non-dualists/monists rise up!
Non-dualists/monists rise up!
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Rise up from what to what?
from samsara to the all-pervading light that dawns in the innermost recess of the heart
Tell me more of this all-pervading light ypu speak of
who are those on top middle, top right and bottom left
There is no shortcut, you will never be able to understand or experience it just from having someone try to describe it online, the only way is to read through a bunch of the writings of one of the main thinkers that showed the way
the proletariat expresses its unity with nature through labor, the bourgeoisie deceives it into assuming an ontological separation
And this way, did it lead back here? To Yea Forums?
I'm a Bodhisattva, I'm here to rescue you and show you the path out of samsara over Yea Forums
What makes you think I want to be free of suffering? What makes you believe that the means you prescribe of becoming free from suffering isn’t illusory? Explain this to me using simple language.
Abhinavagupta, Dolpopa and Guru Nanak
major lack of nagarjuna
My time here is up, I can only psychically transmit my presence across untold aeons to post at this exact moment for so long, I only came to show you the way, good luck.
Who are they
Meister Eckhart, Abhinavagupta, Dolpopa, Hermes Trismegistus, Adi Shankara, Parmenides, Guru Nanak, Jnanadeva and Ibn Arabi
yo what up. Ohh.. it looks like only a bunch of foo foo lame cavemen showed up to the party with some woo woo aphorisms
if he had included him Buddhists would have probably complained
fu fu
fair, he is non-dualist but not monist
Not OP. We all bask in the dark all-consuming light--it forgives all, but forgets none. This is just a manner of speaking, no words can say.
Yea Forums is enlightening, as it lets us purge our demons, practice many perspectives, and test our eye for sophism.
You will find your own way, out of your own suffering. Or you will wallow in it for eternity. So be it
Aren't they the same thing if non-dualism is to be believed?
(Not OP)
Yes. Everything is liberation, appearing as limitation. Say limitation appears to every limited point of view: then liberation appears to no one at all.
Thats epistemic not ontological non-dualism, in ontological non-dualism, the truth is not non-different from samsara but is the underlying causing and sustaining the perception of the former, into which the former is sublated during realization. This ultimate reality includes additional content that is not normally perceived in apparent reality.
So it is more about contingency?
They acknowledge difference but consider any given object of difference to be contingent on a single primordial principle or foundation, rather than all objects of difference being in ontological superposition?
Is this right or am I still missing it?
Could you describe the difference between epistemic and ontological non-dualism to me or point me towards an author or book to further elucidate me on the subject?
Om shanti shanti shanti
contingency within multiplicity, possibilities and its compossibles
spirituality and nonduality are coping mechanisms for this dirty dirty realm. its time to get out! get up get out into something new
Madhyamaka espouses experiential dualism wrt philosophy of mind
>Believing there is a clean line between proletariat and Bourgeoisie
Is this all-pervading light similar to the quaker concept of the inner light?
Babby's first spirituality. Why are you such basic bitches?
>Babby's first spirituality. Why are you such basic bitches?
Why not both?
best thread on Yea Forums where to start with guru nanak, dolpopa, hermes trismegistus ,meister eckhart, abhinavagupta,?
hes not wrong though.
You can't escape dualism to some extent, but you also can't escape monism either. They're complementary, the history of philosophy is complementary, only fools cannot see such and are still caught on names.
Guru Nanak - Guru Granth Sahib
Abinavagupta - Paramarthasara or his Bhagavad-Gita commentary
Dolpopa - The Mountain Doctrine
Hermes - Emerald Tablet
Meister Eckhart - The Complete Mystical Works
>thinks there is a difference
>retard Hegelian
Take the everythingpill
thank you
I can only name three of these people. Meister Eckhart, Hermes and Parmenides.
Countered with dated meme. Like clockwork
fresh anti-monism meme
To proclaim monism is to deny God's infinite potency. Because he is what he is—we truly are, for the One is the principle of Individuality. The One & The Good, God—The Limited and the Limitless, Like and Unlike, Strife and Love, Motion and Rest—their mixture, LIFE-INTELLECT-POWER
The Absolute is Beyond Being and therefore cannot be said to all things, yet he is eternally Omnicentral to all in all.
No it's worse than Pantheism
lmao niggas think because there's day and night that there's duality to everything
it's just whether or not the part of the world you're on faces the sun, scrubs
Fuck you. Life IS eternal suffering. Eternal suffering is eternal growth.
redpill me on the image
make the thread
Achintya Bheda Abheda
we are inconceivably one and separate from the divine
Who are the highest test gurus
Joe Rogan
“Guru” entails sone level of intelligence. No, an online IQ test certificate does not confirm his as being intelligent.
Better res. It's from the movie Avatar. The point is idealism. You cannot go out of your own experience by any means. For all we know, we could be just pieces of meat or we could be the One consciousness which is the All. We can't prove that mathematics isn't reasonable only to our brain (did we discover or invent it?) This might lead to solipsism, but either way - our material bodies/brain must survive. Check the reply of this post to see what purpose I'm referring to.
When a child is born its sense-organs are brought in contact with the outer world.
The waves of sound, heat, and light beat upon its feeble body, its sensitive nerve-fibres quiver, the muscles contract and relax in obedience: a gasp, a breath, and in this act a marvelous little engine, of inconceivable delicacy and complexity of construction, unlike any on earth, is hitched to the wheel-work of the Universe.
The little engine labors and grows, performs more and more involved operations, becomes sensitive to ever subtler influences and now there manifests itself in the fully developed being - Man - a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives.
Inspired in this task he searches, discovers and invents, designs and constructs, and enriches with monuments of beauty, grandeur and awe, the star of his birth.
He descends into the bowels of the globe to bring forth its hidden treasures and to unlock its immense imprisoned energies for its use.
He invades the dark depths of the ocean and the azure regions of the sky.
He peers into the innermost nooks and recesses of molecular structure and lays bare to his gaze worlds infinitely remote. He subdues and puts to his service the fierce, devastating spark of Prometheus, the titanic forces of the waterfall, the wind and the tide.
He tames the thundering bolt of Jove and annihilates time and space. He makes the great Sun itself his obedient toiling slave.
Such is the power and might that the heavens reverberate and the whole earth trembles by the mere sound of his voice.
What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet immortal, with his powers fearful and divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?
Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception and filling all space - the Akasha or luminiferous ether - which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.
The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
Can Man control this grandest, most awe-inspiring of all processes in nature? Can he harness her inexhaustible energies to perform all their functions at his bidding, more still - can he so refine his means of control as to put them in operation simply by the force of his will?
i don't get weather the image creator was presenting him as a genius or moron
>materialism is monism
How cheap.
This, part of why I'm interested in Orthodoxy is St. Gregory Palamas essentially disproved monism with the essence/energies distinction. This combined with Tilich's notion of God as the Ground of Being is much more satisfactory and stable than any other ontological theory.
If he could do this he would have powers almost unlimited and supernatural. At his command, with but a slight effort on his part, old worlds would disappear and new ones of his planning would spring into being.
He could fix, solidify and preserve the ethereal shapes of his imagining, the fleeting visions of his dreams. He could express all the creations of his mind, on any scale, in forms concrete and imperishable.
He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, guide it along any path he might choose through the depths of the Universe.
He could make planets collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light. He could originate and develop life in all its infinite forms.
To create and annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man’s mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement which would place him beside his Creator and fulfill his ultimate destiny.
-Nikola Tesla
It's a movie quote. What don't you get?
so basically it's a meathead's opinion
>Movie directors and people who influenced their art/ideas are meatheads.
You're a fucking neckbeard for sure.
who said anything about those people you fucking idiot
So I'm a meathead for showing a movie quote? Doesn't matter, this is anonymous anyways. What's the problem with the philosophy?
the character is the meathead he identifies neither with the scientists or the avatars
there is no philosophy he's just going "muh conquest" basically just a tool of the corporate master who sees material wealth and opportunity for profit in the planet
Oh ok, sorry - I wasn't aware you were referring to the character. You are doing the personal ownership commie thing, right? Do you own your body? The source of personal ownership is the natural tendency of men to compete with each other and form Mannerbunds, not something a low testosterone beta cuck would know.
just stop posting, meathead
I love you