Post your writing setup lads

post your writing setup lads

pls no laptops

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wrote on my phone and laptop because im not a pretentious fuck wit who care more about form than fuction.

Hipsters made typewriters gay

cringe and unaesthetic

pleb detected

you're writing a shit

>handwriting meme
>handwriting meme in print
>handwriting meme in print with a pencil

Yep, this one's gonna get a "yikes" from me.

what is the meaning of those schizo ramblings?

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salty s oyboy, stick to your macbook and iced latte

I don't want to give him the satisfaction but hes got a point. Ill always respect more a man with pen and paper tan one with a computer or a pone on his hands

You guys shut up, and post setups.

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I just use a chromebook

>he doesn't scribble out spontaneous streams of beautiful prose onto some leftover napkins stolen from the fast food joint down the street

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>Writer Tier
Microsoft Word
Google Docs

>Meme Tier
Fountain Pen
Moleskin notebook

>Autism Tier

>Faggot Tier

>Suicide Tier
Ballpoint Pen
Spiral Notebook


>he doesn't write with LaTeX

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are you a secretary?

>tfw you're three days into installing arch on your calculator instead of doing something worthwhile

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Where does FocusWriter fall on this list?

>not just using scrivener like we live in the year of our lord 2019

Uninstall your life

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CheshireOcelot is that u

Its 2019 fuck wit

All you faggots make me sick. Who fucking cares how you set down the words its how they are employed thats either interesting or not. I'm inclined to think the more effort you put into the tools you use to write, the shittier will be your writing.

I hate that I get sucked into this asinine, pathetic bait.

thats a stock photo user...

I want to start writing using pen+paper again, but my handwriting sucks and I don't want to spend hundreds of hours learning how to use a fountain pen. Help.

just dont

Writing by hand is so much more fun though.

I write with a pencil on a spiral notebook :*)

I sometimes do this too. I have several notebooks where I write

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that's a really nice layout
you don't seem to use that column though

Writing by hand forces you to think about your words because you can't just backspace and edit. Why do you think a prose style went to shit after the proliferation of typing

This desu

People also write far too quickly on computers

800s seem like a pain to write with for long periods of time. Get yourself something light like a Pentel Sharp

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hey what's wrong with ballpoint pens and spiral notebooks ):

What's the best writing utensil to minimize the faggy hipster vibe while still saying "everyone, look at how cool I am"

I just write in notebooks, like a normal person, then take it down to the local monastery to get it published. The scribes there just work on making more hand written copies of it.

do I spy a line copied out of that Gene Wolfe book about the amnesiac?

my nigger

I usually handwrite (cursive) in merch (like little notebooks) with a ball or a mechanical pen.
I really don't care where I write it though.
But I'm thinking of using a laptop for this...

I like to write in a binder with loose leaf people and pilot g-2s (.05mm of course.)
it allows me to cleanly throw garbage away and reorganize stuff.

did you even read?

you forgot macbook notes. uploads to icloud on my phone and vis versa and is super convenient. occasionally jot shit down in a graph paper notebook and a pen if i’m on some SoC shit.

Or just use the 600 like everyone else.

The Pentel Smash is the thinking man's version of the Pentel Sharp. Better grip, more nicely-curved tip, better materials, metal eraser holder instead of plastic, kino eraser cover. Unironically the finest pencil I've ever used, so much nicer to use than any of the ridiculous $20+ pencils that memeing nerds are always recommending.

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>not using LaTeX
Big time cringe

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nigger can't read cursive lmao

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Comfy af. Nice setup

your brain's a loose leaf people

What is a good mechanical pencil for writing ?
I want to write on paper again but I'm not sure what kind to get.

Backspacing and editing is literally one form of "thinking about your words". If you write something and read it over and it sound shit you can just backspace and try again without having to cross out or rub out and cause ugliness on your page. writing on a page is much more time consuming and stressful

more like this? nice aesthetic

Did handwriting in notebooks for years and transcribed to a Google Doc, now I use a Word file on Onedrive for finished, formatted "collected poetry" that I submit.

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if it's something I'm submitting for something, Word. if it's for myself, pen and spiral notebook or, occasionally, Word.

What brand of notebook is that, user? I like spiral since you can fold the pages back perfectly unlike normal bindings, yet the metal spiral-binding gets bent over time. Also the heavy cover on that looks nice.

is it 8.5x11?

I think they're called "ring bound" or some shit.

Aside from writing setups isn't it better to first record your voice as you are constructing your story?


I can write for 12 hours continuously with the rotring, I don't need another instrument

what's the best type of paper/notebook to write on?


Never gonna make it.

I’m at work now, but I brought my notebooks to the office with me.

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Is it just me or does I notes take awhile to load? I don’t have that much written and it’s still laggy.

Does anyone have a nice calligraphy adjacent writing style they use? Like copperplate. I want to pick up calligraphy as a hobby so the physical action of writing is as satisfying as the words themselves.

Writing by hand also activates parts of the brain associated with imagination and consolidation, and it increases even more when writing in cursive.

>writing by hand is too stressful!!!

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Citation needed



Or based Caeiro

>Master Race

Already made it

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You guys focus on process too much. Let's see some results, oh wait...

I just write and sometimes sketch in a notebook with pencil, end of each month I throw them away


Posted in another thread, but here!
the ultimate writing setup for heterosexual men.

Attached: KEYBOARD_K480_BLACK.jpg (2500x1667, 627K)

This whole thread:
>My toys are better than yours!!! Yikes!

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You don't really focus on your writing setup when you've been published and have actual validation for your endeavor.

Everything in this photo I got for free minus the prescription.

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A post so based it tears pseuds to shreds.

>heterosexual men.

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no pic atm but i mostly write on walls using my shit covered fingers

LibreOffice is comfy.
So is writing in bed.
Lightweight desktop is the way to go.

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>that icon for youtube app
maybe it's time for an upgrade, user

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Focus Writer is legit. Wish I had it on android so I could rock it on my chrome box setup

You use the microtype package, don't you, user?

fuck off faggot moleskine notebooks are great

I use Microsoft Word for important things and a pen to quickly put my thoughts and notes into a visual form.

I start on a legal pad, then switch between it and Google Docs during the editing process. I don't write in one place.
I have a typewriter for fun but I mostly use it when studying and organising class notes.

What happened to the prayer cards in the keyboard?

I do this sometimes on my phone too, especially when I'm on the go and need to jot something down.

I've got that same table, and it's just stained from spilled kratom, coffee and beer.


I bought a typewriter but that's just because I handwrite like a psychopathic toddler and I cannot accomplish ANYTHING on an internet capable device

Onenote, all I do is journal when an idea compels me to.

I'm a fan of the daytime version but night looks right

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Is there anything like a Kindle for writing? Something that I can type on without going full grug, but won't let me access the Chans or videos of Japanese Rube Goldbooru machines?

why do you need a calculator in the first place?

That typed page is in portuguese, and it’s dialogue. Are you the Brazilian lawyer who writes plays? The guy who wrote about the Afghan Antigone?

could you talk me through your annotation process?


>God Tier

I bought a typewriter so that I could go out and get off my computer and its sundry distractions. It's helped.

>Bond paper

My old college professors said to write with pencil and paper because you'll memorize what you write down more, so I do that for study notes and other learning based things.

For writing down my lyrics and chordsand other misc notes, I use Microsoft word or iPad notes app.

Do typewriters use standard copy paper or is it some sort of proprietary nonsense?

You could type on receipts on a typewriter, the paper just has to fit and bend on the roll. Not that user, but the only specialty supplies I have to get are the ink ribbons which are pretty cheap online.

I don't like the feel of plastic, so I've started using pencils for everything that doesn't require a pen.

Are Blackwing pencils worth it or just a meme?

you people belong on a cross

>not a single activated almond

>i got free
yeah it definitely looks like you found all of this in a dumpster.

Any paper seems to do for the one I bought; I used standard printer paper and it worked, but as the other user said, ink ribbons.


Ease of editing fosters bad habits, it's like browsing the web too much, you become unfocused and your standards drop. You rely on being able to easily edit till it sticks. Writing well from the start becomes unnecessary so you are unable to do it. That doesn't mean you can't edit later.

Writing by hand is important if you want good dexterity for drawing/writing. Relevant when you really need it in your life (your signature will look like dogshit, for example). And it gives you independence from devices and their writing schemes (which can easily be taken away or changed, leaving you barely able to write at all). Speed is hardly an issue especially if you use an alternative script/writing system. If it is an issue then you don't write enough to have the needed speed.

I mainly write songs so the phone lends itself really well to that.

Can quickly write it down if an idea pops into my head, it’s quick and easy to edit things (and songs require a lot of editing generally as you write them) and when I am working out chords or melodies it doesn’t take any effort to pick up the phone and jot something down.

Bumped a few songs I am working on as my notepad is also full of abstract shite that occasionally goes on to inspire something.

If I was writing a short story I would use the PC for typing speed.

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based af, what are you working on mostly? you are so kind of Bible Scholar?

You're the folk singer guy who posted his soundcloud on Yea Forums a few days back, right? I recognize the title of one of your songs from then.

I'm a gaylord that uses fancy pencils, and the 602 is absolutely the best pencil I've ever used. Those are the only ones I use now. If you really like pencils, they're definitely worth it. Pretty expensive (like almost 2 canadian loonies for one pencil), but they do last a pretty long time, particularily considering that I've never had the tip break when using or sharpening ever.

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do they still sell ink ribbons for typewriter or is there new ones with another kind of print?

I have cerebral palsy, so I use a speech-to-text app on my phone mostly and edit it / add punctuation in Word later.

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based. I unironically write in vim in separate markdown documents. :Goyo is dope.

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Scrivener on a macbook because I'm a living meme.


mead 5 star papermate inkjoy. pic related is how i do homework while listening to 90s hits on youtube. mad? :^)

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lol a literal retard

imagine being this retarded

post writing setup

Cerebral palsy effects physical ability, not mental ability. My IQ is 131 but on the Weschler Scale I have a linguistic comprehension score of 150. Had to be tested as a kid to rule out learning difficulties in addition to the palsy.

Obviously there is more than one person with cerebral palsy on Yea Forums but by chance are you the guy I was talking to who has written dozens of songs for piano but can’t play them due to your disability?

The one I bought is Royal and is modern. There is at least another modern one around. They do sell older typewriters but they're expensive and so are the ribbons—comparatively speaking— made for them.

is this what retards tell themselves to feel better about it?

>autism tier
can confirm

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30 seconds of research would tell you that cerebral palsy does not necessarily affect intellect.

What paper is that? The space in the margins for notes is real nice.

>a complete guide to heraldry
i have that same volume. nice and messy desk, professor user. theology dept? or work innachurch?

please don't fall for this obvious baiter based palsy-bro

citation needed (2)

Citation needed

>Elder God Tier
MS Paint

>You rely on being able to easily edit till it sticks.

How is that bad thing? Unless you're like stuck on each line for 30 seconds editing again and again. If you give one quick look and change the structure once or twice at max and continue move on, that shouldn't be a problem.

there are people who don't understand whether a line is good or not unless he sees that in writing. Writing by hand is problematic for them, changing word placements, sentence structure after each line. I don't see how doing these on paper will do anything other than spoiling the paper

Not a laptop

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Sounds like laziness to me m8, also when u delete shit in a word document you can't see it anymore


Google docs on my phone where I make heavy use of the voice to text function.

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What are some effay pens?

How do you get a handwriting like this

On my stationary I usually write using Vim, otherwise it's a blue BIC pen on scrap paper.

You mean cursive (script/longhand)?

I learned to write like this at school. I really don't remember what the classes were like and how I learned, and why I insisted on writing like this.

What I know is that I write like this because it's faster for me. However, when I write things that others need to read I use printscript. People have a har dtime understanding my cursive handwriting.

Bump. I like to see people’s handwriting

My handwriting is awful.

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Unironically this when I was younger

>imagine writing anywhere but in bed

Also tfw pentel stopped selling the Slicci model and my stockpile is slowly dwindling

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>Navy seal meme
Based user

It works fine for me mate. Must be something wrong with your device.

What's wrong with iPad? It's cheap and gets the job done.

Source on this bad boy?

iPad is a great tool for writing on. it sucks at basically everything else so there are fewer distractions. there are also a number of good apps for iOS for writing.

How do I get started writing? I want this to be a hobby, nothing serious, just to express myself in a creative way.
Maybe I'm just worrying too much about writing something that isn't complete shit and I should just get started.
How did you start anons?

Then improve it. You can get Spencerian copybooks for basically nothing off of Amazon.

Based Roald Dahl

Um. You know he was like really anti-Semitic, right?

today on Yea Forums: someone surprised by antisemitic apologism

he said based, right?

uma delicia

based saigon of akkad

extremely comfy

writing for work: openoffice
writing for fun: jdarkroom

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