Hard work fallacy


Is this true?

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No user, people who get paid 1 million a year really are enhanced cyborg who work as hard as a thousand normal humans together.

>i-its not my fault im a failure!

>I returned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither is bread to the wise nor riches to men of intelligence and understanding nor favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.
This is obvious and has been known for millenia. You're acting as if this truth is some new, profound thought that has debunked another. Some Africans have to walk miles carrying a bucket of water just to hydrate themselves for a day. Anyway, this post is not literature related. Saged and reported.

Probably but complaining about it and posting communism memes on the internet is not going to help someone more than putting effort into life

I work less than most people and I am payed more. If you want to talk about failure ask your father.

Why put effort into life when you can take advantage of your ideal position to figure out the less effort-demanding hacks?
The root of financial success if becoming skilled at making people do your work for you.

This isn't a political post. Maybe I should've posted this on /adv/, but I was just curious to know what the philosophers of Yea Forums think about it.

That requires effort itself


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Ecclesiastes 9:11 is my favorite bible verse, user

>This year’s study found that 86 percent of millionaires are self-made.

Yes, but minimal effort. The opposite of "virtue of hard work" mentality. Learning to stop being a tryhard is not easy but it's worth it and less tiring than being a tryhard until death.

What does that prove? What you need to settle the question is the general relationship between effort and success. What about the people who worked as hard or harder but didn't become millionaire? What about the 14% who were millionaire without being self-made?

In others words, the question is not "is hard work a magic road that always leads to success" (pretty obvious it isn't) but "what important factors of success are hidden when we explain it all by hard work". Things like networking, fishing for opportunities, being aware of changing trend, pure luck, robustness to hardship, planning, weighting options and choosing the most efficient one, etc.

All that can be considered "work" but it's vastly more rewarding and less taxing that most wagecuk hard work. Learning who the important persons are in your field and befriending them may not be easy, but it's several times easier than working at the lowest level for those same persons for 30 years, and it's also several times better in term of returns.

What is hard work anyway?

Obviously "work hard" is a drastic oversimplification and a thought-terminating cliche. The easiest and most profitable way to make money requires no work at all, ownership of the means of production. Still, some people work to get there. Jeff Bezos built it and they came. He started off really small.

But there are numerous variables at play and it's very difficult to boil down general laws of wealth accumulation. There's surely an element of luck, of timing, of positioning. An obvious universal in each case is that you have to be in an environment where wealth is obtainable, so the hard working poor African ladies who never get rich are not an admissible argument, because there's no wealth for them to make. The odds are against you if you grew up poor, had less access to education etc.

If you don't have money and you don't work, you won't be able to make use of financial instruments that will help you build up wealth over time. If you spent $5 dollars a day on coffee, and instead saved it and bought, say, Netflix's IPO a $15 a share and then sold it at its high of $411, you'd have like 50 grand where before you had nothing.

This is the kind of stuff rich people who weren't born rich do.

The myth of the American Dream.
Anyone who doesn't succeed didn't work hard enough so keep slaving for us goyim.

1. Don't make dumb advice your boomer parents may have given you too much weight.
2. Africans don't work hard, even as slaves in the US they weren't particularly hardworking either(in 1970's someone dude did experiments and achieved the same rates as cotton pickers as slaves did, and that's some 1970's family here, not tried and tested in this job as a slave in 1820's would be). Furthermore - the southern part of the US always had more relaxed working culture.
3. This kind of folk wisdom applies on the micro scale - if among all of your workmates, you're the most hardworking, it's likely that you'll get the highest pay, especially back in the times when jobs were simpler and you could actually determine someone's efficiency. On macro scale of course it isn't so pretty.
4. There's literally nothing wrong with people being poor or rich.
5. Capitalism is gone since about 1940's in most of the world.

African women don't have enterprise, they just work hard. If they did, then yes, they would be millionaires. The sad fact is that enterprise requires >100 IQ

Well I mean we can’t ALL be rich. Weird how we can’t admit the fact that there has to be losers in order for there to be winners, why is it so taboo?

>Well I mean we can’t ALL be rich.
That's wrong. If all of us were high IQ and highly socialized in an appropriate way, we would all be rich.

Won't we still compete with each other? Someone has to lose.

It's not a zero-sum game. Overall, we've collectively become much richer than we were, say, 200 years ago. Sure, inequality is still a problem, but we didn't become rich at expense of the poor, we've become rich collectively. It's only a zero-sum game if you only consider yourself rich when you're much better off than others, which doesn't really make sense.

Who is doing the service work?

It was retarded of me to post the African women pic, it wasn't my intention to turn this into a political thread. I just wanted to know what all do you need besides grinding to get somewhere in life.

We have enough resources to clothe, feed, shelter, and even give electronic devices like laptops to everybody on this earth.

You pull yourself by your own bootstraps and become rich!

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Well, not without costing us the environment, and are black people really worth anything? Why trade the planet for them?

Why would slaves work hard? They literally have zero motivation to do a good job.

Why do you think slavery went away? It wasn’t for moral reasons.

Well ask all the afro-revisionists who claim that blacks built America brick by brick.

I know. Its because slaves are a shit way to do business, the Confederates found out the hard way

They did, they just didn't do a very good job, as is obvious

It's one of those things, user.
Hard work means shit, But if as a society We admit that hard work means shit, our society does screaming.
God doesn't exist. But If We as a society admit that God doesn't exist We get flooded with faggots and society dies screaming.
Borders are bullshit, But If We as a society admit that borders are bullshit... you get it.
So in the end we all have to play our part to uphold the fictions that make civilization possible. So If You see a faggot; stone him, if You see a mexican shoot him and if You see someone lazying about wake him up with some acid to the face.
That's the only way.

>What does that prove?
OOOH i love the sight of commies fucking SEEEEEEEETHING

Networking, planning etc etc is hard work, you retard.

Just as machiavelli said, fate, luck and chance can always beat any preparation but that doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare. Same for "working hard", it's not guaranteed that you make it if you work hard and even people that don't do shit can make it by chance, but if you want the best possible shot it's better to try than to not try.

And by the way networking and marketing yourself counts as "work".