A minute's silence for that book you were going to write, but you left after the third page.
A minute's silence for that book you were going to write, but you left after the third page
It was a four-part novel based around a tragedy that occurred in the small town where my father grew up. Wrote all of part one, half of part two, and a rough outline of parts three and four. That was four years ago.
I'm taking one more run at it this fall.
The premise of my novel is an amateur writer who life slowly wastes away due to a Hamlet/Bartleby-esque refusal to act; what is particularly experimental about it is that rather than putting it to paper I actualize it as performance art (but it is still a novel).
He drinks heavily and sometimes has difficulty spelling
>keeps tinkering with 30 page outline rather than writing 1st sentence
lads how do I make my protagonist not be literally me. how else am I supposed to write?
Embrace the fact that you're allowed to make shit up. No one cares about the minutia of your mundane life. They only care when something is a little bit fucked up.
You can make every character, or at least every major character, some particular facet of you or somebody you're close to. Very common tactic
Good riddance. All of my ideas are shit anyway.
better to write and finish something shit than nothing at all
it’s probably sentimental hogwash, don’t bother
What motivates someone to want to write a novel? Does the meaning and depth just sort of occur spontaneously during the writing of a simple story, or do you have a certain emotion/idea/whatever that you want to explore and weave a narrative around it?
I want to write an airport novel about an airport novelist. Has that been done yet?
the 90s are over bud
I abandoned it not for the sentimentality; the tragedy is background scenery. It is becoming very difficult to express the ideology of the part two protagonist who is me in twenty years when I'm an alcoholic outcast.
Infinte jest
What? I've never done this.
Keep going.
would read
(if i dont write it first)
I’m doing something sort of similar. Basically my gender identity is “the next Great American Novel”
I'm writing a fantasy romance novel about a young knight and a tsundere warrior princess. He has always been in love with her and she not-so-secretly starts to like him. It's very light hearted and there's absolutely no sex, just blushing, cuddling, hand holding, etc.
needs a heavy handed edit before anything else
Writing shit is as impossible for me as writing well as a midwit
I've always wanted to write and have ideas but I don't have any higher English education and I feel like that's basically required
I started writing something that's thematically similar to Resevoir Dogs but lost interest because I couldn't get a straight answer if a girl could have her breast blown off with a shotgun, and suffer no ill effects except for mental trauma and blood loss.
just started writing for the first time a few days ago, and already i'm having a hell of a lot of trouble with writer's block. it's a romance novella about a music teacher learning to cope with his depression with the help of a naive young aspiring musician
>a shotgun mastectomy
jesus christ thats brilliant
watch whiplash and write a happy version of that
i wanted to have the ending take a dark turn, specifically having the teacher kill himself at the end
I'm too lazy to look into proper anatomy. Is it possible? The female breast doesnt have any vital components and the only thing of note are the little milk sack things at the end of it near the nipple. I'm assuming it's similar to how a male can be castrated (or have the testes shot off in this case) and only suffer from diminishing testosterone production but still be functioning and living regardless, assuming nothing else was damaged.
The reason why this is important is because I'm imagining a scene where she keeps a grenade or other bomb in her bra where her boob used to be, and uses that to get into the safe area of a bank.
i’d look into the effects of breast removal for cancer patients.
Yes, she could
>t. Med student
Get to it, friend.
> literally over a decade of writing paragraphs and deleting them weeks later without revising anything
> not even frequently enough to improve
> only short stories ever completed were in a "book" I wrote when I was 4-5 years old
> decide to write a short story and revise it and spend time on it until it's done or a complete failure for once
> am out of ideas
> decide to write about something that happened last week just to get out of inertia
> realize that with a lot of changes I can actually use that while expressing themes that I wanted to write about
> have the insight that 2nd person will PERFECTLY fit the story
> been struggling with that for the past few days
1 minute's silence for my career please
It's never over until it's over
>third page
You give me too much credit
Didn't you post this on Yea Forums a few weeks back?
will do.
yeah right
I'm at page 75, 525 to go
Looks bad, but good enough. I wanna read it. Also needs editing.