>Top 5 books of the Old Testament
>Top 5 books of the New Testament
>Top 5 books of both Old and New Testaments
Explain why.
>Top 5 books of the Old Testament
>Top 5 books of the New Testament
>Top 5 books of both Old and New Testaments
Explain why.
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In no particular order
>1 John
Butterfly only posts often when I post, it's very cute.
Old Testament
New Testament
The last one is a given. :3
>Butterfly only posts often when I post, it's very cute.
So still haven't given up then? I remember talking to you quite a bit a while ago. Are you just shitposting user?
As far as your judgements go I can understand all of your OT except for Esther, why pick her?
For NT I wonder why you pick acts and not Hebrews?
>The last one is a given. :3
Very true, but you missed the top 5 culmination of both books.
did people 2000 years ago copy art from 2000 years before their time like we do now?
yeah the romans copied their entire culture from ancient greece
Yes, the Egyptians.
Esther is an example of a woman using her charms to dominate men, even in ancient times. It serves as a lucid reminder of the power of seduction that women can use.
Acts is just absolutely amazing. It has miracles in it, like the Gospels, but also some important, very philanthropic, egalitarian philosophy in it as well.
I'd rather not say what Butterfly has done but she has done some things for me on here that make me want to stick around. Most women are like that, they'll do -something- just to drag you along (like Esther). She has done some amazing things, and these days to be quite honest she is not really negative towards me she just avoids me.
Eww yuck, why would anybody genuinely like this if they didn't have ulterior motives? Such as you being love stricken by butters or being genetically inferior.
That mentality has no parallels in real life though, no one thinks this way.
Perhaps if people in business or school or SOMEWHERE thought like you do Yea Forums would be a healthy place, full of interior mentalities reflected in real life.
But alas, I have literally never heard this uttered in real life so I must assume the person who has this sort of mentality is a neckbeard. Literally man, we are not all complete losers or retards on this site. ffs
Wasn't calling you inferior, was just giving it as an example why (along with you being love stricken) one may truly advocate for egalitarianism. Though it really is quite ironic for you to think I am a neckbeard if you new me in real life. That is because I'm 6 ft 3(maybe 4 I forget), blonde hair, blue eyes, Greek nose(though I admit it does have a bump then curve it still remains prominently Greek), prominent chin, strong jaw (it really is quite wide), etc. You get the pic I'm a good looking guy and I'm extroverted, charismatic and confident as well. Just was born lucky enough to be morphologically attractive as well as intelligent.
Though of course all these boons just come with being an Entp.
How is butters now anyway?
Oh please, you can have all of those things and still be a fucking loser.
Here is a protip buddy: in real life, nothing about how you look matters. It's about how you act given a certain circumstance. Having a mentality where you treat everyone (races, genders) around you as equal is not inferior, it's actually accepting of the fact that the past did not do everything -right- to these individuals, and if you do this while being a conservative that's even more of an intelligent position, being that you are making a statement: that both not everything new is good and not everything old.
In life, you want to make sure you do this sort of thing, kid, to make sure that people can see you have a discerning eye.
Butterfly loves me.
user, don't kid any further.
Morphological attraction makes up for a lot, mainly because this biological imperative of attraction is in turn based upon certain favourable genetic traits. As for example a strong and well defined Jaw is attractive to a woman because it is a testosterone marker, it represents high testosterone levels. Just as full and luscious lips are attractive on a woman because these fat deposits are oestrogen markers. Though like the jaw and any hormone marker if it is too extreme it looses its attractive virtue because it no longer represents a continual increase so as example that internet pic of the guy with the totally square face is not attractive any more even if he has a square jaw because it is beyond normal and starts to represents quality's one does not want. Simple traits such as height and strength (in a man) are implicit in the attractions reasoning. Then we go from the hormonal factors to the simple and now to the more complex such as facial angle, a protruding mouth (because of the shape of the skull) doesn't allow the brain to develop by pushing back on the pre-frontal cortex in its possible development. Just as our brains were able to grow larger when we could walk on two feet for our spine to hold our bigbrains. Reason why people don't find monkey faces, or nigger faces attractive because we can perceive them to be biologically inferior. Or the phenotype of act, how one walks, how one talks, how one generally acts is also an expression of certain genetic factors. Though of course because this also depends on experience it is less so an attraction of biological imperative; though of course it still exists which is the reason why men who strut and don't sit with their knees together are more attractive.
So you see user no one is ever truly equal though they can be in a mutually agreeing sense. Hegel's Zeitgeist and all (I hope you are familiar with what I am saying and understand it). Man is the mix between what he is, what he has been given, and his own ideal of what he wants to become.
>Butterfly loves me.
Also how do you know?
"God is beauty and Arno Breker is his Prophet."
>certain favourable genetic traits
Which literally don't exist.
I actually stopped reading here anyway, you are most likely single and I have a girlfriend. What does that say about you? :3
Also, confidence :3
Impossible for me to give top fives within the perfect word of God, but I'll give the 5 most underrated books in my view
>1/2 Samuel
>1 Peter
>2 Peter
And to sorta respond to OP I'll say that these have a special place in my heart
OT: Psalms, Isaiah, 1/2 Kings, 1/2 Samuel
NT: John, Acts, Romans, Hebrews, James
Psalms and Isaiah are just incredibly beautiful. They always put me in awe of God. Kings and Samuel tell stories that have always made me marvel at God's work in history, and at the divine beauty of human beings in contrast with the tragic sinful reality of their lives.
John reminds me that Christ is the complete essence of the Godhead embodied, and that in spite of (or because of) his divinity, the disciples were really his friends, and he cared about them as friends.
Acts is a reminder that the Gospel only travelled worldwide because of the Holy Spirit's constant intervening.
Romans is a robust philosophical work with hard sayings that attempts to express the tension between grace and obligation.
Hebrews helps me to really appreciate the unity of the OT and NT.
And I love James as a reminder of the immediate practical and ethical implications of my faith.
The Bible is great bros. I feel like the experience of reading it verifies the alien and holy origin of its contents.
>Which literally don't exist.
Scared? Are you saying intelligence isn't a favourable genetic trait? Are you saying height and strength isn't (for a man)? Are you saying wide hips aren't for a woman? Also I doubt your gf is attractive. Lastly yea I'm currently single but that's because I'm too popular, I date some attractive young filly and then dump her the next week. Long relationships only with women I love.
Not good enough, you can be confident in yourself while still knowing someone isn't interested in you.
>Also I doubt your gf is attractive
Her breasts are DD's, she is relatively skinny, works out every now and then, and has blonde hair.
>you can be confident in yourself while still knowing someone isn't interested in you.
But I'm telling you Butterfly is interested in me.
Has it ever occurred to you that someone with an egalitarian mindset could be very attractive themselves? That they just want everyone else who exists to have a good time?
What happened to you that you need to be such an asswipe, a shitstain on humanity? :3
Haven't read Psalms or Isaiah yet, quick rundown on them? Been wanting to read Psalms for a while but haven't Isaiah yet.
hmmm what do you mean? Also I mean attractive as in face, there's only so much a body can make up for and almost any woman can have a good body these days. Secondly I thought you were in love with Butters?
>But I'm telling you Butterfly is interested in me.
Never mind you'r not going to understand.
>Has it ever occurred to you that someone with an egalitarian mindset could be very attractive themselves?
Of course, and often that does happen. Mainly because the same reason rich whites are prop-immigration, pro-'blacks' so to speak, etc. Because they don't have to deal with them. But poor whites are always anti these things because they deal with these difficulty's on a daily basis. It's just a rich white person who is also aware of the truths of life has the best of both worlds. As with myself, I am both aware of the falsity of egalitarianism while also being a 'superior' person myself (forgive the egotistical phrasing).
>What happened to you that you need to be such an asswipe, a shitstain on humanity? :3
Nothing, just intelligent and had a good upbringing. Perhaps because I am the way I am that I more freely accept the falsity of egalitarianism, while being the way I am could also easily make me turn the other way unthinking.
Ahahahaha. Are you serious kid? Even if we were in love, there is no way anything can come of this. She is very reticent and reclusive, and she is very adamant about her sexuality.
I'm sure we both believe that homosexuality doesn't exist, and is inherently engineered by society. That I will agree with you on.
But for various reasons, I do not have anything against blacks. I have particular things against their 'collective' bargaining against the rest of humanity, which some of their politicians are prone to do. But I have nothing against blacks or women in general.
Anyway, women fall in love with men just like men fall in love with women. Maybe you wouldn't understand this, maybe you never will, but I have seen it a few times in my life. It happens, and it is beautiful when it does.
There are no genetic traits which are inherently superior. For instance, I don't need my girlfriend to work out all the time. She does it because she cares, like for instance we are going to the park today for a light workout, that's all we really need. As long as your diet is good that's all that really matters. :3
You are extremely naiive, and if I had to place an age I'd say 23
>I'm sure we both believe that homosexuality doesn't exist, and is inherently engineered by society. That I will agree with you on.
I agree that there is a very strong environmental factor and could possibly be reversed (hypothetically) however I don't think it is society, not any more. Maybe if you mean how faggy society is these days.
>But for various reasons, I do not have anything against blacks.
Collectively I think they are too inferior for white civilisation and should be left to their own. They were a mistake that should never of happened and I want fixed the quickest and most moral way possible. I don't want them nor my own people to suffer. I think there is more than enough evidence to suggest a disliking of blacks in white country's. And as far as women go I have nothing against either, however I am against how they are being raised to act is a society as degenerate as ours.
>Anyway, women fall in love with men just like men fall in love with women.
They do it differently but generally yes. And yes I can also relate to this, as well as love at first sight. Which I could write many posts on from the perspective of a poet, and the perspective of a psychologist.
>There are no genetic traits which are inherently superior.
*sigh* if I said more beneficial instead of superior could you meet me halfway?
>You are extremely naiive, and if I had to place an age I'd say 23
I'd want to be that young if I was still browsing this shit hole.
>in real life, nothing about how you look matters
You would do well to learn something today.
That has to do with shared BELIEFs, not physical traits :3