/

>*plays mozart* *sips* "yeb they no longer make like those"
>class? lmao bro no one cares look at this societal problem
>"nooooooo don't show me your tits that's rape REEEEEEEEE"
>the holocaust is poetry

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Congratulations on joining the other midwits who don't understand him or the Frankfurt School.

it's just sarcasm, i actually want to read their works because i found some excerpts interesting but you need to read every fucking western wanker philosopher to understand them. the german idealists are really inescapable

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That's true. Funny pic ha

explained here. seriously, fuck frankfurt school

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Cartoonish German conceit with a hypocritical disdain for German nationalism. As is common for any philosopher with a historicist bent, there is a rationalization through Hegelian dialecticts of some premeditated conclusion which, to him, seems eminently obvious.

Critical theory


Is the death toll just for Russia or is it for Red China as well?

>tfw I got the joke

In a nutshell:
>American 50's culture is a form of vapid consumer culture that is undermining western civilisation
>the nuclear family is an artificial construct created by capitalism to sell more consumer goods
>the media is making people less inclined to think intellectually
>Jazz music is a symptom of the degradation of western culture
>only the destruction of capitalism can save the west

Grand Hotel Abyss by Stuart Jeffries

jewish gibbering

>Almost typed Tony Jay


WTF, I love marxism now.

>the nuclear family is an artificial construct created by capitalism to sell more consumer goods
the fuck is the alternative?

Sort of like a village raising your children but the village is composed of trannies and homosexuals

bugchasing and Moloch worship

Since when did the Frankfurt School even begin to be associated with Postmodernism in any way? Habermas in particular wrote entire essays repudiating it as a legitimate school of thought

your grandpa deciding who you'll marry

postmodernism barely means anything, and the Frankfurt School was deconstructing traditional structures like for forever, and most people associate the word postmodernism with that

It's interesting, I was watching this debate earlier today because of an Esther Vilar thread:

... and Schwarzer mentions with pride at some point that the German state apparatus now properly educates young Germans, instead of just their families. I guess that could have a benign enough meaning, but the way she said it made me think of something that I've often thought, namely that Germans in the '60s and '70s really seem creepily happy about the all-knowing state taking over all "atavistic" traditional relationships and replacing them with the ideologically purified machinery necessary for producing ideologically pure individuals.

I wonder how the Frankfurt types, who were dominant in academia well into the '70s, reacted to this. I have no idea. I'm hoping they saw how creepy it was, but I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of Freudo-Marxist Jews unironically thought they were liberating people by giving them the Brave New World treatment, dissolving the nuclear family and so on. Some of those Frankfurt people were fucking nuts, reminds me of French psychoanalysts around the same time, real invasive totalitarian types.

Anyone ever seen critiques of Frankfurt and the Marcuse crowd from this perspective?

>Most of it is just /Pol/ conspiracy nonsense.
Except /pol/ is 100% correct on them.

>Negative dialectics and social manipulation. In other words: LSD, woodstock, rock music and abortion as a weapon to destroy the west
Adorno was deeply critical of the '68 student movements tho, to the point where he broke up with Marcuse over it (he also stopped teaching because studens saw the Frankfurt School as an ideological enemy).

His lectures on philosophical terminology are one of the best starting point for whoever is interested in philosophy.
His theoretical works assume that the reader is well versed in German idealism (especially Kant and Hegel). If you haven't read them you'll misunderstand the meaning most of the technical terms used by Adorno in those books.

Do you realize that the nuclear family (two atomized parents raising kids) is an extremely recent form of parenting?

In a nutshell exactly What /pol/ said about them. I shall believe every cospiracy theory. The term itself is projection.

>Adorno was deeply critical of the '68 student movements tho, to the point where he broke up with Marcuse over it (he also stopped teaching because studens saw the Frankfurt School as an ideological enemy)
Bullshit, and well know bullshit.
The student movement embraced both Adorno and Marcuse.

lmao. Fromm was a well known homophobe, going against well established Freudian canon (homosexuality as not bad). He does not seems like a good kickstarting point to current liberal ideals.

Wikipedia literally deleted the article on it as "conspiracy theory." Just talking about it is "antisemitism" most places. Just acknowledging that these real people existed nets you idiots like this:
you're in for a real treat when you start finding out the "conspiracy nonsense" was actually fairly accurate.

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Only a child would respond with absolutes. Your ideology is weak. You are still to become a real man.

>the fuck is the alternative?
multi generational households where the grandparents, parents and children live under the same roof

You really think Jews want that either?

Isn't he just referring to extended families?

You can check the last two epistolary exchanges between Marcuse and Adorno, and the latter's interview for Der Spiegel, if you don't trust me. Students disrupted Adorno's lectures until he had to retire, and he privately and publicly broke contacts with Marcuse due to his support for these proto-SJW movements.

>answers with "jedi Wisdom"
>has the gall to call people immature
Back to disney's rape dungeon with You MKULTRA kids.

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They taught me we live in a society

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>user mentions marcuse/adorno letters
>go read them
>everything is totally fucking hopeless
>adorno thinks praxis is literally impossible under phony liberal democracy
>doesn't like america incinerating vietnamese children for sport, but doesn't think you can do fuckall about it
>marcuse thinks student agitation for the sake of agitation will progressively jiggle people into some kind of revolutionary fervor and revitalize authentic praxis
>adorno calls these idealess, formlessly angry students "left fascism" and sees them technocratizing the university
>marcuse says they're our only hope
>tfw it's 2019 and we've been through nearly 40 years of SJW shit spawned by marcuse's approach
>tfw adorno was right and marcuse just made it worse
>tfw there was no alternative anyway and we're stuck in late capitalism forever

Adorno doesn't argue that there is no alternative, negative dialectics are just a speculative method. He never managed to find an alternative, but he did not exclude its existence a priori.
That said he was 100% right in deeming proto-SJW movements as hopeless, meaningless endeavours.

First was the question of why did the communist revolution happened in Russia and not in Germany or England like Marxists thought. Turns out culture is pretty fucking important, and capitalism began to influence it. What followed was a series of arguments against industrialized culture, mass culture and sometimes ramblings about jazz being shit.

Some will think it was some all powerful group that killed western society but if the first generation was still alive they'd be on /pol/ and Yea Forums right now complaining about Disney and capeshit.

>pre-modernistic classical is da real muziks
>contemporary classical and avant-garde jazz too difficult so no good

Daily reminder for those who mock Adorno for his opinions about jazz.
We don't really know what Adorno would have thought about the classics that we would nowadays recognize in the jazz tradition. His statements were related to a '30s white german jazz band that was playing party music, and as such his criticism might ring true for many contemporary involved listeners (jazz can obviously be banal, to the point of being reduced to background music).

Basically, if you want to apply Adorno's aesthetic theory to composers such as Mingus, Coltrane and Coleman, you won't be able to use those sparse claims about jazz to make your point. Rather, you'll have to do your homeworks, and refer to Adorno's "Aesthetic Theory" instead.

>His statements were related to a '30s white german jazz band
Right. Because to Adorno, a jew, it was always about attacking whites and white culture. Jazz being a black phenomenon was a 60s retcon anyway.

If "white" culture is nothing but consumism, individualism, and living by the moment and never thinking about tomorrow, then I'm glad to see it being attacked.

That's jewish culture, bruh. They're the ones guiding it. Adorno was playing a sleight of hand by directing attention away from his tribe and placing the blame on some abstract entity called "capitalism."

>If "white" culture is nothing but consumism, individualism, and living by the moment and never thinking about tomorrow
The leftist cries as he strikes you for he can only project.

>attacking "Jewish thought" while calling it by another name is attacking "white" culture
Do you think about what you type out?
How are those qualities related to leftism?

Adorno did not apply racial categories to cultural criticism.

They are all that leftism is.

LOL. Adorno was a jew. You really believe that or do you just not understand the JQ and how nature works?

To quote Hegel, "Spirit is not a bone".

Start thinking in terms of reality and nature instead of nonexistent faculties like "spirit" and the world will become a less confusing place, friend.

And? His theories still stand and are applicable to reality. That's all that matters here. I can personally attest to the nefarious effects on culture that imposed extreme capitalism has had. And you can't apply the JQ in this case, unless you consider mid-50s USA as completely kiked.

Spirit isn't a non-existent faculty. Only an absolute nihilist would say so.

>no alternative

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Our culture has been "kiked" for millennia, forget about the 50s.

One thing though.

>that imposed extreme capitalism has had

"Capitalism" does not have a mind of its own. It is not doing anything. The results you blame on "capitalism" have come about because they benefit the people running our institutions.

>"Capitalism" does not have a mind of its own. It is not doing anything.
Peak brainlet.

That's the biggest brain take around, buddy.

Imagine blaming a nonliving system. Think of how stupid that sounds.

>Our culture
Your culture.

It involves a set of ideals which have to be followed. When the same or similar harmful results come from following the guide, then why can't the system be blamed?

So you're non-white? If so I don't know what you're doing on a board that revolves around European high art.

"Capitalism" is not some unified system that produces the same results everywhere it exists or is implemented. And do you know why? Because people are not the same. "Capitalism" or any system for that matter, reflects the nature of the people running institutions and dictating the inputs. The international jew is running those institutions, so the result is an international judeo-capitalism model that benefits jews. People do things, abstract systems don't do things.

>Imagine blaming a nonliving system.
Why not? This is such brainletism, that I don´t even know where should be the problem.

It was a jewish institution hell bent in destroying the will of the german peoples.

So are you nonwhite then? Go read some Zulu or xhosa literature and not European. Ah, I forgot that there is nothing worthwhile that has come from the mouths or minds of the eternal negro.

why would you waste your time talking to some worthless subhuman nigger like this?
you need to stop being so absolutely FUCKING retarded and treating these things with human dignity, because it is evolutionary imperative that YOU kill all of THEM or GO EXTINCT yourself.

welcome user

forgot pic

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If you want to talk about the chicago school, make your own thread

thats not implied at all brainlet

Something is projecting more than star treck's holodeck.

I just find it curious how aut-righters dismiss the works of jews to the point of even refusing to read it themselves(like the guy he was responding to suggested) solely by the fact that it was written by jews, but then go around and give people like (((friedman))), (((mises))) and (((rand))) a free pass. Its almost as if they are just a bunch of usefull idiot stooges defending the ideology of the elites

But the nonliving system of communism is inherently evil and should be prevented no matter the cost

It's almost as If you have no argument beyond ad hominem. Aren't commies antisemite too when it suits them? So Why do they give (((Marx))) a free pass?
Usefull idiots am i right?

Get off Yea Forums, quality posts don't belong on this board.

Arguments against what exactly? Your little conspiracy theory of an ethnicity of cartoon villains wanting to destroy other cultures because reasons? I just pointed out that they have ideological enemies of the same ethnicity, thats enough to debunk the "jewish satanic cabal" hypothesis.
And no, communists are not antisemites, they are anti burgeoisie, which happens to include jews among them.

>Your little conspiracy theory of an ethnicity of cartoon villains wanting to destroy other cultures because reasons?
See, That's really all You have.
Start addressing some quotes

>“I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch.”

>"The question is, Who will free us from the yoke of Western Civilization?”

>"Any political movement capable of bringing Bolshevism to the West would have to be ‘Demonic’.”

>"The abandonment of the soul’s uniqueness solves the problem of ‘unleashing’ the diabolic forces lurking in all the violence which are needed to create a revolution.”

>"Woman is the enemy. Healthy love dies in marriage, which is a business transaction….The bourgeois family gives off swamp vapors.” “Politics is only the means. Culture is the goal.”

>Adorno: “A successful [musical] work…is not one which resolves objective contradictions in a spurious harmony, but one which expresses the idea of harmony negatively by embodying the contradictions, pure and uncompromised, in its innermost structure.”

Modernity and capitalism fucked the western culture up, now everyone is a degenerate. Fuck nigger music.

Frankfurt School bad because my capitalists elites tell me so.
Whatever you do do NOT read them, just keep consuming products.

>Thats all you really have
Did you not read my post at all?
Please explain to me how people like rand and friedman not only argue for ideologically completely opposite ideas, but that these somehow are good ideas according to right wingers, despite being part of (((the tribe)))

09/03/19(Tue)13:23:14 No.13753161
(You) #
>Your little conspiracy theory of an ethnicity of cartoon villains wanting to destroy other cultures because reasons?
See, That's really all You have.
Start addressing some quotes

>"I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch.”

Yes, the destruction of capitalist society is necessary to get rid of capitalism and its contradictions, whats your point?

>"The question is, Who will free us from the yoke of Western Civilization?”
Please post source for context
What exactly does he refer to by "wester society"? Capitalism? Then yes please, i want to be freed from that.

>"Any political movement capable of bringing Bolshevism to the West would have to be ‘Demonic’.”
Again, context please. Does he mean violent by demonic? Strategical?
In which case, again, yes, the bourgeosie will do everything in its power to maintain their grip over society, so only a violent revolution can get rid of them
Also, did you think he would actually refer to his own ideology as evil?

>"The abandonment of the soul’s uniqueness solves the problem of ‘unleashing’ the diabolic forces lurking in all the violence which are needed to create a revolution.”
Yes? Revolution only comes with collective action, you really think an individual worker can destroy the capitalist class by himself? Because they sure as hell DO work together to keep labour in as shit a condition as possible. You can be as individual as you want and ignore class in your political outlook once class actually is abolished

>"Woman is the enemy. Healthy love dies in marriage, which is a business transaction….The bourgeois family gives off swamp vapors.” “Politics is only the means. Culture is the goal.”
Yes mariage IS a just business transaction in a bourgeoisie society? Whats wrong with criticizing that? Do you think thats a good thing?

>Adorno: “A successful [musical] work…is not one which resolves objective contradictions in a spurious harmony, but one which expresses the idea of harmony negatively by embodying the contradictions, pure and uncompromised, in its innermost structure.”
I dont know what the hell he is talking about since i know next to nothing about music theory, so i cant comment on it

Here you go, i just took the time to respond to some contextless spooky quotes that you took 5 seconds to paste from some alt right site, hope your satisfied

Fuck, messed up the format, but you get the picture

*just a business transaction

>only non-whites are African negroes
I guess I shouldn't expect too much from the Eternal Amerimutt. Not even the stupidest Negro is as unintelligent as the average American.
I don't know if you're telling me this or accusing me, but if my people started killing all our enemies, the new world would become barren.

Alt-righters love Jews.

Alt right and an increasing number of whites generally would love to see jews expelled to israel.



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>a "School of Thought"
>almost all of them are Jews
I mean, what are the odds? How can it be anything other than a byproduct of the Jewish identity?

>I wanted to actually learn about what they believed in from unbiased sources.

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/pol/ is right on this one for the most part, though.


best post in the thread

but adorno was pro-schönberg