Just finished "The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the sea" by Mishima, what does Yea Forums think of it?

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it's better than other books

Comfy as hell, liked the ending quite a bit

reactionary fascist trash

t. hasn't read it

I am fairly certain the parts where Mishima describes first seeing the undressing mom, the boat, the view onto the port and such gets lost in translation because they were nothing but cringey not even turid just cringy.
Over all the plot saves the (hopefully just) poor translation

I read the German translation and those parts were some of the best, very lyrical.

I have been reading the english translations solely because I suspect the rgeater conenction between america and japan would yield better english translations than german.
I have read all nip Yea Forums so far in english due to this reasoning. I hope I didnt gigantically fuck up by avoiding german translations.
>Have you read Endo - Silence yet?

I agree it was comfy. End actually fucking disturbed me though. Why would Mishima self insert as little boys that torture kittens to death?

Reactionary and fascist are 2 very different ideologies.

Now I want to read the German translation but it seems impossible to get. Bummer.

If you create a thread like that, at least give your opinion on the book, you worthless TRASH. I'm so annoyed by people like you.


it's less good than other books.

It was pretty good imo, ending was superb (same guy)

It's basically another novel that tries to cope with the westernisation of Japan, and the passing of traditions, it's just more violent. A good counterpart would be Master of Go.

What did you think of it?

I just read it as well, I deeply related with the Sailor and that alone made me love the book.

Based book, women hate it.

Very well written, the sailor and the weird-ass anti fatherhood Philosophy of the gang interested me greatly. Ending was great too.

>am a woman
>love it
tell me more about what opinions i hold

shut it, tranny.

you will never be a real woman

Is it good in translation? I can't read japanese.


Was it really anti father? I think they were all dissatisfied with the authorities in their lives whether stern or lax it depended on the child. Like the kid of the woman wanted the sailor to be like some military style dad but instead he played the “goofy dad” which isnt the kind of figure he desired in his life

The level of symbolism (for Post-war Japan) in the characters and plot is phenomenal. Only Moby Dick and Paradise Lost have went further.

I mean that's the part that really stuck with me desu