Should I major in English, History, or Philosophy?

Should I major in English, History, or Philosophy?

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None of those will get you a job, so you might as well do philosophy

Whatever you like the most as long as you're content with either not working in your field or becoming a teacher

english > history > philosophy
in terms of job availability

Learn to weld makes stacks

I would literally kill myself if I had to work a bugman job as a programmer or in finance I am already suicidal as it is (I keep a gun because knowing I can take my life any time comforts me) so doing this route and seeing whatever comes my way seems like the best option for me

This. Weld or electrical.

If you want to be a lawyer, any two of these as a double major and the other as a minor is a good plan. If you aren’t going to be a lawyer with these then HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>keep a gun because knowing I can take my life any time comforts me
top lel

Philosophy looks better than history and English because it is much more intellectual so it is your best bet. A philosophy degree actually opens many career options because it is one of the more difficult and academically rigorous degrees, so it suggests you are intelligent (but not necessarily good at maths, which is a drawback)

Well your only other option is law with those degrees. Where you will REALLY want to kys lmao

Tbh you could get into a programming job with a philosophy degree if you took a class in a coding language, since a lot of it is logic

I would think that most normies would see it as pseud af

What they will see is that it is a difficult degree. In most jobs, you wont ever use anything you learnt at school or college, so employers just want proof that you are intelligent and can learn on the job

Correct. English isn’t a terrible degree to get, there’re a pretty decent amount of (varied) jobs you can easily get with it. The other two...I wouldn’t do it.

No, those are hobbies. Learn a trade, and study English, History AND Philosophy in your spare time.

>learn a trade

Attached: GraduatePay_2739011b.jpg (620x387, 47K)

Based user. Live your life desu.

This is from the ONS btw

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>Pay matters even remotely

Fuck off and become an investment banker or management consultant then, you fucking worthless pig. Some of us are suited to more noble aims

>Some of us are suited to more noble aims
Do you have a degree in social studies by any chance? Pay doesn't have to be the only thing you base your choice on, but you would be foolish not to look at graduate earnings before making your choice

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You know ive been thinking.
Successful finance people will never give away their secrets.
So maybe majoring in finance does not prepare you to be successful in finance because then theyd be giving away their secrets.
So maybe a philosophy major might help you with finance.

Ultimate finance secret: buy high, sell low

That's how you make money

Earning any more than the bare minimum required for shelter and food is pure hedonism, and won't lead to authentic happiness in the long run

You need money for retirement too user, plus there are taxes to pay, and medical bills, and if you want children you will have to pay for them, and you need to save up to buy a house or pay rent. You don't need to chase money, but having money definitely makes you more free to make your own choices. Ideally you want to acquire enough capital so that you no longer need to exchange labour for wages, and can retire early

All of that can be achieved with a median salary and a frugal approach towards life.

Mathematics, obviously.

Ugh i bought crypto a few months ago and it all went to shit.
Is crypto digital gold or a stock market toy whose novelty has worn off.
I mean on the one hand it seems to be the latter but on the other hand it is actually being used in dysfunctional countries as a currency.



philosophy > history > English

depending on the department. and of course I am talking about wealth of academic knowledge, not jobs, because that is what matters. if you cared about money you would pick a different major

I'd say

1. History
2. English
3. Philosophy

i`d say English and teach English in a foreign country. It`s what I`m doing at the moment.

If you go into the more technical English, you could work as an editor. And philosophy is nice, but I don't know of any practical uses for it (which is the point). History would probably get you somewhere since it's an ever-growing market. Basically what said

Well, there's your answer. Philosophy. Only a philosopher would write this post.

depends on uni


theology, at a Catholic college

There's not really a lot of overlap between the kind of analytic logic used by Philosophy students and the constructive logic used by programmers.
Besides, anybody can learn Python/Java in a month using those video tutorials made by people with a thick Indian accent, but only somebody who's got a strong foundation in Linear Algebra, handling GUI, or some shit like machine learning/data science can actually get a well-paying job as a programmer.

Programming/CS is literally a monkey tier bugman job

Law, teaching, journalist or university professor would be your career options. To be a Lawyer, I'd recommend history. To be a teacher or professor, your favorite of those classes. As for a journalist, probably English.

I'd agree. I also have to say there is a modest amount of oprotunity too for history majors. Between museums, local politics/gov, and glow opportunities.

>pay doesn't matter
>learn a trade
Why the would I work a trade rather than a business or a social/natural science or if not for money?

Does that necessitate other degrees?

No, not for local gov. at least. Havings some politics is good, but you can get a clerk job and learn learn the ropes on the job, then get to something less paper pushy. For Glow jobs (FBI/CIA) as long as you have a secondary language (Which most his majors require anyways) You are golden. Museum stuff is self explainitory and pretty ubiquitous. You'd be hard pressed to find a town with over 100 people without one historic site, So its good if you want to go anywhere in particular.

this. OP do yourself a favor and take the intro to programming class. its not hard.

What are the benefits of studying theology at a Catholic University or College?

shut the fuick up boomer jesus christ no one gives a shit about your pleb trade job you money obsessed soulless nigger


This isn't true. You want to earn enough money to meet your needs comfortably, including future needs. Otherwise it will cause you a lot of stress and sap your happiness.

Based! Came here to post this.

I was surprised no one had posted it yet desu

Looks like you already have a degree in shitposting

Get to know Jesus Christ, read the Bible (especially the New Testament)

consider biological science


Real philosophy requires you to know literature and math.

kys faggot

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kek it reminds me of some user carrying a gun everywhere for the exact same reason
He got arrested for illegal posesion of a firearm and did some serious time
