How bad of an idea is it to try to summon one of these things on Halloween? Anyone got any experience?
How bad of an idea is it to try to summon one of these things on Halloween? Anyone got any experience?
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If you are skeptical of the whole idea of demons then you should be fine.
>summoning an evil spirit
>How bad of an idea
So, these are the people who post on Yea Forums, huh?
>How bad of an idea is it
Not very the whole book is an hoax written by an Italian (therefore a brainlet) in the 1700s. Make sure to draw the circles wrong, not connecting the lines etc.
I’m not sure. I think it’s scientifically possible for them to exist as archetypal figures in the unconscious and manifest themselves through your subjective perception.
That is a reasonable attitude to have. If you look for their influence in your life after you summon one, you will find it. Doesn't make it necessarily real, though. I don't know what to say, I'm heavily into mysticism and so on but I know what board I'm on so I'll just say it sounds like a pointless idea to do if you don't believe demons can into real and it is equally pointless if you have reasoned them into a box preventing the notion of anything truly supernatural happening.
It would certainly be interesting to have a conversation with one if they do exist and get their opinion on things. I don’t think that’s the point of summoning these things though, and I imagine that they would be somewhat angry with me if I summoned them with no greater purpose besides to chat. I don’t want them to give me schizophrenia or some other debilitating mental illness, which I think is perfectly within their power to do so.
There are Demons in This very list that "grant knowledge" or "know the sciences". Try summoning them.
Let is know how it goes : )
>I don’t want them to give me schizophrenia or some other debilitating mental illness
Then I highly recommend you leave it alone. Once the seed has been properly planted, things can never be what they were.
If you were actually able to summon one, what would you even do? Go trick or treating together? Watch a Halloween marathon? What’s the point?
I just get a bad feeling about it, and like said, I think it’s one of those things where once you open the box it can’t be closed. I’m curious to hear about other people’s experiences, though.
>Go trick or treating together? Watch a Halloween marathon?
That sounds like it could be pretty cute and fun. I'm sure that there are some nice demons out there who might just like some friends.
He looks pretty friendly to me
instead of trying to summon try running a marathon
no preparation
no nothing
just start running
best case you cannot pull it through
worst case you cripple yourself
reaching high goals in a discipline requires practice
approaching them when ones not ready is not very wise
I would like to pet the demon cat.
I wonder what the cats symbolize
fuck it imma run
I’ve heard that one should perform the abramelin ritual before attempting to summon them, but I’m not an expert in the occult and only read some of Crowley’s stuff and looked into basic Golden Dawn practices.
Don't contact them if you've got no reason for it. Just doing it to prove their existence will either (in the best case) yield no results or (in the worst case) will cost you dearly. Doesen't Matter if you follow the instructions in the the goetia correctly(which you won't, since you've got no idea what you're doing) though, since you would be restraining them though. If on the other hand you've got a actual reason for contacting them and are respectful towards them, just evoke them using modern methods(go into trance, open their sigil and structure them using a medium auch as smoke or a black mirror). There is a whole lot you can learn form them, so I can recommend working with them.
Oh, also don't use crowley's version of the keys, it's full of errors. Use Joseph Peterson's instead, if you chose to do it GT style.
How was your experience with them go? Which one did you summon?
31st of October is Halloween but also the date of BREXIT being effective. OP you might want to skip that date!
Trust me, you do not want to be in contact with them. The only thing they wish is for your destruction.
that date is usually full of power, but not because of brexit.
i never understood why you fucks wanna summon demons. you fucking demented edgelords, i see these threads all the time.
why don't you wanna talk to your spirit guides or angles or muses or something. it's always the worst ideas
Imagine being the guy who unironically chooses a paladin over a warlock
You do not want anything to do with demons. You do not want occult books in your house or on your computer. You do not want to interact with occult paraphernalia. Have you tried praying for knowledge, wisdom, truth? Why do you think the father of lies would grant you the same?
I strongly advice you not to do such a thing! Pray to our Lord Jesus Christ and he will have mercy!
Not me
I've called quite a lot of the over the years and my experiences ranged from me not even being sure if they arrived to (once during a session with one) feeling like suffocating, because I asked to feel him more and wanting to go deeper into trance(the feeling of suffocation was a sign that I was going deeper into it, but at the time I had no idea what it meant and stopped the contact). They are ready to help you as long as you're respectful and keep your word, but their listed offices are there for a reason. So, for example duke dantalion is amazing at changing anothers thoughts, but not so much in changing their heart since he's a demon of the mind and not the heart. So, if you want to incite lust or love in someone with his help, he will not incite that feeling in them, in a way as someone such as prince sitri or duke sallos would, but make them kind of obsessed with you, making them believe they are in love/Lust with you. Also, some (even though they could, wouldn't do some of the things you ask of them) like for example King paimon. One of his abilities is to change the thoughts of someone(making them your slave) and while he could also make them love you, he would never agree to doing it for, because he believes that's beneath him. Also others want you to adress them in a special way. You should always adress king paimon with his proper title, otherwise he would get pissed at you. Also, asmodeus wants you to contact him standing up(at least in the beginning) and if you do these things without them having to tell you, they will like you a lot more.
Apologies for the messy reply, I'm phoneposting atm.
Thanks for the information. There must be some limit to their ability, right? Are there certain people they aren’t allowed to influence?
you're out of your mind boy
just kidding man, don't curse me please
So you are just their cuck.
>some limit to their ability
You can't directly ifnluence anyone you're not in contact with, but with their help you can come into contact with them and once you're you can influence them without any problems. They can influence anyone, as long as there could be any logical possibility for it to happen(you can't make celebrities come to your house and fuck you, but if you can with their help get to meet some and once you are in contact you could influence them to do that). You still have to put some effort into it though. If you want to get laid for example, you shouldn't stay at home all day, but at least leave the house for something to happen. But if you do put even some effort into the mundane, you would be amazed at what they can do for you.
No, I don't worship them. I just treat them with the respect that they deserve and they treat me very respectfully as well. Why would I disrespect someone I work with if I want their help?
What about the ones that claim to offer things like invisibility and superhero-like abilities? Do they not mean it in the literal sense?
And what's the price for all those amazing things?
Princes of Hell? Read the Book of Enoch demons are literally the pissed off spirits of half angels God drowned, not princes and barons of Hell
No, instead of actually being invisible you just won't be noticed, but the degree to which they can do that is practically almost to the level of actually being invisibile. They could make someone not notice you, even when you're basically standing in front of them, but once you try interacting with them they will start to notice you.
If anyone wishes to contact them, they can simply read about them and open their sigil. Otheriwse they can use beginner friendly methods like the ones used in gordan winterfield's book "Demons of Magick".
>I’ve heard that one should perform the abramelin ritual
??? Practicing one of the most if not 'the' most difficult and risky summoning ritual as an introduction to goetia is probably the most absurd thing I've heard today.
this, dont be an idiot, understand that various spiritual practices lead to various spiritual places and just that you can mentally project your imagination unto whatever videogames and books/movie entertainment have enabled you to think that the occult is/works, does not mean that that is the actual way it is.
Understand simply this: demonology/black magic is the attempt to influence the macrocosmos via the microcosmos. It does not even MATTER if you or I or anybody thinks it's real or not; any forms of perception are still half-truths; these things exists, and calling them demons, currents, archetypes or whatever is simply using words and labels to designate the same realities.
Sure if you externalize them (via faith) it becomes more easy to work with them, but then again why would you want to work with forces/aspects of your self/the world which are clearly against your own existence and of that of the world as it is by God?
Depends on what you both agree to, but mostly thanking them publicly(on a forum) would be enough.
A lot of these "demons" we're simply old gods that have been demonized by other religions(such as christianity for example) (as a example take lucifer who has also been known as enki, prometheus, pan, as well as other names and one of whose aspects is the azazel from the book of enoch)
If you need assistance, pray to God.
If you seek knowledge, pray to God.
If you wish for love or understanding, pray to God.
If you wish to talk about unknown, talk to God.
Really; stop rambling, just do it. Open-heartly, like a child, pray and then go on your daily business. Don't overthink it, just leave it work.Then after some time come back not to me posting results/negating them but to yourself and try to see what has changed around you and how you've changed or have refused change in the process.
Rinse and repeat. We are not living in the age of Goat-worshippers, user. You have knowledge of God, rejoice and follow it
>Depends on what you both agree to, but mostly thanking them publicly(on a forum) would be enough.
They’re quite the capitalist and know how to run a proper business, which is respectable.
>A lot of these "demons" we're simply old gods that have been demonized by other religions
I agree but there's more to it than that. "Demons" is just a word, probably most complex in the ancient greek topos, where Daemon designated an intermediary realm between our world and the gods' where beningn spirits lie; attaching themselves to us and being polarized (good, bad, inspirational, destructive) according to our nature and choices.
You could say that this corresponds to the concept of "barzakh" from Sufi mysticism, where the realm of imagination is the interface between cognitive reality and God.
However - we, as a race are not living anymore in mythic times, nor in Ancient Greece or Egypt. If you apply the above concepts in today's world, you will see that "demons" are today mostly negative sprits, calling men back to the dust - because - men have chosen a path of renouncing the spirit and worshipping transient matter.
So even in a jungian sense, these colective unconcious/subconcious of today's global-pshyche is evidently more corrupted as we ourselves have become thus; and karma is karma, remember. Life continously forces for the choice between wrong or right, God or Void - so our demons today, as well as into the ages (medieval, modernism) can only mirror our choices and qualities - mostly negative today by spiritual standards.
>"God, what's the meaning to life"
Inspiring, none the less I agree with you. All good that one seeks can be found through God.
Have you tried asking that question? Have you asked for knowledge in the most highest sense? Just doing so will burn you with guild, knowing that such as thing is nonsence else one has raised the proper steps.
God is not merciless however; he will grant you understandings of the sacrifices you need to make for what you seek; knowledge of the highmost reasons of Creation is not something just to be applied on the streets or talked over a coffee/ sudanese baking forum - and remember - you sacrifice unto God the dirt what you (and us humans) have by ourselves smeared our souls. Humans have freewill, thus as a child basking in mud, we can do it - but it won't bring us any closed to the truth.
You will start realizing what are you motives for asking for something. If they are impure, you will be realize that right away and be compelled to purify. If not, the way will still open, but if you persist knowlingly asking for the wrong reasons (fame, money, knowledge as power) you may still receive it (as it was your choice) but you will get severly burned in the process.
For the light to shine unto one's self, the darkness must be thus consumed. So what you think you are now and cling to may be required to be conceeded; you may not like this price and end up fractured between faith and doubt, between oceanic feelings and insignificance.
Do you think monks go out and live their lives eating stones just out of fashion? No life unsacrificed can be understood; for while we hold unto, our own and personal sense of self and world, is what at many times loses a higher sense or meaning our our self and the world.
"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
Matthew 16 - 25
>this thread
Why not summon good spirits and have the time of your (and many others') life?
God's customer service has really fallen off in recent centuries, comparatively
Can you guys stop fucking with my head? This shit ain't real, right?
just treat them with respect, they´re good lads
May they reach you if you are not seeking their advice? What do they offer and what do they seek to get?
I think it's pretty real
define "real"
Why is our world so boring? Even if this Judaic-christian mythology is true its probably some gay shit, like love potions and trance like experiences. Why can't we have Shin Megami Tensei style battles of chaos vs order? Closest thing we got to that was meme magic Kek vs Moloch, and both shit on your demons seeing how influential they are right now.
How do you know you're under the influence of a demon? Like, what if someone performs a ritual like this, for instance to make you obsessed with that person, how could you know it? And how could you protect yourself?
>How do you know you're under the influence of a demon?
you don´t act like you normally would
But maybe it could be just a phase, no? How to distinguish an influence from, imagine, being in love? Like, imagine that someone asks for you to kill yourself. How would you know if what you are feeling is just depression or just an influence? Sorry if my question sounds dumb but I honestly don't understand it.
They are not evil, you just have to be careful and respectful to them.
So you're an idiot, gotcha.
Enjoy burning in hell forever and ever friend :)
that´s up to believe if some being from a higher dimension influences and controls your every move, it´s better if you think they´re trying to help (otherwise it´s easy for them to make your life a living hell), the demons/interdimensional beings that are listed in the key of solomon are all about the improvement of the human being but that choice you ultimately decide, not them,
i don´t think in terms of religion when dealing with them, reading the book flatland also helped me with understanding these type of activities i´m involved with
just don´t be afraid and expect from them to test if you want to improve your being in every way, a hard route in life but worth it to take it
I want to see a Halloween costume of this.
Why summon a demon? I would like to make an offering to an ancient roman god, for a poetic existence, we have all the ancient poets to guide us. Let's cultivate the gods. Anyone has any experience with them?
>he doesn’t believe in the collective unconscious
not me but go for it, i´m sure they will appreciate your offerings
What is one supposed to offer these entities?
Yes it is a very bad idea. You don't play with stuff like this. If these things didn't work why bother writing them down. You do not want to know what it feels like to look at a being of pure evil. Keep things like this out of your life. You might not believe that demons exist, but it dosen't take much to lose your mind. You do not want to see anything from the book you posted an image of in person. I repeat you do not want to see anything from that book in your house infront of you.
>I repeat you do not want to see anything from that book in your house infront of you
Why not? To0 SpO0Ky?
He handled it pretty well, even wrote some pretty successful books.
These things can bring upon you physical harm.
how do i summon a succubus
i hear /x/ is an expert on asking this question
Succubi are actually grotesque in appearance. Your current understanding of them is purely an invention of the porn industry.
they´re shapeshifting entities, they don´t have a true form per se because they´re made up of energy, they can be pretty hot or ugly but it´s up to them to decide that
lol no, they don't even exist loser.
they sure exist bucko!, don´t be a naive materialist
Prove it, liar.
If anime has taught me anything it's that this is 100% true.
>anime slut
no thanks
Which God?
/x/fag here,
Let me put it this way:
Say you pick up a whole bunch of chemistry gear and chemicals from somewhere, and you say to yourself "hey guys should I start playing around with this stuff and see what happens?"
What do you think would come of that? Maybe nothing, maybe you'll blow your hand off.
My point is that it is foolish to do anything you don't know about without taking the time to do some prior research first. That goes double for the occult. At best, nothing will happen. At worst, you'll fuck your shit up royally. The fact that you're asking means you're already mentally open to the idea of the existence of otherworldy entities. That alone is enough to add weight to a successful summoning.
These beings are ancient and powerful, and a little chalk summoning circle isn't going to do shit to protect you if you don't know what you're doing.
Why do you want to summon one? What are you going to have it do? Are you willing to piss one these demons off by wasting its time? Do you know ANY psychic self defense procedures?
No, don't be an idiot.
Yeah... Here's the thing, he never listens or answers me.
You're more of a 3D kind of guy, I take it?
demon here, please wear deodorant if you summon me. I can't stand your musty human smell.
Why are you fucks acting as if any of this is real? Is this some kind of Yea Forums meme?
Is there any of them that loves philosophy and art that I could summon just to chill and talk with? Would be cool to get a demon's perspective.
yeah but don't summon one
Why not both?
Why not? It seems from reading the thread that so long as I do the proper research and am respectful I should be fine.
high risk, low reward. it's your life
>Pagan /x/-fags that poopoo the idea of prayer to a Christian God but unironically believe in summoning Apollonius and Dagon
Both are utilizations of the collective unconscious
No a lot of esoteric LARPers out there who have read Eliphas Levi and Agrippa and believe in the efficacy of the ritual. I dont necessarily deny its existence, but most of the people I speak to about it are much more caught up in the iconography and totemism of it all
Belial is great
Don't follow the instructions in The Lesser key
Look through the names, descriptions, and sigils of the 72 demons
Find one that "jumps out" to you, draws your attention
Draw their sigil on a piece of paper
Chant and repeat their name while meditating and staring at the sigil
It might glow or disappear/reappear very quickly
Ask them to come and give a sign of their presence
Be respectful and go from there
Always assume they've been summoned, even if there's no sign of their presence
After that anything can happen, but the experiences are usually incredible
Dantalion and Orobas are usually welcoming of the inexperienced, in case your undecided of a demon to choose
On the real what is there to risk so long as you follow the proper protocols to the t?
Based. Demon ballwashing cucks btfo.
>why yes, I convened with belial last night in the laundry room surrounded by tea lights, why do you ask?
Nothing crazy as long as your intentions are good, and maintain a respectful relationship. If you try to make a deal, then make sure you follow up your end of the bargain. And be careful what you ask for, because it might come in unexpected way. Example: Asking for help getting laid might end up with you getting someone pregnant, and the demon probably thinks it's hilarious. Remember that these beings are ancient gods spanning multiple religions, and were literally "demonized" by certain groups.
If you do summon there's no reason to be afraid, your path in life might have already been altered so that you will end up summoning a particular demon. Meaning you were meant to see this thread, and that curiosity might be meant to grow until you want to try it for yourself. I was "told" that time isn't linear to them, so working with them in the future is the same as working with them now or in the past, your actions are entangled with them in one way or another. Their real power isn't in making objects move, or becoming visible to the eye. It's the ability to effect and influence reality. It's like the butterfly effect, but they know the results and have a lot of butterflies to spare.
Don't summon them in your bedroom, and be aware that some paranormal shit may be attracted to the energy. You may need to do some sort of cleansing ritual afterwards.
Why does lit believe in this? I’m confused
Also if you could summons demons, wouldn’t that just prove god is real and then you could be a Christian
our rulers are literally Sarumen
I believe that there are primordial archetypes dwelling within the collective unconscious of man, and getting into contact with them and learning what they have to know seems immensely useful.
How could a archetype manifest itself? What is the difference between a demon and picturing a terrible life and realizing that darkness hides in all of us?
>How could a archetype manifest itself?
Similarly to how people with schizophrenia unwillingly manifest entities.
Yes but aren’t you admitting your trying to induce hallucinations with the hope that they will appear in a archetypal manner?
The archetype already exists inside of you. I don’t believe that they can have physical form, but I do believe that they have knowledge of the world that we ourselves are blind to. I’ve never done it before though, so someone who has experience with these things might be able to explain it better than I can.
What is the difference from imagining an idea to it being an archetype?
Couldn’t you just say that what you come up with would be from imagination and not representative of an archetype?
Subjectively speaking, nothing.
If you can summon it and have it manifest itself in your perception, then I would say it’s most likely an archetype/entity of some sorts.
But what is the difference from that and then drawing from imagination then?
Maybe I’m not understanding what archetype or demon means.
I’m understanding an archetypical demon as just a thought of a recognized negative that we think of to avoid.
so this man is definitely a fraud, right?
Your imagination is something you have control over, but these things have a separate autonomy outside of your will. I think the way they manifest themselves is an “illusion”, but they must have a very real and separate existence within our biology that manifests itself within the psyche.
He looks like the biggest edgelord with that constant fucking scowl, so I refuse to watch him. I’m not sure if he actually knows anything, though.
What if you summon the demon so you can rape it and turn it into your sex toy?
I’ll add this because I think what I said was unclear:
When I said that they existed biologically, I mean it in the same way that thoughts have a material form and aren’t merely conjured out of thin air. This was, however, a bad argument on my part because having a material symbol in the same way thoughts do does not mean they aren’t imaginary (the pictures we make through our imagination also have material form in our neurology, but that doesn’t mean that they aren't imaginary). However, I think these entities (I call them entities because they have a separate autonomy than our own) were things cultivated through evolution, and I believe they grow and change as man grows and changes. I won’t pretend to know exactly how they work, but being able to speak to something that has been with man since his genesis would be very interesting, and writing them off as simple hallucinations seems very shortsighted. And if they are simple hallucinations, you have nothing to lose in testing the theory and trying trying to contact one of them, but if they are real, you could receive some incredible insights into the fundamental nature of reality.
>be raised your entire life being taught that demons are terrible monatsters that will fuck your shit up
>try to summon them
Is this human nature?
I prayed once for Him to see the Light of the Lord.
The very next day i go to /x/ and find out He's been arrested: he had crack in his house and his kid was in a state of health danger and neglect.
I Still pray for him to accept the Lord for time to time, anyone care to tell me What He's been up to?
People who seriously dabble in the occult are cringy at best, they are usually mentally ill as well
I wonder why they are always broke and fucked up, on would imagine the demons could grant riches and shit
I would recommend learning the lbrp before trying to summon them, so you could "clean" of all the astral debris you accumulate by doing rituals, evocation, etc. and don't attract any unwanted parasites. Also, call them by simply opening their sigil, while being in a trance and then structure them using a medium such as smoke to evoke them. If you'vw got not idea what I'm talking about, you should do some research on the matter(Internet and books, wizard forums is dead sadly, so look for a good alternative) and practice things like void meditation, scrying(i recommend donald tyson's book on the matter), going into trance, etc. If you keep your end of the bargain and remain respectful(don't be subservient to them, but treat them as if they were your equal) you can gain a lot from them.
yeah there´s a couple of them who loves philosophy, for example Vapula does, she´s amazing, tell her to appear in your lucid dreams, then you can talk to her
don´t listen to this coward baby life´s at all about risks, specially if you want to be a wise person
this, he gave me a lot of confidence
>Also if you could summons demons, wouldn’t that just prove god is real and then you could be a Christian
not really, only if you believe in christian mythology, the fact that there could be intelligent beings outside of this dimension doesn´t make christian god "real"
Where do you start then?
Not with black stuff but the occult I mean
Why do so many people on lit believe in this
Western occultism? Agrippa(3 books of occult philosophy), Eliphas Levi(transcedental magick), Manly p hall(the secret teachings of all ages), blavatsyky (the secret doctrine), Crowley (magick in theory and practice) for some of the basics.
Is /x/ the worst board?
I am not LARPing when I say that when I tried it as an edgy 22 year old I ended up shitting my pants uncontrollably.
what these demons did to you?
If you've actually followed the instructions and at least had some idea of what you were doing, you wouldn't have had a bad experience. You still got lucky though, it could've ended quite a lot worse for you.
Can I summon a demon and then summon an angel and make them fight? Maybe I summon a demon and then immediately start praying for the intercession of Saint Michael, what would happen?
Don't do this, it makes mustard gas
Try it and see what happnes.
I want to watch this epic match! Like Mortal Kombat in 4D! FINISH HIM!!! Who's bringing the popcorn?