St. John's College

Is this the most red pilled institution in the world?

>"The four-year program of study, nearly all of which is mandatory, requires that students read and discuss the works of many of Western civilization's most prominent contributors to philosophy, theology, mathematics, science, music, poetry, and literature. "

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>four-year program
American Scam.

Isn't that just ppe?

You wont get employed with this, it is much better to specialise

All undergrad programs are cringe and bluepilled.

>$35,000 a year
And that doesn't even include accommodation. Are all US institutions like this? In the UK it is ~$11500 for domestic students + accommodation

What’s the tax rate that you pay for the rest of your working life?

It's an overpriced liberal arts college.

Most public universities only charge around 10,000-20,000 USD a year

Depends how much you earn but its obviously higher than in the US. However, you don't pay any tax on your first £12500 a year

enjoy paying 6% compound interest on that 105k of debt for the rest of your life

I went to a very similarly-named college that was very blue pilled. Gotta be worse than this one.

Please share some stories user

>Classes were consistently interrupted to show us live footage of the Kavanaugh trial. This would be followed by lectures on institutional sexism and the importance of the MeToo movement.
>At one point a list someone made online "ranking" the hotness of the girls was discovered. This was answered by an impromptu "discussion" about how sexism is often disguised as humor. All the guys were taken out of lecture and forced to attend. I missed it because I overslept due to a hangover.
>After the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, the school sent out emails for a full month discussing the horrors of antisemitism. They all had links to donate to the synagogue and the ADL. When the Notre Dame fire happened, there was a mandatory lecture about how hard it will be for Muslims in Paris now. This is all while claiming to be a Catholic school.

>Catholic school
check the board of directors, it's probably full of (((them)))

Ha, I don't really know, but I don't attend anymore and I ditched all the time so I don't really care. It was also a huge city with people tripping over themselves to morally jerk off on themselves. You could see the moral highs in the dilation of their pupils.

>They all had links to donate to the synagogue and the ADL

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It was wasn't a trial. Just a hearing.

And you paid to attend this institution?

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UK doesn't bloat there degrees with an extra year of useless education, brainlet. They are 3 year programs.

That's right, my bad. Believe it or not, I didn't pay a ton of attention lmao.
Full ride, but housing was a bitch.

That's a consolation

>All classes, and in particular the seminar, are considered formal exercises; consequently, students address one another, as well as their teachers, by their honorific and last name during class.
>yeah I agree with mark
>uh I mean...Mr. Smith


I'm not retarded so I got a full ride to a state school with a good reputation and will have no debt.

Wow did you really take that post as an insult?

I honestly don't regret going for the short time I did. It was a chance to live in a big city and go to some amazing bars and museums. It also gave me a ton of fodder for creative writing projects. Folks here seem to find it pretty funny.

But grad programs can be based and you need to do undergrad to get there.